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词汇 bike


Word family nounbikerbikingbikewaybike
Related topics: Motor vehicles, Bicycles, carts, horses
bike1 /baɪk/ ●●● S2 noun [countableC]  
1 a bicycle 自行车,脚踏车,单车
 Let’s go for a bike ride.
by bike
 They’ll be coming by bike.
2. TTCTTB informal a motorcycle 摩托车
3. on your bike! British EnglishBrE spokenLEAVE A PLACE used to tell someone rudely to go away 滚开!
go somewhere by bike
I usually go to work by bike.
ride a bike
Her Dad taught her to ride a bike and to drive.
get on/off a bike
He got off his bike and walked with her for a while.
rent a bike (also hire a bike British EnglishBrE)
You can rent bikes and explore the island’s cycle paths.
types of bike
a mountain bike (=a strong bicycle for riding over rough ground)
They went out for a country ride on their mountain bikes.
a racing bike
He bought a cool new racing bike.
an exercise bike (=used for exercising indoors)
I usually go on the exercise bike and the rowing machine.
bike + NOUN
a bike ride
We used to go for long bike rides in the summer holidays.
a bike race
The Tour de France is a famous bike race.
a bike shed
They used to meet behind the bike sheds at school.
a bike rack (=a metal frame that you can attach your bike to)
All stations should provide bike racks for passengers.
nGRAMMAR: Patterns with bike
You say get on your bike:
We got on our bikes and went for a picnic.
You say get off your bike:
You have to get off your bike here.
You say that someone is on a bike:
You should always wear a helmet when you’re on a bike.
You go somewhere by bike:
We get to school by bike.
Don’t say: We get to school with a bike.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Bicycles, carts, horses
bike2 verb  
1 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] informalTTB to ride a bicycle 骑自行车[脚踏车,单车]
 She bikes to work every day.
2 [transitiveT] to take something to someone by motorcycle in order to get it there quickly 骑摩托车送
bike something over/round
 We’re late for our deadline. Can you bike the photos over to us?
Examples from the Corpus
Origin bike1
(1800-1900) bicycle




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