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词汇 statistic


Word family noun statistic statistician adjective statistical adverb statistically
Related topics: Statistics
sta·tis·tic /stəˈtɪstɪk/ ●●○ W3 AWL noun  
1 statistics 
a) [plural]HMSNUMBER a set of numbers which represent facts or measurements 统计数字[资料]
 the official crime statistics
statistics for
 statistics for injuries at work
 Statistics show that 50% of new businesses fail in their first year.
统计数据显示,50% 的新企业在第一年即倒闭。
b) [uncountableU]HMS the science of collecting and examining such numbers 统计学
 Statistics is a branch of mathematics.
Examples from the Corpus
2 [singular]HMS a single number which represents a fact or measurement (一项)统计数据
 The statistic comes from a study recently conducted by the British government.
3 a statistic informal if someone is just a statistic, they are just another example of someone who has died because of a particular type of accident or disease 一个数据〔指死于某种意外事故或疾病的人〕
 We can’t let these boys become just another statistic.
5statistical adj
 statistical evidence
5statistically/-kli/ adv
 The variation is not statistically significant.
vital statistics
ADJECTIVES/NOUN + statistics
official statistics
Official statistics indicate that educational standards are improving.
government statistics
According to government statistics, only two percent of lone parents are aged under twenty.
national statistics
National statistics greatly underestimate levels of heroin use.
crime/economic/unemployment etc statistics
The economic statistics tell a grim story.
statistics show/indicate something
Statistics show that 80 percent of dog attacks take place in the home.
statistics suggest something
Housing conditions are far worse than the statistics suggest.
compile/collect/gather statistics
Police have not yet compiled statistics for this year.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
statisticsta·tis·tic /stəˈtɪstɪk/ nounSTATISTICS
1[countableC usually plural] a collection of numbers that represent facts or measurements
Statistics show that 35% of new businesses fail in their first year.
the October employment statistics
statistical adjectiveadj
There is no statistical evidence that the economy is recovering.
statistically adverbadv
The results were notstatistically significant.
2statistics [plural] the branch of mathematics that studies facts and information represented by a collection of numbers
The course includes mechanics, statistics, and computer science.
3[singular] a single number that represents a fact or measurement
Annual sales per employee have jumped about 37%, which is a statistic we feel very good about.
Origin statistic
(1700-1800) German statistik study of political facts and figures, from Modern Latin statisticus of politics, from Latin status; → STATE1




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