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词汇 stud


Word family adjectivestuddedstudlynounstuddingstudworkstudbookstudfarmstud muffinstud
Related topics: Animals, Sport, Clothes, Jewellery, Clothes & fashion
stud /stʌd/ noun  
1 animal 动物 [countableC, uncountableU]HBA the use of animals, especially horses, for breeding, an animal that is used in this way, or a place where this is done 种畜;种马;种畜场;种马场
 a stud dog
2. man 男人 [countableC] informalSYSEX/HAVE SEX WITH a man who has a lot of sexual partners and who is very proud of his sexual ability 风流男子,乱搞性关系的男人
3. on shoes 在鞋上 [countableC] British EnglishBrEDSDCC one of a set of small pointed pieces of metal or plastic that are attached to the bottom of a running shoe, football boot etc to stop you from slipping 〔跑鞋、足球鞋等鞋底的〕鞋钉,防滑钉
4. in your ear 在耳朵上 [countableC]DCJ a small round earring 圆形小耳环,螺栓式耳环,耳钉
5. for decoration 装饰用的 [countableC]DC a round piece of metal that is stuck into a surface for decoration 饰钉,大头钉
6. for a shirt 供衬衫用 [countableC]DC a small thing for fastening a shirt or collar, that consists of two round flat pieces of metal joined together by a bar 领扣,揿扣,摁扣5 see picture at 见图 button1
7. board [countableC] American EnglishAmETBC a board that is used to make the frame of a house 板墙筋,壁骨;立柱
Examples from the Corpus
Origin stud
1. Old English stod
2. Old English studu




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