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词汇 spread


Word family adjectivespreadablenounspreaderspreadingspread bettingspreadsheetadverbspreadinglyverbspread
spread1 /spred/ ●●● S2 W2 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp spread)  
1 affect more people/places 影响更多的人/地方 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SPREAD if something spreads or is spread, it becomes larger or moves so that it affects more people or a larger area 扩散,蔓延
spread through
 Fire quickly spread through the building.
spread over
 He watched the dark stain spread over the gray carpet.
spread among
 The disease spread rapidly amongst the poor.
spread (from something) to something
 The cancer had spread to her liver.
 Revolution quickly spread from France to Italy.
2 information/ideas 信息/观点
a) [intransitiveI]SPREAD to become known about or used by more and more people 流传,传播
 News of the explosion spread swiftly.
spread to/through/over etc
 Buddhism spread to China from India.
 The news spread like wildfire (=very quickly).
 Word spread quickly that she was leaving.
b) [transitiveT]TELL to tell a lot of people about something 传播,散布;通知
 Andy loves spreading rumours about his colleagues.
 They are spreading the word about the benefits of immunization.
3 open/arrange 打开/安排 (also spread out) [transitiveT]SPREAD to open something out or arrange a group of things so that they cover a flat surface 摊开,展开,张开,铺开
spread something over/across/on something
 Papers and photos were spread across the floor.
 He spread the map out on the desk.
 a table spread with a white cloth
4 throughout an area 遍及某一区域 [intransitiveI] (also be spread, spread out) to cover or exist across a large area 绵延;覆盖;分布
spread over
 the forest that spread over the whole of that region
spread throughout
 The company has more than 2,500 shops spread throughout the UK.
这家公司有超过 2,500 家商店分布在英国各地。
5 soft substance 软物质 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SPREAD to put a soft substance over a surface, or to be soft enough to be put over a surface 涂抹,敷;可以涂抹
spread something on/over something
 He spread plaster on the walls.
spread something with something
 Spread the toast thinly with jam.
在烤面包片上抹一层薄薄的果 酱。
 If you warm up the butter, it’ll spread more easily.
 Spread the nut mixture evenly over the bottom.
6 arms/fingers etc 手臂/手指等 [transitiveT]PUSH if you spread your arms, fingers, or legs, you move them far apart 张开,伸开〔手臂、手指或腿〕
 He shrugged and spread his hands.
7 over time 分散于一段时间内 [transitiveT] (also spread out)SLOW to do something over a period of time, rather than at one time 分散〔于一段时间内〕
spread something over something
 Could I spread the repayments over a longer period?
 There will be 12 concerts spread throughout the summer.
今夏将有 12 场音乐会。
8 share 分摊 [transitiveT]SHARE to share or divide something among several people or things 分配,分摊
spread the load/burden
 The bills are sent out on different dates to spread the workload on council staff.
 They want the country’s wealth to be more evenly spread.
9 smile/look 笑容/表情 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]EXPRESSION ON somebody'S FACE if an expression spreads over someone’s face, it slowly appears on their face 〔脸上〕慢慢流露出
spread over/across
 A slow smile spread over her face.
10 spread your wings 
a) INDEPENDENT PERSONto start to have an independent life and experience new things 开始独立生活
 A year spent studying abroad should allow him to spread his wings a bit.
b) if a bird or insect spreads its wings, it stretches them wide 〔鸟或昆虫〕张开翅膀
Examples from the Corpus
a) be spread (too) thin/thinly if money, effort etc is spread thin, it is being used for many things so there is not enough for each thing 〔钱、精力等〕用得过于分散(而不够分配)
 They complained that resources were spread too thinly.
b) spread yourself too thin to try to do too many things at the same time so that you do not do any of them effectively 兼顾太多的 事情
12. spread seeds/manure/fertilizer TASPREADto scatter seeds, manure etc on the ground 播撒种子/施肥
13spread out phrasal verbphr v 
a) SPREADif a group of people spread out, they move apart from each other so that they cover a wider area 〔一群人〕散开,分散
 The search party spread out to search the surrounding fields.
b) spread something ↔ outSPREAD to open something out or arrange a group of things on a flat surface 打开,摊开,展开
 Sue spread out her notes on the kitchen table and began to write.
c) SPREAD (also be spread out) to cover a large area 伸展,延伸
 The city spread out below her looked so calm.
d)OVER TIME 分散于一段时间内 spread something ↔ outSLOW to do something over a period of time, rather than at one time 分散〔在一段时间内〕
spread something ↔ out over
 The course is spread out over four days.
Examples from the Corpus
spread your net wide at net1(8)
nCOLLOCATIONSMeanings 1 & 2
a disease spreads/is spread (=among a group of people)
The disease is spread by mosquitoes.
a cancer/infection spreads (=in someone’s body)
The cancer had spread to his brain.
news/word spreads
As news of his death spread, his army disintegrated.
spread the news/the word
He has been spreading the word about ways to beat heart disease.
spread a story (also spread a rumour British English, spread a rumor American English)
When Brown’s hotel burned down, Clark spread the rumor that Forsyth was to blame.
a story spreads (also a rumour spreads British English, a rumor spreads American English)
It was the sort of story that would spread like wildfire.
spread lies/gossip
How dare you spread such vicious lies!
