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词汇 strike


Word family noun strike striker strikingnessstrikebreakerstrikebreakingstrike payadjective striking strikeboundverb strike adverb strikingly
strike1 /straɪk/ ●●● S3 W3 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp struck /strʌk/)  
1 hit, [transitiveT] writtenHIT/BUMP INTO to hit or fall against the surface of something 打,击,撞
 She fell heavily, striking her head against the side of the boat.
 A snowball struck him on the back of the head.
 Several cars were struck by falling trees.
 The last rays of the setting sun struck the windows.
In everyday English, people usually say hit rather than strike: 在日常英语中,人们通常说 hit ,而不说 strike
I hit my head on the shelf.
He was hit by a rock.
2 hit with hand/weapon etc 用手/武器等打击 [transitiveT] formalHIT to deliberately hit someone or something with your hand or a weapon 〔用手或武器〕打,击
 She struck him hard across the face.
strike something with something
 The victim had been struck with some kind of wooden implement.
 Paul struck him a blow to the head.
 The assassin’s bullet struck home (=hit exactly where it should).
see thesaurus at hit
3 thought/idea 想法/主意 [transitiveT]THINK something/HAVE A THOUGHT if something strikes you, you think of it, notice it, or realize that it is important, interesting, true etc 突然出现〔在脑子里〕,突然被意识到[想到]
 A rather worrying thought struck me.
 The first thing that struck me was the fact that there were no other women present.
it strikes somebody (that)
 It struck her that losing the company might be the least of her worries.
be struck by something
 You can’t help being struck by her kindness.
nGRAMMAR: Using the progressive
Strike is not used in the progressive in this meaning. You say:
It strikes me that they are similar.
Don’t say: It is striking me that they are similar.
4 strike somebody as (being) something SEEMto seem to have a particular quality or feature 给某人以某种印象
 His jokes didn’t strike Jack as being very funny.
it strikes somebody as strange/odd etc that
 It struck me as odd that the man didn’t introduce himself before he spoke.
Examples from the Corpus
5 stop work 罢工 [intransitiveI]STOP WORKING/GO ON STRIKE if a group of workers strike, they stop working as a protest against something relating to their work, for example how much they are paid, bad working conditions etc 罢工
 In many countries, the police are forbidden to strike.
strike for
 They’re striking for the right to have their trade union recognized in law.
6 attack 袭击 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]ATTACK to attack someone, especially suddenly 猛然攻击,突然袭击
 The killer might strike again.
 Guerrillas struck a UN camp, killing 75.
 Opponents of the war say that civilian villages have been struck several times.
7 harm 伤害 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to damage or harm someone or something 伤害;危害
strike at
 The law would strike at the most basic of civil rights.
 Such prejudices strike right at the heart of any notions of a civilized society.
strike a blow at/against/to something
 The scandal seemed to have struck a mortal blow to the government’s chances of re-election.
8 STH bad happens 不好的事发生 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]HAPPEN if something bad strikes, it suddenly happens or suddenly begins to affect someone 突然发生〔某种不幸〕;突然对(某人)有坏的影响
 The plague struck again for the third time that century.
 Everything seemed to be going fine when suddenly disaster struck.
strickensee thesaurus at happen
9 strike a balance (between something) EQUALto give the correct amount of importance or attention to two separate things 之间达到平衡,两者兼顾
 He was finding it difficult to strike a balance between his family and his work.
 It isn’t always easy to strike the right balance.
Examples from the Corpus
10 strike a bargain/deal AGREEto agree to do something for someone if they do something for you 达成协议/交易
 There are rumors that the president struck a private deal with the corporation’s chairman.
Examples from the Corpus
11 strike a happy/cheerful/cautious etc note EXPRESSto express a particular feeling or attitude 表达出高兴/振奋/谨慎等的感情[态度]
 The article struck a conciliatory note.
 Moderate Republicanism appeared to strike exactly the right note with the voters (=be what the people wanted).
Examples from the Corpus
12 strike a chord AGREEto say or do something that other people agree with or have sympathy with 引起共鸣,打动
strike a chord with
 Their story is bound to strike a chord with all parents.
Examples from the Corpus
13. strike a match LIGHTto produce a flame from a match by rubbing it hard across a rough surface 划火柴
Examples from the Corpus
14 strike gold/oil etc FIND
to find a supply of gold, oil etc in the ground or under the sea 〔尤指经过挖掘〕找到黄金/石油等
 If they strike oil, drilling will begin early next year.
