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词汇 support


Word family noun support supporter supportablenesssupportancesupportmentsupportresssupporturesupport groupadjective supportive supporting supportablesupportlessverb support adverbsupportably
Related topics: Computers
sup·port1 /səˈpɔːt $ -ɔːrt/ ●●● S2 W1 verb [transitiveT]  
1 agree and help 同意和帮助SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLAN to say that you agree with an idea, group, or person, and usually to help them because you want them to succeed 支持;赞成;拥护
 The bill was supported by a large majority in the Senate.
support somebody in (doing) something
 We need to support our teachers in their efforts to raise standards.
 We strongly support the peace process.
2 be kind to SB 对某人友善HELP to help someone by being sympathetic and kind to them during a difficult time in their life 支持,帮助,援助〔处于困难时期的人〕
 My wife supported me enormously.
3 provide money to live 提供生活费PAY FOR to provide enough money for someone to pay for all the things they need 供养,抚养
 I have a wife and two children to support.
support somebody by (doing) something
 She supports her family by teaching evening classes.
support yourself
 I have no idea how I am going to support myself.
4 give money to STH 给某事物出钱PAY FOR to give money to a group, organization, or event etc to encourage it or pay for its costs 出钱帮助,为提供资金,资助
 There are a handful of charities which I support regularly.
5 hold STH up 撑起某物SUPPORT/HOLD UP to hold the weight of something, keep it in place, or prevent it from falling 支撑,承受〔某物的重量〕
 The middle part of the bridge is supported by two huge towers.
 During sleep, our spine no longer needs to support the weight of our body.
support yourself (on something)
 I got to my feet, supporting myself on the side of the table.
6 prove STH 证明某事物PROVE if results, facts, studies etc support an idea or statement, they show or prove that it is correct 证明,证实
 The results support our original theory.
 There is little evidence to support such explanations.
7 sports team 体育运动队 British EnglishBrESUPPORT A TEAM OR PLAYER to like a particular sports team and go to watch the games they play 支持,喜欢
 Which team do you support?
 I’ve supported Liverpool all my life.
8 computers 计算机 to provide information and material to improve a computer program or system, or to make it keep working 支持
 I don’t think they support that version of the program anymore.
9 land 土地TA if land can support people or animals, it is of good enough quality to grow enough food for them to live 养活,维持
 This land can’t support many cattle.
10 water/air/earth/空气/土地 if water, air, or earth can support life, it is clean enough, has enough oxygen etc to keep animals or plants alive 维持的生存
 Because of pollution, this lake is now too acid to support fish.
 healthy soil that can support plant life
11 support a habit MDDto get money in order to pay for a bad habit, especially taking drugs 支付(不良)习惯的花费,用钱维持(不良)习惯〔尤指吸毒〕
 He turned to crime to support his habit.
Examples from the Corpus
to agree with and help somebody/something 赞成并支持某人/某事物
support to say that you agree with a person or idea, and usually help them because you want them to succeed 支持;赞成;拥护
We will support your decision.
Thanks to everyone who supported us throughout the trial.
nThe tsunami appeal was supported by thousands of people.
back to support a person or plan by providing money or practical help – used about governments or other powerful groups 资助,支持〔政府或其他权力团体〕
The £100 million scheme is backed by the British government.
nThe people backing him do not have the interests of the club at heart.
endorse to formally and officially say that you support a person, plan, or idea 正式赞同,支持
Agriculture ministers refused to endorse the Commission's proposals.
get behind somebody/something to support a person or plan and help them be successful – used especially about a group of people 支持某人/某事物〔尤指一群人〕
The England fans really got behind the team.
n I really believe in this initiative, but it was hard to find business people who were willing to get behind it.
nThe police can't do anything unless the public gets behind them.
stand up for somebody/something to say that you support someone or something when they are being attacked 保卫[维护]某人/某事物
You were the only person who stood up for me at the meeting.
He stood up for what he believed in.
side with somebody to support one of the people or groups involved in an argument – used especially when you disapprove of this or think it is unfair 〔在争论中〕支持某人,站在某人一边〔尤用作贬义〕
I felt she was siding with her mother rather than standing up for me.
The jury often side with the defendant in these situations.
nto stop something from falling
support to hold the weight of something and stop it from falling
The branch was too weak to support his weight.
The ceiling was supported by huge stone columns.
Her body was so weak that she had to be supported by two nurses.
hold up to stop something from falling
These poles hold up the outer part of the tent.
His trousers were held up by an old piece of string.
prop up to stop something from falling by putting something against it or under it
The builders have propped up the walls with steel beams.
carry to support the weight of someone or something – used about something supporting several people, vehicles etc
The bridge could only carry up to two cars at a time.
The lift can carry up to 12 people.
hold to be strong enough to support the weight of someone or something
Are you sure the branch will hold both of us?
She prayed that the roof would hold her weight as she crawled along it.
bear literary or technical to hold the weight of something
The truck did not look strong enough to bear the weight of all those people.
a load-bearing wall
take somebody's/something's weight to be strong enough to support the weight of someone or something
His damaged leg would not take his weight.
Any large mirrors should have additional support to take their weight.