Has someone been spreading malicious gossip?
spread terror/panic
The murders were clearly intended to spread terror.
fire spreads (also flames spread)
The fire had spread to a nearby shed.
violence/fighting spreads
There is no indication that the violence is likely to spread.
somebody’s fame/reputation spreads
Their musical fame has spread far beyond their native country.
spread rapidly/quickly
The fire spread rapidly, consuming many of the houses.
spread like wildfire (=spread extremely quickly)
The news spread like wildfire through the town.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Food, Stocks & shares
spread2 ●●○ noun  
1 increase 增长 [singular]INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT when something affects or is known about by more people or involves a larger area 传播;扩展;蔓延 increase
spread of
 an attempt to stop the spread of nuclear weapons
 the rapid spread of cholera in Latin America
2 soft food 软质食物 [countableC, uncountableU]DF
a) a soft substance made from vegetable oil that is used like butter 〔植物油制成的〕人造黄油
 one slice of toast with a low-fat spread
b) a soft food which you spread on bread 涂面包的酱
cheese/chocolate etc spread 奶酪酱/巧克力 酱等
3 range 范围 [singular]VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS a range of people or things 范围;广度;幅度
wide/broad/good spread of something
 We have a good spread of ages in the department.
 a broad spread of investments
4 area 地区 [singular] the total area in which something exists 分布范围,涉及区域
 the geographical spread of the company’s hotels
5 double-page spread/centre spread TCNa special article or advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, which covers two pages or covers the centre pages 〔报刊中〕横跨两版的/中间折页的文章[广告]
 There’s a double-page spread in Sunday’s paper.
6 large meal 丰盛的饭菜 [singular] informalMEAL a large meal for several guests on a special occasion 〔特殊场合招待数位客人的〕丰盛的饭菜
 Tom’s mum laid on a huge spread.
7. hand/wings/两翼 [uncountableU]HBPHBH the area covered when the fingers of a hand, or a bird’s wings, are fully stretched 〔手指伸直时〕手的全长;〔鸟的〕翼展
8. bed cover 床罩 [countableC] a bedspread 床罩
9 money [countableC] technicalBFS the difference between the prices at which something is bought and sold, or the interest rates for lending and borrowing money 〔买卖价格或借贷利率的〕差额,差幅
spread between
 the spread between the city banks’ loan rates and deposit rates
10 sport 体育运动 [singular] American EnglishAmE the number of points between the scores of two opposing teams 〔两支对抗的运动队的〕比分差距
 a four-point spread
11. spread of land/water AREAan area of land or water 一片土地/水域
Examples from the Corpus
12. farm 农场 [countableC] American EnglishAmETA a large farm or ranch 大农场;大牧场
middle-aged spread at middle-aged(3)
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
spreadspread1 /spred/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp spread)
1[transitiveT] to share work, responsibility, or money among several people
Companies may want to spread their equity widely among stable, long-term shareholders.
2[transitiveT] (also spread out) to pay for something gradually over a period of time
I asked if I could spread out the repayments.
spread something over something
Spread your premium payments over 12 monthly instalments.
The cost is spread out over ten years.
3[intransitiveI] to become widely used or known about
Deregulation is spreading across the whole of Europe.
4spread a riskINSURANCE to reduce the chance of a large loss by sharing the risk of insuring someone or something with other insurance companies
spreadspread2 noun
1[singular] a range of people or things, especially investments
spread of
The bank is keen to broaden its spread of risks.
The assets represent a wide spread of fixed interest stocks, equity shares and property.
2[countableC]BANKING the difference between the interest rate a bank pays on DEPOSITs (=money put in the bank) and the interest rate it charges on loans
spread between
Banks must maintain an adequate spread between borrowing and lending rates.
yield spread
3[countableC]FINANCE the difference between two rates of interest. Interest on company bonds is often set in relation to the interest on particular government bonds
The noncallable notes were priced at a spread of 87.5 basis points (=0.875%) over the yield on the Treasury’s 10-year note.
4[countableC]FINANCE the difference between the buying price and the selling price of shares, UNIT TRUSTs etc
The spread between the bid and ask prices for the options is ¼ to ½ point $25 to $50 an option.
5[countableC]FINANCE the difference between the buying price and the selling price of a currency, or between two rates for a currency
The policy of frequent devaluations of the Nicaraguan currency is designed to eliminate the spread between official and black-market exchange rates.
6[countableC] (also underwriting spread)FINANCE the difference between the price a financial institution pays to buy shares from the company that ISSUEs them (=makes them available) and the higher price the firm charges to investors who buy them
The underwriting spread can range from 3.5% to 7% of the offering price.
bid-offer spread
7[countableC]FINANCE in a MONETARY SYSTEM (=an arrangement where the values of currencies move in relation to each other within certain limits), the difference between the highest valued currency and the lowest
The dollar remained the grid’s strongest currency, with the spread between it and the weakest currency widening to 11%.
Origin spread1
Old English sprædan




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