Examples from the Corpus
15 strike gold informal to do something that makes you a lot of money 发大财,暴富
 Jackie eventually struck gold with her third novel.
Examples from the Corpus
16 lightning 闪电 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DAMAGE if lightning strikes something, it hits and damages it 〔闪电〕击中,击毁
 The temple burned down after it was struck by lightning last year.
lightning never strikes twice at lightning1
17 strike a blow for somebody/something HELPto do something to help achieve a principle or aim 维护某人/某事物
 It’s time we struck a blow for women’s rights.
Examples from the Corpus
18 be within striking distance NEAR
a) to be close enough to reach a place easily 〔某地〕近在咫尺
 By now, they were within striking distance of the shore.
b) to be very close to achieving something 非常靠近 〔某物〕;即将实现〔某目标〕
 The French team are within striking distance of the world record.
Examples from the Corpus
19. strike it rich RICHto suddenly make a lot of money 暴富
Examples from the Corpus
20 strike it lucky British EnglishBrE to be very lucky, especially when you were not expecting to 交好运
 We struck it lucky in Bangkok, where we were told there were some extra seats on the plane that night.
Examples from the Corpus
21 clock 时钟 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]TIME/WHAT TIME IS IT if a clock strikes one, two, six etc, its bell makes a sound once, twice, six etc times according to what time it is 敲(钟),报(时)
 The church clock began to strike twelve.
strike the hour (=strike when it is exactly one o'clock, two o'clock etc) 整点报时
22 gain advantage 获得优势 [intransitiveI]ADVANTAGE to do something that gives you an advantage over your opponent in a fight, competition etc 〔在争斗、竞争等中〕取得先机
 Brazil struck first with a goal in the third minute.
23 strike home EFFECT/INFLUENCEif something that you say strikes home, it has exactly the effect on someone that you intended 产生预期的效果
 She saw the emotion in her father’s face and knew her words had struck home.
Examples from the Corpus
24 strike terror/fear into somebody’s heart FRIGHTENEDto make someone feel very frightened 使某人感到恐惧/害怕
 The word ‘cancer’ still strikes terror into many hearts.
Examples from the Corpus
25 strike a pose/attitude STANDto stand or sit with your body in a particular position 以某种姿势站[];摆姿势
 Malcolm struck his usual pose: hands in pockets, shoulders hunched.
马尔科姆摆出惯常的姿势: 双手插在口袋里,耸起双肩。
Examples from the Corpus
26. be struck dumb SAY#to suddenly be unable to talk, usually because you are very surprised or shocked 〔通常因为吃惊或震惊而〕说不出话来 dumbstruck
Examples from the Corpus
27 be struck with horror/terror/awe etc to suddenly feel very afraid, shocked etc 突然感到惊恐/恐惧/敬畏等
 As she began to speak to him, she was struck with shyness.
28. strike while the iron is hot CHANCE/OPPORTUNITYto do something immediately rather than waiting until a later time when you are less likely to succeed 趁热打铁,把握时机行事
Examples from the Corpus
29 strike somebody dead to kill someone 杀死某人
 May God strike me dead if I’m telling a lie!
30strike back phrasal verbphr v ATTACKto attack or criticize someone who attacked or criticized you first 回击,反击
 We instruct our staff never to strike back, however angry they feel.
 The prime minister immediately struck back at his critics.
Examples from the Corpus
31strike somebody ↔ down phrasal verbphr v 
a) KILLto kill someone or make them extremely ill 使丧命;使病倒
 Over 50 nurses at the clinic have been struck down with a mystery virus.
 They would rob the bodies of those struck down in battle.
Strike down is usually passive in this meaning.
b) HIT formal to hit someone so hard that they fall down 击倒〔某人〕
c) law to say that a law, decision etc is illegal and officially end it 〔宣称某法规、决定等为非法而〕废除,取消
Examples from the Corpus
32strike somebody/something ↔ off phrasal verbphr v 
a) be struck off British EnglishBrELEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATION if a doctor, lawyer etc is struck off, their name is removed from the official list of people who are allowed to work as doctors, lawyers etc 〔医生、律师等〕被除名
b) to remove someone or something from a list 〔从名单上〕删除
 Terri was told to strike off the names of every person older than 30.
