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词汇 spell


Word family noun spelling speller. misspelling spellerspellcheckspelldownspelling beespellbinderverb spell misspell spellbindadjectivespellablespellfulspellbindingspellboundspellstoptadverbspellingly
Related topics: Linguistics
spell1 /spel/ ●●● S2 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp spelt /spelt/ especially British EnglishBrE or spelled especially American EnglishAmE)  
1 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SLWRITE to form a word by writing or naming the letters in order 〔用字母〕拼写,拼出
 How do you spell ‘juice’?
juice 怎么拼?
 Pupils should know how to spell commonly used words.
spell something wrong/wrongly
 You’ve spelled my name wrong.
2 [transitiveT]WRITE if letters spell a word, they form it 〔字母〕拼成〔某词〕
 B-O-O-K spells ‘book’.
B-O-O-K 拼成 book(书)。
n 'Love' is spelled L-O-V-E.
3 spell trouble/disaster/danger etc SHOW/BE A SIGN OFif a situation or action spells trouble etc, it makes you expect trouble etc 招致[带来]麻烦/灾难/危险等
 The lack of rain could spell disaster for farmers.
Examples from the Corpus
4 [transitiveT] American EnglishAmEWORK/DO WORKINSTEAD to do someone else’s work for them for a short period so that they can rest 暂时代替〔某人工作,以便让他休息〕
 I can spell you if you get tired.
5spell something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v 
a) EXPLAINto explain something clearly and in detail 清楚地说明;详细地解释
spell out how/what etc
 The report spelled out in detail what the implications were for teacher training.
b) SAY/STATEto show how a word is spelled by writing or saying the letters separately in order 〔用字母〕拼出〔某个单词〕
 ‘W-E-I-R, ’ she said, spelling it out.
“W-E-I-R, ” 她一个字母一个字母地把它拼了出来。
c) WRITEto write a word in its complete form instead of using an abbreviation 全部拼出,全部写出〔某个单词,而不用缩写〕
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
spell2 ●○○ noun [countableC]  
1 MAGICa piece of magic that someone does, or the special words or ceremonies used in doing it 魔法;符咒,咒语
 a magic spell
put/cast a spell on somebody (=do a piece of magic to change someone) 对某人施魔法
 The kiss of the prince broke the spell (=stopped the magic from working).
be under a spell
 The whole town seemed to be under a spell.
2 PERIOD OF TIMEa period of a particular kind of activity, weather, illness etc, usually a short period 〔某种活动、天气、疾病等的〕一段时间〔通常时间较短〕
brief/short spell
 After a brief spell in the army, I returned to teaching.
spell of
 a spell of bad luck
cold/wet/dry spell
 Water the young plants carefully during dry spells.
 a day of sunny spells and scattered showers
 He began to suffer from dizzy spells.
3 EFFECT/INFLUENCEa power that attracts, interests, and influences you very strongly 吸引力,魅力;迷惑力
fall/come/be under a spell
 I fell under the spell of her charm.
 an ancient city that still casts its spell over travellers
4 break the spell to make someone stop paying all their attention to something, or to make a time stop feeling special (使)停止着魔状态,(使)走出入迷状态
 He lay still, not wanting to break the spell.
Examples from the Corpus
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: a piece of magic that someone does, or the special words or ceremonies used in doing it
a magic spell
She found an ancient book of magic spells.
an evil spell
The people still believe in evil spells.
cast a spell (on somebody) (=do some magic)
Suddenly everyone froze, as if a wizard had cast a spell on them.
weave a spell (=do some magic)
She wove a spell, so that he slept forever and never grew old.
put a spell on somebody (=make magic affect someone)
The fairy put a terrible spell on the princess.
break a spell (=end the effect of some magic)
No one knew how to break the spell.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: a period of a particular kind of activity, weather, illness etc, usually a short period
a brief/short spell
After a brief spell in a florist's shop, she became a hairdresser.
a long/prolonged spell
We have just had a long spell of unusually dry weather.
a dry/wet spell
Keep fuchsias well watered during prolonged dry spells in summer.
a cold/warm/hot spell
There was a very cold spell in late November.
sunny spells
Tuesday will be dry with sunny spells.
a dizzy/fainting spell (=one when you feel unable to stand steadily and your head feels unclear)
She must have had a dizzy spell and fallen.
a good/bad spell
The team had some good spells during the match.
a quiet spell (=when not much is happening)
We've had quite a quiet spell at work recently.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin spell1
(1200-1300) Old French espeller
1. Old English talk, story
2. (1600-1700) spell to take the place of another ((11-21 centuries)), from Old English spelian




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