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词汇 stuff


Word family adjectivestuffedstuffynounstufferstuffinessstuffingstuffed shirtstuffadverbstuffily
stuff1 /stʌf/ ●●● S1 W3 noun [uncountableU]  
1 things 事物 informalSUBSTANCE used when you are talking about things such as substances, materials, or groups of objects when you do not know what they are called, or it is not important to say exactly what they are 东西;物品〔用于事物名称不详或不重要时〕
 I’ve got some sticky stuff on my shoe.
 How do you think you’re going to fit all that stuff into the car?
 I felt sorry for the ones who had to eat the awful stuff.
 Where’s all the camping stuff?
2 somebody’s stuff informal the things that belong to someone 某人的物品,某人的所有物
 Did you get the rest of your stuff?
Examples from the Corpus
3 activities/ideas 活动/想法 informal used when talking about different activities, subjects, or ideas, when you do not say exactly what these are 活动,事情
 What kind of stuff do you like to read?
 I’ve got so much stuff to do this weekend.
 There’s a lot of interesting stuff in this book.
 He’s talked to me about all that stuff too.
 He does mountain biking and skiing, and stuff like that.
4 work/art 作品/艺术 informal used when you are talking about what someone has done or made, for example writing, music, or art 作品;乐曲;艺术
 I don’t like his stuff.
 John Lee was getting ready to play his stuff.
 He did some great stuff in his early films.
good stuff British EnglishBrE (=used to tell someone that their work is good) 优秀作品
 This is good stuff.
5 ... and stuff spoken informal used to say that there are other things similar to what you have just mentioned, but you are not going to say what they are 之类的东西
 There’s some very good music there, CD systems and stuff, and laser disks.
6 the (very) stuff of dreams/life/politics XXexactly the kind of thing that dreams etc consist of /生活/政治的内容
 an enchanting place – the very stuff of dreams
Examples from the Corpus
7 character 性格CHARACTER/PERSONALITY the qualities of someone’s character 〔某人的〕本质,品质
 Does he have the right stuff (=qualities that make you able to deal with difficulties)?
 Surely you’re not going to give up? I thought you were made of sterner stuff (=were more determined).
你总不会要放弃吧? 我原以为你很坚强。
8 do/show your stuff informalSHOW OFF to do what you are good at when everyone wants you to do it 拿出自己的本领,显身手
 Come on Gina, get on the dance floor and do your stuff!
Examples from the Corpus
bit of stuff at bit1(14), → kid’s stuff at kid1(4), → know your stuff at know1(5), → strut your stuff at strut1(2)
Stuff is an uncountable noun and has no plural form. Use a singular verb after it. stuff是不可数名词,没有复数形式,后接单数动词
Most of my stuff is still in packing cases.
nGRAMMAR: Comparison
Stuff is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural. You say:
The shop sells all kinds of stuff.
Don’t say: The shop sells all kind of stuffs.
Foodstuff is a countable noun and is often used in the plural:
The country has to import basic foodstuffs such as rice.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Cooking
stuff2 ●●○ verb [transitiveT]  
1 push [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]PUSH to push or put something into a small space, especially in a quick careless way 填,塞 SYN shove
stuff something into/in/up something
 She stuffed two more sweaters into her bag.
see thesaurus at push
2 fill 装满FULL to fill something until it is full 填满,装满
 Volunteers were busy stuffing envelopes.
be stuffed with something
 a pillow stuffed with feathers
 boxes stuffed full of papers
see thesaurus at fill
3. food 食物DFC to fill a chicken, pepper etc with a mixture of bread or rice, onion etc before cooking it 给〔鸡、甜椒等〕填馅,填料于〔食物〕
4 dead animal 死的动物TIC to fill the skin of a dead animal in order to make the animal look still alive 填塞〔动物尸体〕以制作标本
 a stuffed owl
5 stuff yourself  (also stuff your face) informalEAT to eat so much food that you cannot eat anything else 吃饱,吃足
stuff yourself with
 The kids have been stuffing themselves with candy.
Examples from the Corpus
6 get stuffed British EnglishBrE spokenREJECT/NOT ACCEPT used to tell someone very rudely and angrily that you do not want to talk to them or accept their offer 走开,不要烦了,去你的吧〔以非常粗鲁和生气的语气表示不想与某人交谈或拒绝接受某人的提议〕
 He only offered me £10 for it, so I told him to get stuffed.
Examples from the Corpus
7 somebody can stuff something spokenWANT# used to say very angrily or rudely that you do not want what someone is offering 让某人的某物见鬼去吧〔非常气愤或粗鲁地表示不接受某人给的东西〕
 ‘All right. You can stuff your money!’ Reynolds exploded.
得了。 让你的钱见鬼去吧!雷诺兹勃然大怒道。
8 stuff it spoken used to say angrily or rudely that you do not care about something or do not want something 管他呢,去他的〔气愤或粗鲁地表示不在乎或不想要〕
 I thought, stuff it, I’ll do what I want.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin stuff1
(1300-1400) Old French estoffe, from estoffer to provide with things needed




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