Examples from the Corpus
33.strike on/upon something phrasal verbphr v FIND formal to discover something or have a good idea about something 发现;想出 be struck on somebody/something at struck2
Examples from the Corpus
34strike out phrasal verbphr v 
a) to attack or criticize someone suddenly or violently 突然攻击;猛烈抨击
 Unhappy young people will often strike out at the people closest to them.
b) strike something ↔ outLINE to draw a line through something written on a piece of paper 划掉,删去,涂掉
c) [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]GO to start walking or swimming in a particular direction, especially in a determined way 〔朝某方向〕坚定地走去[游去]
 She struck out for the side of the pool.
d) strike out on your ownSTART DOING somethingINDEPENDENT PERSON to start doing something or living independently 开始独立做某事;开始独立生活
e) DSBto not hit the ball in baseball three times, so that you are not allowed to continue trying, or to make someone do this 〔棒球〕(使)三振出局,三击不中出局
strike somebody ↔ out
 He struck out the first batter he faced.
f) American EnglishAmE informalFAIL to not be successful at something 不成功,失败
 ‘Did she say she’d go out with you?’ ‘No, I struck out.’
g) strike something ↔ out law to say officially that something cannot be considered as proof in a court of law 宣布某事物不能成为证据
Examples from the Corpus
35strike up phrasal verbphr v 
a) strike up a friendship/relationship/conversation etcFRIENDLY to start to become friendly with someone, to start talking to them, etc 建立友谊/建立关系/交谈起来等
 I struck up a conversation with the girl sitting next to me.
b) strike up (something)APM to begin playing a piece of music 开始演奏(乐曲)
 The band struck up a tango.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Gas, coal, oil, Other sports
strike2 ●●● S3 W2 noun  
1 not working 不工作 [countableC, uncountableU]STOP WORKING/GO ON STRIKE a period of time when a group of workers deliberately stop working because of a disagreement about pay, working conditions etc 罢工;罢市
 The government has promised that the army will be called in to help if there is a firemen’s strike.
strike by
 a six-week strike by railway workers
strike over
 a strike over pay cuts
strike against
 a national strike against mine closures
2 attack 打击,攻击 [countableC]ATTACK a military attack, especially by planes dropping bombs 军事打击〔尤指空袭〕
strike against/on
 a surprise air strike on military targets
 American aircraft carriers have launched several strikes.
first strike
3 discovery 发现 [countableC usually singular]TPG the discovery of something valuable under the ground 〔地下珍贵东西的〕意外发现
 an oil strike
4 two/three strikes against somebody/something American EnglishAmE a condition or situation that makes it extremely difficult for someone or something to be successful 某人/某事处于十分不利的地位;某人/某事很难获得成功
 Children from poor backgrounds have two strikes against them by the time they begin school.
Examples from the Corpus
5. baseball 棒球 [countableC] an attempt to hit the ball in baseball that fails, or a ball that is thrown to the batter in the correct area but is not hit 〔棒球〕击球未中;好球
6. bowling 保龄球DSO [countableC] a situation in bowling in which you knock down all the pins (=bottle-shaped objects) with a ball on your first attempt 〔保龄球〕一击全倒,全中
hunger strike, lightning strike
be (out) on strike 在罢工
Teachers are on strike again this week.
go on strike/come out on strike (=start a strike) 举行罢工
An estimated 70,000 public sector workers went on strike.
begin a strike 开始罢工
Dock workers began a 24-hour strike last night.
call a strike (=tell people to strike) 号召举行罢工
The union threatened to call a strike.
stage a strike (=organize a short strike) 组织罢工
Health workers will stage a two-day strike next week.
end/call off a strike (=decide not to continue with it) 结束罢工
nThe strike was called off two days later.
break a strike (=force workers to end it) 强迫结束罢工
nAttempts to break the strike failed.
a one-day/two-week etc strike 为期一天的/两周等的罢工
A three-day strike is planned for next week.
an indefinite strike (=with no end planned) 无限期罢工
Workers at the processing plant have begun an indefinite strike.
na long strike
Most teachers wouldn’t be in favour of a long strike.
a general strike (=when workers from most industries strike) 总罢工,大罢工
They threatened to call a general strike.
a national/nationwide strike (=all over the country) 全国性罢工
nIn April 1984 the National Union of Mineworkers called a national strike.
