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词汇 split


Word family nounsplittersplittismsplittistsplit infinitivesplit personalitysplit screensplit secondsplit shiftadjectivesplittingsplit-levelverbsplit
Related topics: Groupings
split1 /splɪt/ ●●● S2 W3 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp split, present participle splitting)  
1 disagree 不同意 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]PPGSEPARATE if a group of people splits, or if it is split, people in the group disagree strongly with each other and the group sometimes divides into separate smaller groups 〔组织内部〕产生分歧;分裂
 It was feared that the issue would split the church.
be split on/over something
 The party is split over the issue of immigration.
 The government appears deeply split on this issue.
split from
 The Pan-Africanist Congress split from the ANC in 1959.
泛非主义者大会在 1959 年脱离了非洲人国民大会。
split something in two/down the middle
 The war has split the nation in two.
see thesaurus at break, separate, tear
2 separate into parts 分割成几部分 (also split up) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SEPARATE to divide or separate something into different parts or groups, or to be divided into different parts or groups 分割,把分开〔成几部分〕;分成〔不同部分〕
split into
 Can you split into groups of three now?
split something into something
 The book is split into six sections.
3 break or tear 裂开或撕开 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]BREAKTEAR if something splits, or if you split it, it tears or breaks along a straight line (使)裂开,(使)撕开,(使)断裂
 The branch split under their weight.
 One of the boxes had split open.
split (something) in two/half
 The board had split in two.
 Split the pineapple down the middle.
4  See picture of 见图 split5 see picture at 见图 break1
4 share 分摊 [transitiveT]SHARE to divide something into separate parts and share it between two or more people 均分,分配
split something between somebody/something
 Profits will be split between three major charities.
split something with somebody
 He agreed to sell the car and split the proceeds with his brother.
split something three/four etc ways (=share something between three, four etc people or groups) 将某物分成三份/四份等
 The money will have to be split three ways.
 We agreed to split the cost.
5 injure 损伤 [transitiveT]CUT to make someone’s head or lip have a cut in it, as a result of a fall or hit 碰破〔头或嘴唇〕,把碰得裂开
 She fell against a table and split her lip.
 The force of the blow nearly split his head open.
6 end relationship 结束关系 (also split up) [intransitiveI] informal if people split, they end a marriage or relationship with each other 分手;离婚;决裂
split with/from
 He split from his wife last year.
 The band split two years ago.
7 leave 离开 [intransitiveI] old-fashioned informalLEAVE A PLACE to leave a place quickly 迅速离开
 Come on – let’s split.
8 split hairs ARGUEto argue that there is a difference between two things, when the difference is really too small to be important 纠缠于细枝末节,在琐细的问题上争辩
 This is just splitting hairs.
Examples from the Corpus
9 split the difference AGREEto agree on an amount that is exactly between two amounts that have been mentioned 〔在数额上〕互相让步,折中,妥协
 OK, let’s split the difference, and I’ll give you £20.
行,我们各让一步,我给你 20 英镑。
Examples from the Corpus
10. split your sides LAUGH informal to laugh a great deal 捧腹大笑
Examples from the Corpus
11split off phrasal verbphr v 
a) SEPARATE (also split away) if one part of something splits off from the rest, it becomes completely separate from it 脱开,分离
 A huge lump of rock had split off from the cliff face.
b) (also split away) if a small group of people split off from a larger group, they become separate from it 〔从群体中〕分裂出去,脱离
 The group split away from the Green Party and formed the Environmental Alliance.
c) BREAK split something ↔ off to separate one part of something and make it completely separate from the rest 使某物脱离出去,使某物分离出去
split something ↔ off from
 This part of the business has now been split off from the main company.
Examples from the Corpus
12split on somebody phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE informal TELLto tell someone in authority about something wrong that someone else has done 告发
 Don’t you dare split on us!
13split up phrasal verbphr v 
a) SSFRELATIONSHIPDIVORCEif people split up, or if someone splits them up, they end a marriage or relationship with each other 离婚;分手,断绝关系;拆散
 Steve’s parents split up when he was four.
 I thought she’d split up with her boyfriend.
split somebody ↔ up
 Why would she try to split us up?
b) SEPARATEto divide people into different groups, or to be divided into groups 分成小组;分组
 Please don’t split up when we get to the museum.
split something/somebody ↔ up
 The teacher split up the class into three groups.
c) split something ↔ up to divide something into different parts 把某物分成若干部分
split something ↔ up into
 The house has now been split up into individual flats.
nGRAMMAR: Reciprocal verbs
Split up is a reciprocal verb. This type of verb is used when saying that two or more people or things do something that involves both or all of them:
Her mum and dad split up.
You can also say:
Her mum split up with her dad.
Her mum and dad split up with each other.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
split2 ●○○ noun [countableC]  
1 tear 裂口HOLE a tear or crack in something made of cloth, wood etc 裂口,裂缝
split in
 a long split in the sleeve of his coat
2 disagreement 意见不一ARGUE a serious disagreement that divides an organization or group of people into smaller groups 〔团体内部的〕分裂,分歧 SYN rift
split in/within
 The argument could lead to a damaging split in the party.
 a deep split within the government
split between
 a split between the radicals and the moderates within the group
split over
 The union is desperate to avoid a split over this issue.
3 end of relationship 关系的结束 informal the end of a marriage or relationship – used especially in newspapers and magazines 离婚,分手〔尤用于报纸或杂志〕
 rumours of a marriage split
split with
 She seems to be getting over her recent split with her fiancé.
4 dividing STH 分某物SHARE the way in which something, especially money, is shared between several people 〔尤指钱的〕分配
 In a publishing deal, the average split used to be 50:50 between writer and publisher.
three-way/four-way etc split (=when something is shared equally between three, four etc people) 三人/四人等均分
 a three-way split in the profits
5 separation 分开 informalDIFFERENT a clear separation or difference between two things 分离;分裂
split between
 the traditional split between the state and church
6. do the splits DSOto spread your legs wide apart so that your legs touch the floor along their whole length 劈叉,劈一 字腿
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
splitsplit1 /splɪt/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp split, present participle splitting)
1[transitiveT] to divide something into separate parts so that two or more people each get a part
We agreed to split the fee.
split something between
The merger forced us to split operations between London and Edinburgh.
split something three/four etc ways
All profits will be split three ways (=into three parts).
2[intransitiveI, transitiveT] (also split up) to divide or separate something into different parts, or be divided into different parts
split into
They planned to split into three companies to fight the bid.
He plans to split the firm up between his two sons.
3split sharesFINANCE to divide a company’s shares into smaller units so that the value of each share is reduced and the number of shares is increased. This may be done to make it easier to buy and sell the shares
The company is splitting its 5p nominal shares into units of 2.5p to make them more marketable.
4split the difference to agree on a price, charge etc that is exactly half-way between the one that has been offered and the one that has been asked for
splitsplit2 noun [countableC]FINANCE
the act of sharing money between a group of people, organizations etc, or the share that each group gets
I paid by credit card for two equal split payments.
The partners have agreed a three-way split (=a share of something that is divided equally between three people).
reverse share split share split
Origin split1
(1500-1600) Dutch splitten




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