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词汇 stroke


Word family adjectivestrokeablenounstrokerstrokestroking
Related topics: Illness & disability, Swimming, Other sports, Sport
stroke1 /strəʊk $ stroʊk/ ●●○ S3 noun [countableC]  
1 illness 疾病MI if someone has a stroke, an artery (=tube carrying blood) in their brain suddenly bursts or becomes blocked, so that they may die or be unable to use some muscles 中风,卒中,脑卒中
 She died following a massive stroke.
have/suffer a stroke
 I looked after my father after he had a stroke.
 a stroke patient
2 swimming/rowing 游泳/划船
a) DSSone of a set of movements in swimming or rowing in which you move your arms or the oar forward and then back 〔游泳或划船的〕一次划水
 She swam with strong steady strokes.
b) DSSDSOa style of swimming or rowing 〔游泳的〕游法;〔划船的〕划法
 the breast stroke
3 sport 体育运动DS the action of hitting the ball in games such as tennis, golf, and cricket 〔网球、高尔夫球、板球等的〕击球;一击,一抽
 a backhand stroke
4 pen/brush 钢笔/毛笔
a) AVWRITEa single movement of a pen or brush when you are writing or painting 〔书写或绘画时的〕一挥,挥笔动作
 A few strokes of her pen brought out his features clearly.
b) AVWRITELINEa line made by a pen or brush 一笔,一画;笔画
 the thick downward strokes of the characters
5 at a/one stroke with a single sudden action 一举,一下子
 At one stroke, the country lost two outstanding leaders.
Examples from the Corpus
6 on the stroke of seven/nine etc EXACTTIME/AT A PARTICULAR TIMEat exactly seven o’clock etc 七点整/九点整等
 She arrived home on the stroke of midnight.
她午夜 12 点整才到家。
 The only goal of the match came on the stroke of half time.
Examples from the Corpus
7 stroke of luck/fortune LUCKYsomething lucky that happens to you unexpectedly 意外的好运/运气
 In a stroke of luck, a suitable organ donor became available.
Examples from the Corpus
8 stroke of genius/inspiration etc IDEAa very good idea about what to do to solve a problem 聪明之举/巧妙的主意等
 It was a stroke of genius to film the movie in Toronto.
Examples from the Corpus
9 hit,HIT an action of hitting someone with something such as a whip or thin stick 一击,一抽
 He cried out at each stroke of the whip.
10 a movement of your hand 手的动作TOUCH a gentle movement of your hand over something 轻抚,抚摸
 I gave her hair a gentle stroke.
11 with/at a stroke of the pen SIGN YOUR NAMEif someone in authority does something with a stroke of the pen, they sign an official document to make a decision with important and serious results 大笔一挥〔签署重要文件〕
 He had the power to order troops home with a stroke of his pen.
Examples from the Corpus
12. not do a stroke (of work) British EnglishBrE informalWORK HARD# to not do any work at all 什么(工作)也不做
13. stroke of lightning HEMa bright flash of lightning, especially one that hits something 〔尤指击中某物的〕闪电一击
14. clock/bell 时钟/TIME/WHAT TIME IS IT a single sound made by a clock giving the hours, or by a bell, gong etc 〔时钟、铃、锣等报时的〕一次鸣响,敲击声
15 put somebody off their stroke British EnglishBrE informalATTENTION to make someone stop giving all their attention to what they are doing 使某人分心
 Seeing Frank watching me put me off my stroke.
16 in numbers 在数字中 British EnglishBrEHMN used when you are saying a number written with the mark (/) in it 斜线(号) SYN slash
 The serial number is seventeen stroke one (=17/1).
序列号是 17/1
have/suffer a stroke
My father had a stroke.
a stroke leaves somebody paralysed (=someone can no longer move as the result of a stroke)
Two years later she had a stroke which left her paralysed.
a massive/major stroke (=one that has very bad effects)
Her brother has just died of a massive stroke.
a minor/mild stroke (=one that does not have very bad effects)
She had a minor stroke five years ago.
a fatal stroke (=one that kills someone)
He suffered a fatal stroke in April.
stroke + NOUN
a stroke patient/victim
Some stroke victims recover fully.
Examples from the Corpus
stroke2 ●●○ verb [transitiveT]  
1 stroke.jpg TOUCHto move your hand gently over something 轻抚,抚摸
 He reached out and stroked her cheek tenderly.
see thesaurus at touch5 see picture at 见图 pat1
2 [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]MOVE something OR somebody to move something somewhere with gentle movements of your hand 用手轻轻地移动〔某物〕
 He lifted her face and stroked her hair from her eyes.
3 [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to hit or kick a ball with a smooth movement in games such as tennis, golf, and cricket 〔网球、高尔夫球、板球等中〕轻触,轻击
 He stroked the ball into an empty net, with a minute to go.
4. stroke somebody’s ego to say nice things to someone to make them feel good, especially because you want something from them 拍某人马屁,对某人阿谀奉承
Examples from the Corpus
Origin stroke1
(1200-1300) Probably from an unrecorded Old English strac
1. Old English stracian
2. (1900-2000) → STROKE1

n COLLOCATIONS1stroke2 verb




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