nan all-out strike British EnglishBrE (=when all the workers in a factory, industry etc strike)
The dockers voted for an all-out strike.
a rail/coal/postal etc strike (=affecting the rail/coal etc industry) 铁路/煤矿/邮政等工人罢工
nA rail strike would cause enormous public inconvenience.
a miners’/teachers’/pilots’ etc strike (=by miners, teachers etc) 矿工罢工/教师罢课/飞行员罢飞等
nThe transport workers’ strike inflicted serious damage on the economy.
an unofficial strike (=not organized by a trade union) 非正式罢工,非工会支持的罢工
nSome workers had been sacked for taking part in unofficial strikes.
a wildcat strike (=without any warning) 突发的罢工
nLegislation to curb wildcat strikes will be introduced during the coming parliamentary session.
nan all-out strike (=in which all the workers have stopped working completely)
The company faces an all-out strike next month.
na bitter strike (=with angry feelings between workers and managers)
The miners finally returned to work at the end of a long, bitter strike.
na damaging/crippling strike (=having a bad effect on an industry)
The company now faces the prospect of a crippling strike.
strike + NOUN
strike action (=a strike) 罢工行动
Hospital workers have voted in favour of strike action.
a strike call (=when a group asks people to strike) 举行罢工的号召
nThe ANC estimated that more than 4,000,000 people heeded its strike call.
a strike ballot British EnglishBrE (=when workers vote on whether to strike) 决定是否罢工的投票
nThe union is going to hold a strike ballot.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘go on a strike’. Say go on strike.
不要说go on a strike 而要说 go on strike
strike [countableC] a period of time when a group of workers stop working because of a disagreement about pay, working conditions etc
A teachers’ strike has been announced for next week.
The rail strike has resulted in major delays on roads across the country.
industrial action [uncountableU] British EnglishBrE activities such as strikes, or doing less work than usual, as a way of trying to persuade an employer to improve pay, conditions etc
Lecturers voted to take industrial action over their workload.
Prison officers have threatened industrial action.
stoppage [countableC] British EnglishBrE, work stoppage American EnglishAmE a short strike, especially one that lasts for one day
Customs officers will return to work today after a twenty-four hour stoppage.
go-slow [countableC] British EnglishBrE a period of time when a group of workers deliberately work more slowly than usual as a way of protesting about pay, conditions etc
The hospital go-slow comes into effect tomorrow.
The union carried out strikes and go-slows in support of a wage claim.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
strikestrike1 /straɪk/ noun [countableC]HUMAN RESOURCES
a period of time during which a group of workers deliberately stop working because of a disagreement about pay, working conditions etc (strike2)
a one-day postal strike
Female staff have gone on strike for equal pay.
Staff held a two-hour strike.
Lorry drivers have been on strike for three weeks.
An industrial dispute British EnglishBrE/labour dispute British EnglishBrE/labor dispute American EnglishAmE is a disagreement between managers and workers of a company, sometimes resulting in a strike. If workers want to protest against their employer, they may take various forms of industrial action, such as going on strike or striking, a go slow (=when workers deliberately work as slowly as possible), or working to rule British EnglishBrE/working to contract American EnglishAmE (=doing their job less quickly or effectively than normal, but without breaking the employer’s rules or the terms of their contract). A walkout is an occasion when workers stop working and leave their office or factory as a protest. A lock-out is when people are prevented from entering their place of work until they have agreed to accept the conditions set down by their employer. During a strike, there is often a picket line (=group of workers) who stand outside the factory or place where they work in order to protest about something and to ask other people not to go to work. In the UK, if workers in one factory or company strike to support the striking workers in a different factory or company, this is known as secondary action, which has been illegal since 1980.
all-out strike general strike lightning strike official strike sit-down strike sympathy strike token strike unofficial strike wildcat strike
strikestrike2 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp struck /strʌk/)
1[intransitiveI]HUMAN RESOURCES to deliberately stop working for a time because of a disagreement about pay, working conditions etc
In many countries, police officers are forbidden to strike.
strike for
Dock workers are striking for more pay.
2strike a deal/bargainCOMMERCE to make an agreement with someone
The US and China have recently struck a deal over trade.
He was trying to strike a deal with an American corporation to build a hotel in the mountains.
3strike gold/oil etc to suddenly find gold, oil etc, especially after you have been looking for it for some time
strike off
strike out
Origin strike1
Old English strican to touch lightly, go





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