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词汇 step


Word family nounstepperstep aerobicsstep changestepdancerstepdancingstepladderstepping-stonestepadverbstepwise
Related topics: Buildings, Dance, Other sports, Music
step1 /step/ ●●● S2 W1 noun   steppe
1 movement 移动 [countableC]WALK the movement you make when you put one foot in front of or behind the other when walking 脚步,步
 a video of baby’s first steps
 He took one step and fell.
step back/forwards/towards etc
 Tom took a step back and held the door open.
 I had to retrace my steps (=go back the way I came) several times before I found the shop.
2 action 动作,行动 [countableC]DO something/TAKE ACTIONPROGRESS one of a series of things that you do in order to deal with a problem or to succeed 〔一系列行动中的〕步骤;措施
step in (doing) something
 This is the first step in reforming the welfare system.
step to do something
 The president took immediate steps to stop the fighting.
step towards
 an important step towards peace
3 in a process 在过程中 [countableC]PROGRESS a stage in a process, or a position on a scale 阶段;进程;等级,级别
 Each book goes up one step in difficulty.
 Record your result, and go on to step 3.
step in
 the next step in the process
 Drug companies influence the scientific process every step of the way (=during every stage).
 Describe step by step (=describing each stage) how you went about achieving your goal.
 Moving to Cottage Grove represented a definite step up (=something that is better than you had before) for my parents.
 He saw the job as a step down (=something that is worse than he had before).
4 staircase.jpg stair 楼梯 [countableC]TBB a flat narrow piece of wood or stone, especially one in a series, that you put your foot on when you are going up or down, especially outside a building 梯级,台阶
 Jenny sat on the step in front of the house, waiting.
 He climbed the wooden steps and rang the bell.
 a flight of (=set of) broad stone steps
doorstep1(1)4  See picture of 见图 STAIRCASE5 see picture at 见图 staircase
5 distance 距离 [countableC]NEAR the short distance you move when you take a step while walking 一步(的距离) SYN pace
 Roy was standing only a few steps away.
6 sound 声音 [countableC]SOUND the sound you make when you put your foot down while walking 脚步声 SYN footstep
 I heard a step in the corridor.
7 dancing 舞蹈 [countableC]APDDANCE a movement of your feet in dancing 舞步
 the steps for the Charleston
8 in step 
a) AGREEhaving ideas or actions that are like those of other people 〔与他人的观点或行为〕一致,相同
in step with
 He isn’t in step with ordinary voters.
b) PMAWALKmoving your feet so that your right foot goes forward at the same time as people you are walking with 〔与他人〕步伐一致
Examples from the Corpus
9 out of step 
a) DIFFERENThaving ideas or actions that are different from those of other people 〔与他人的观点或行为〕不一致,不合拍
out of step with
 This type of training is out of step with changes in the industry.
b) PMAmoving your feet in a different way from people you are walking with 〔与他人〕步伐不一致
Examples from the Corpus
10 watch your step  (also mind your step British English)
a) CAREFULto be careful about what you say or how you behave 说话 [做事]要谨慎
 You’d better watch your step – he’s the boss here.
b) CAREFULto be careful when you are walking 走路小心
 Mind your step – the railing’s loose.
Examples from the Corpus
11 fall into step (with somebody) 
a) WALKto start walking beside someone at the same speed as them (与某人)步伐一致起来
 Maggie fell into step beside her.
b) to start thinking or doing the same as other people 〔与他人的观点或行为〕开始保持一致[相同]
 The administration has fallen into step with its European allies on this issue.
Examples from the Corpus
12 be/keep/stay one step ahead (of somebody) PREPARE
a) to be better prepared for something or know more about something than someone else (比某人)领先一步,(比某人)准备更充分[了解更多]
 A good teacher is always at least one step ahead of his students.
b) to manage not to be caught by someone who is trying to find or catch you 成功地躲避〔想要找到或抓到你的人〕
Examples from the Corpus
13 way SB walks 某人走路的方式 [countableC usually singular]WALK the way someone walks, which often tells you how they are feeling 步态;走路的姿势
 Gianni’s usual bouncy step
14. steps [plural] British EnglishBrED a stepladder 活(动)梯, 折梯
15 exercise 锻炼 [uncountableU]DSO a type of exercise you do by walking onto and off a flat piece of equipment around 15–30 centimetres high 踏板操
 a step class
16. music 音乐 [countableC] American EnglishAmEAPM the difference in pitch between two musical notes that are separated by one key on the piano 〔音乐中的〕音级,度 SYN British English tone
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: one of a series of things that you do in order to deal with a problem or to succeed 〔一系列行动中的〕步骤;措施
take a step 采取措施
The authority will take steps to reunite the child and his family.
an important/major/big step 一个重要/重大/很大的一步
The move is seen as a major step forward for UK firms.
the first step 第一步
The first step in resolving conflict is to understand what the other person wants.
the next step 下一步
He met in Washington with his campaign advisers to plan his next step.
a small step 一小步
This is a small step in the right direction.
a positive step (=an action that will have a good effect) 积极的一步
This is a positive step which gives cause for some optimism.
an unusual/unprecedented step (=something that is not usually done/has never been done before) 不寻常/前所未有的一步
Police last night took the unusual step of releasing photographs of him.
na drastic step