Make sure you choose a pole that will take the weight of your curtains.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Computers
support2 ●●● S2 W1 noun  
1 approval 赞同 [uncountableU]SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLAN approval, encouragement, and perhaps help for a person, idea, plan etc 支持;拥护;赞同
 Local people have given us a lot of support in our campaign.
support for
 There was widespread support for the war.
in support
 They signed a petition in support of the pay claim.
support of
 He had the full support of the general committee.
2 sympathy/help 同情/帮助 [uncountableU]HELP sympathy and help that you give to someone who is in a difficult situation or who is very unhappy 同情;鼓励;帮助
 I couldn’t have made it through those times without the support of my boyfriend Rob.
3 money [uncountableU] money that you give a person, group, organization etc to help pay for their costs 资助;赞助
 The European Union is considering whether to provide financial support for the expedition.
with somebody’s support
 With your support, we can help these youngsters.
4 holding STH up 撑起某物 [countableC, uncountableU]SUPPORT/HOLD UP something that presses on something else to hold it up or in position 支撑物;支柱;支架;支座
 The roof may need extra support.
 the wooden supports of the bridge
for support
 She grabbed at his shoulders for support.
5 proof 证据 [uncountableU] facts that show that an idea or statement is correct 证明,证据
support for
 My own research provides some support for this view.
6 computers 计算机 [uncountableU] the help or information that you receive to improve a computer system, make it continue working, or use it correctly 支持
 our technical support team
7 concert/performance 音乐会/表演 [uncountableU] a band, singer, or performer that performs for a short time at the same concert as a more famous and popular band etc 助演乐队;助演歌手
 We played support to a band called Shallow.
 the support band
 the support act (=the support band)
8 soldiers 士兵 [uncountableU] help or protection that is given by one group of soldiers to another group who are fighting in a battle 〔战争中的〕支援
 logistical support
air/ground support (=help or protection that comes from people in aircraft or people on the ground) 空中/地面支援
9 for part of body 用于身体部位 [countableC]MD something that you wear to hold a weak or damaged part of your body in the right place 〔用以支撑身体的虚弱或受伤部位的〕支持 器,托
back/neck/knee etc support 护背/颈托/护膝等
child support, income support, life support system, → moral support at moral1(3)
have support 获得支持
The extreme right-wing parties don’t have much popular support.
give (your) support (also lend (your) support formal) 给予支持
The American people gave him their enthusiastic support.
nThe naturalist Sir David Attenborough has lent his support to the campaign.
pledge/offer (your) support (=say that you will support someone or something) 承诺/给予支持
Both the opposition parties pledged full support for the new administration.
get/draw support 获得/取得支持
The plan drew wide support from parents.
win/gain/attract support 赢得/获得/吸引到支持
Try to win the support of local shopkeepers.
enjoy/command support formal (=have support) 拥有/值得支持
His views were too extreme to command general support.
drum up/rally support (=get people’s support by making an effort) 竭力争取到支持
nBoth sides have been drumming up support through the internet.
enlist somebody’s support formal (=ask for and get their support) 谋求某人的支持
nHe wrote to the prime minister in an attempt to enlist his support.
mobilize support (=get people to support something in an active way) 动员支持
nPart of their mission was to mobilize popular support for Franco.
build (up) support (=increase it) 增加支持
nNow he needs to build his support by explaining what he believes in.
withdraw support (=no longer support) 撤回支持
He's decided to withdraw his support for the project.
public/popular support 公众支持
There seemed to be no popular support for war.
widespread/wide/general support 广泛/普遍的支持
There is widespread support for the Government’s proposal.
strong support 大力的支持
A survey found strong support for the project among hospital staff.
massive support 极大的支持
We have massive public support.
somebody’s full support 某人的全力支持
That view deserves the full support of all farmers.
whole-hearted/enthusiastic support 全心全意的/热情的支持
I want you to know that you have my whole-hearted support.
active support (=approval and help) 积极支持
nLes, with the active support of his wife Pam, has spent several years compiling a list of the prisoners.
unanimous support (=when all members of a group support something) 一致的支持
nThere was nearly unanimous support for the proposal.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
supportsup·port1 /səˈpɔːt-ɔːrt/ verb [transitiveT]
1to provide enough money for something to begin or continue
Community funds will be available to support the plan.
2to show you agree with a person or group of people, or their ideas, plans etc
10 countries indicated they would support a suspension of production quotas.
Most lawmakersstrongly support governmentalpolicy.
Sony issued a statement supporting the chief executive.
3to help a system continue to work properly
The company will provide equipment tosupport the complex electronicssystems.
A Group of Seven move to support the dollar had been disappointing.
4to show or prove that something is true or correct
We’ve got a good, solid defense case supported by clinical research.
Many economists believe the economic recovery will be slow, and yesterday’sdata supported that view.
supportsupport2 noun [uncountableU]
1money or other help given to someone or something
The young entrepreneur had approached the bank several times forfinancial support.
Developing countries will requiretechnical support.
price support
2approval and encouragement for a person or group of people, or their ideas, plans etc
The striking workers have key support from their labor unions.
The rate cut foundwidespread support within Japan.
support for something
Shareholders believe there is adequatesupport for theproposal.
in support of something
Many financial services companies are lobbying in support of the new laws.
Origin support1
(1300-1400) Old French supporter, from Latin supportare to carry, from sub- ( → SUB-) + portare to carry




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