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词汇 spare


Word family adjectivesparelesssparingadverbsparelysparinglynounsparenesssparersparingnessspare partspare roomspare tyreverbspare
spare1 /speə $ sper/ ●●○ adjectiveadj  
1 EXTRA 备用的spare key/battery/clothes etc MORE/EXTRAa key etc that you keep in addition to the one you usually use, so that it is available if the one you usually use breaks, gets lost etc 备用钥匙/电池/衣服等
 a spare key
 Bring a towel and some spare clothes.
 a supply of spare batteries
 a spare tyre
Examples from the Corpus
2 not used/needed 不用的/不需要的REMAIN/BE LEFT [usually before noun] not being used or not needed at the present time 多余的,闲置的
 Have you got any spare boxes?
 You could sleep in the spare bedroom.
 Do you have any spare cash?
 I’ll go and see if there are any spare seats.
 A decline in beer sales had left the industry with spare capacity (=the ability to produce more than can be sold).
3 TIME 时间spare time/moment/hour etc time when you are not working 空闲时间
 What do you do in your spare time?
 Eric spent every spare moment he had in the library.
埃里克一有空就泡在图书 馆里。
Examples from the Corpus
4 MONEYspare change ENOUGHcoins of little value that you do not need and can give to other people 多余的零钱
 There are beggars on every corner asking for spare change.
Examples from the Corpus
5 be going spare British EnglishBrE spokenAVAILABLE if something is going spare, it is available for you to have or use 可以拥有;可以使用
 I’ll have some of that cake if it’s going spare.
Examples from the Corpus
6 go spare British EnglishBrE informalANGRYWORRIED to become very angry or worried 非常生气,气急败坏;非常担心
 Dad would go spare if he found out.
Examples from the Corpus
7. plain 简朴的 a spare style of writing, painting etc is plain or basic and uses nothing unnecessary 〔写作、绘画等风格〕简朴的,不加渲染的
8. thin 瘦的 literaryALTHIN PERSON someone who is spare is tall and thin 瘦削的,又高又瘦的
Examples from the Corpus
spare2 ●○○ verb [transitiveT]  
1 give 给予GIVE to make something such as time, money, or workers available for someone, especially when this is difficult for you to do 拨出,抽出,腾出〔时间、金钱或人手等〕
 Sorry, I can’t spare the time.
 I’d like you to come over when you can spare a couple of hours.
 Can you spare £5?
spare somebody/something to do something
 We’re too busy to spare anyone to help you right now.
spare somebody ten minutes/an hour etc
 Could you possibly spare me a few moments in private (=used to ask someone if they have time to quickly talk to you)?
 It’s very kind of you to spare me so much of your time.
2 money/time etc to spare REMAIN/BE LEFTif you have money, time etc to spare, you have some left in addition to what you have used or need 多出的钱/时间等
 Anyone who has time to spare and would like to help can contact Moira.
with something to spare
 They got to the airport with seconds to spare.
 They still have some money to spare.
Examples from the Corpus
3 spare somebody the trouble/difficulty/pain etc (of doing something) PREVENTto prevent someone from having to experience something difficult or unpleasant 免除某人(做某事)的麻烦/困难/痛苦等
 I wanted to spare them the trouble of buying me a present.
 Thankfully, she had been spared the ordeal of surgery.
4 not damage or harm 不损坏或伤害SAVE/RESCUE to not damage or harm someone or something, even though other people or things are being damaged, killed, or destroyed 使免受〔损坏或伤亡〕,幸免
 I could not understand why I had been spared and they had not.
 the soldier who had spared his life
spare somebody/something from something
 Today we will hear whether the school is to be spared from closure.
5 spare a thought for somebody THINK ABOUTto think about another person who is in a worse situation than you are 想一想某人,为某人想想〔某人的处境比你要糟〕
 Spare a thought for Nick, who’s doing his exams right now.
Examples from the Corpus
6 spare no expense/effort SPEND MONEYto spend as much money or do everything necessary to make something really good or successful 不惜工本/全力以赴
spare no expense/effort to do something
 No expense was spared in developing the necessary technology.
 No effort will be spared to bring the people responsible to justice.
Examples from the Corpus
7 spare somebody (the details) TELLto not tell someone all the details about something, because it is unpleasant or boring 不对某人详谈(细节)〔以免使人不快或厌烦〕
 He spared us the details, saying only that he had been injured in the war.
 ‘They own three houses. One in the country, one in ...’ ‘Spare me.’
他们拥有三处房子。 一处在乡下,一处在……”“别说了。
Examples from the Corpus
8 spare somebody’s feelings EMBARRASSEDto avoid doing something that would upset someone 避免让某人难过
 Just tell me the truth. Don’t worry about sparing my feelings.
Examples from the Corpus
9 spare a glance British EnglishBrE written to look quickly at someone or something 〔很快地〕看一眼
spare a glance at
 Before leaving the old town, spare another glance at the tower.
spare somebody/something a glance
 a bored waitress who scarcely spared them a glance
Examples from the Corpus
10. spare somebody’s blushes EMBARRASSED British EnglishBrE to avoid doing something that would embarrass someone 避免使某人难为情
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Motor vehicles
spare3 noun  
1 [countableC]MORE/EXTRA an additional thing, for example a key, that you keep so that it is available 备用品
 If you forget the key, Mrs Jones over the road has a spare.
 The batteries are dead. Have you got any spares?
2. [countableC]TTC a spare tyre 备用轮胎5 see picture at 见图 car
3 spares [plural] British EnglishBrETTTE spare parts 〔车辆或机器的〕零件,备件
motor/car/aircraft etc spares
 a shortage of aircraft spares
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin spare1
Old English spær
Old English sparian




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