The government is wary of taking any drastic steps that would scare off foreign investment.
na bold step
We welcome the bold step taken by President Bush.
na tentative step (=a small action, which is not done in a very determined way)
The Institute has taken a tentative step towards opening up its meetings to the public.
na logical step
She felt she had an aptitude for medicine. Her next logical step would be to begin studying when the summer was over.
immediate steps 立即行动
We believe immediate steps could be taken to generate jobs.
reasonable steps 合理的步骤
nThey must take reasonable steps to ensure that this information is available to those who might benefit.
necessary steps 必要的步骤
nWe must be sure that we are taking the necessary steps to prevent the problem from getting a foothold here.
a step forward (=an action that makes things better) 向前迈进的一步
The declaration which we have just signed is a big step forward for both of our nations.
a step backwards/a backward step (=an action that makes things worse) 倒退的一步
A rationing system would be a major step backwards.
a step in the right direction (=an action that helps to improve things) 朝正确方向迈出的一步
Environmentalists said the law was a step in the right direction.
Examples from the Corpus
step2 ●●● S3 W3 verb (stepped, stepping) [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]  
1 WALKto raise one foot and put it down in front of or behind the other one in order to walk or move 跨步,迈步
step forward/back/down/into etc
 He stepped back to let me through.
 I stepped outside and closed the door.
 Mr Ives? Please step this way (=walk in the direction I am showing you).
2 STANDto bring your foot down on something 踏,踩 SYN British English tread
step in/on etc
 I accidentally stepped in a puddle.
 You’re stepping on my foot.
3 step on somebody’s toes to offend or upset someone, especially by trying to do their work 〔尤因插手他人工作〕激怒[冒犯]某人
 I’m not worried about stepping on anybody’s toes.
Examples from the Corpus
4. step out of line BEHAVE#to behave badly by breaking rules or disobeying orders 行为出轨;违反规矩[命令]
Examples from the Corpus
5. step on it  (also step on the gas American EnglishAmE) spokenFAST/QUICK to drive faster 加速,加快;踩油门
Examples from the Corpus
step into the breach at breach1(7)PHRASAL VERBS
6step down (also step aside) phrasal verbphr v LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATIONto leave your job or official position, because you want to or because you think you should 辞职;下台;让位
 Morris should step aside until the investigation is completed.
 Eve Johnson has stepped down as chairperson.
 He was forced to step down from his post.
Examples from the Corpus
7step forward phrasal verbphr v HELPto come and offer help, information etc 主动站出来〔提供帮助、信息等〕
 Police are appealing for witnesses to step forward.
Examples from the Corpus
8step in phrasal verbphr v DO BADLYto become involved in an activity, discussion, or disagreement, sometimes in order to stop trouble 介入,干涉,插手 SYN intervene
 The military may step in if the crisis continues.
 Parents have stepped in to provide homework help in the afternoon program.
9step into something phrasal verbphr v to start doing something, or become involved in a situation 开始做,开始介入
 Sally stepped into the role of team leader.
Examples from the Corpus
10step out phrasal verbphr v GOto leave your home or office for a short time 出去一会儿,暂时离开〔家或办公室〕 SYN British English pop out
 She’s just stepped out for a few minutes.
11step up phrasal verbphr v 
a) INCREASE IN ACTIVITY, FEELINGS ETC step something ↔ up to increase the amount of an activity or the speed of a process in order to improve a situation 使增加;使上升;使加快
 The health department is stepping up efforts to reduce teenage smoking.
 stepped-up security at airports
b) (also step up to the plate) especially American EnglishAmE to agree to help someone or to be responsible for doing something 采取行动〔帮助某人或负责某事〕
 Residents will have to step up if they want to rid this area of crime.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
step- /step/ prefix  
1FAMILYused to show that someone is related to you not by birth but because a parent has married again 继的,后的〔无血缘关系,但因父母一方再婚而构成亲缘关系的〕
 her stepdad
 the problems of stepfamilies
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
stepstep1 /step/ noun [countableC]
1one of a series of things that you do to deal with a problem or to succeed
The changes are only the first step in a long-term plan.
Japan took steps to boost confidence in its tumbling stock market.
step towards
Sweeping reforms were announced in a step towards a free-market economy.
2a stage in a process or a position on a scale
step on
Every year you go up one step on the salary scale.
I’ve taken the first step on the managerial ladder.
Nina’s promotion is quite a step up for one so young.
3be out of step if people, organizations etc are out of step, their ideas, actions etc are different from other people’s, especially because they are old-fashioned
be out of step with
The fast food chain has been out of step with consumers’ changing eating patterns in recent years.
4be one step ahead (of somebody) to be better prepared or know more about something
In business, you need to be one step ahead of your competitors.
stepstep2 verb (stepped, stepping)
step down
step forward
step in
step something → up
Origin step-
Old English steop-
Old English stæpe

→COLLOCATIONS1step2 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1step- prefix




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