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词汇 spoil


Word family noun spoils spoil spoiler spoilagespoilfivespoilsmanspoilsportadjective spoilt/spoiledunspoilt/unspoiled spoiledspoilfulverb spoil
Related topics: Voting
spoil1 /spɔɪl/ ●●● S3 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp spoiled or spoilt /spɔɪlt/ British EnglishBrE)  
1 damage 损坏 [transitiveT]SPOIL to have a bad effect on something so that it is no longer attractive, enjoyable, useful etc 毁掉,糟蹋,破坏 SYN ruin
 The whole park is spoiled by litter.
 We didn’t let the incident spoil our day.
 I don’t want to spoil your fun.
 Why do you always have to spoil everything?
spoil/ruin your appetite at appetite(1)see thesaurus at damage
2 treat too kindly 过于宽容地对待 [transitiveT]BEHAVE to give a child everything they want, or let them do whatever they want, often with the result that they behave badly 宠坏,惯坏,溺爱〔小孩〕
 She’s an only child, but they didn’t really spoil her.
 His mother and sisters spoil him rotten (=spoil him very much).
3 treat kindly 体贴地对待 [transitiveT]KIND to look after someone in a way that is very kind or too kind 无微不至地关心;过分地照顾,纵容
 You’ll have to let me spoil you on your birthday.
spoil yourself
 Go on, spoil yourself. Have another piece of cake.
4 decay 变坏 [intransitiveI]DECAY to start to decay 〔开始〕变质,变坏,腐败
 Food will spoil if the temperature in your freezer rises above 8°C.
如果冰柜的温度上升到 8 摄氏度以上,食物就会变质。
5. voting 选举 [transitiveT] British EnglishBrEPPV to mark a ballot paper wrongly so that your vote is not included 填错而使〔选票〕作废
6. be spoiling for a fight/argument FIGHTARGUEto be very eager to fight or argue with someone 一心想打架/吵架
Examples from the Corpus
spoil to have a bad effect on something so that it is much less attractive, enjoyable etc 毁掉,糟蹋,破坏〔某事物的美或趣味等〕
New housing developments are spoiling the countryside.
The bad weather completely spoiled our holiday.
ruin to spoil something completely and permanently 〔彻底且永久地〕毁坏,毁损
Using harsh soap to wash your face can ruin your skin.
The argument ruined the evening for me.
mar written to spoil something by making it less attractive or enjoyable 破坏〔某事物的美或趣味〕
His handsome Arab features were marred by a long scar across his face.
Outbreaks of fighting marred the New Year celebrations.
detract from something to slightly spoil something that is generally very good, beautiful, or impressive 减弱〔某事物的优点、美感等〕
The huge number of tourists rather detracts from the city’s appeal.
There were a few minor irritations, but this did not detract from our enjoyment of the holiday.
undermine to spoil something that you have been trying to achieve 破坏,危害〔一直试图做成的事〕
The bombings undermined several months of careful negotiations.
sour to spoil a friendly relationship between people or countries 使〔友好关系〕变得紧张,使变得不愉快
The affair has soured relations between the UK and Russia.
poison to spoil a close relationship completely, so that people can no longer trust each other 彻底破坏〔亲密的关系〕
Their marriage was poisoned by a terrible dark secret.
mess something up informal to spoil something important or something that has been carefully planned 打乱,毁掉〔重要的事情或精心的计划〕
If there’s any delay, it will mess up our whole schedule.
Examples from the Corpus
spoil2 noun  
1 spoils [plural] formal
a) the things that someone gets by being successful 成功的附带好处
 They tried to take more than a fair share of the spoils.
b) things taken by an army from a defeated enemy, or things taken by thieves 战利品;掠夺物;赃物
the spoils of war/victory etc 战利品
Examples from the Corpus
2 [uncountableU] waste material such as earth and stones from a mine or hole in the ground 〔矿井里或地下挖出的〕废石方,弃土
 spoil heaps
Examples from the Corpus
Origin spoil
(1200-1300) Old French espoillier, from Latin spoliare to strip, rob, from spolium; SPOILS




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