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词汇 soil


Word family adjectivesoillesssoiledsoilynounsoilinesssoilingsoiluresoilsoilage
Related topics: Soil, Gardening
soil1 /sɔɪl/ ●●● W2 noun  
1 [countableC, uncountableU]TASDLG the top layer of the earth in which plants grow 土壤,土地,泥土 SYN earth
n fertile soil (=good for growing crops)
 The soil here is very poor (=not good for growing crops).
 Roses grow well in a clay soil.
see thesaurus at ground5 see picture at 见图 tree
2 on British/French/foreign etc soil formalSAN in Britain, France etc 在英国/法国/外国等的土地上
 The crime was committed on American soil.
Examples from the Corpus
3 [uncountableU] a place or situation where something can develop 〔可供某物发展的〕土壤,温床
 Eastern Europe provided fertile soil for political activists.
4. somebody’s native soil literarySAN your own country 某人的故土[祖国]
5 the soil literaryTAAL farming as a job or way of life 农,种地为生
 They make their living from the soil.
Examples from the Corpus
good/rich/fertile (=good for growing plants)
The fertile soil produces delicious wines.
poor (=not good for growing plants)
If the soil is poor, add manure or compost.
The soil near the river is rich and deep.
thin (=not deep)
The thin soil is easily washed away.
Keep the soil moist.
The soil was dry after three weeks without rain.
light/sandy (=containing a lot of sand)
Some plants prefer sandy soils.
heavy/clay (=containing a lot of clay)
The soil was too heavy to grow decent carrots.
well-drained (=letting water pass through easily)
Plant the seedlings out in a warm, sunny position in well-drained soil.
Blueberries need acid soil.
garden soil
Try planting them in compost rather than garden soil.
work the soil (=prepare the soil to grow plants)
They worked the soil with hoes and forks.
till the soil (=prepare the soil to grow crops)
Their time is spent in constantly tilling the soil.
soil the top layer of the earth that plants grow in
Roses do best in well-drained, slightly acid soil.
earth the brown substance that the ground is made up of
Thousands of tons of earth were moved to build the dam.
dirt American EnglishAmE loose dry earth
a pile of loose dirt in the wheelbarrow
dust a dry powder made up of extremely small bits of earth or sand
A cloud of dust billowed out behind the tractor.
mud wet soil that has become soft and sticky
The dog came back covered in mud.
Examples from the Corpus
soil2 verb [transitiveT]  
1. formalDIRTY to make something dirty, especially with waste from your body 〔尤指用人的排泄物〕弄脏,弄污
2 not soil your hands BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSto not do something because you consider it too unpleasant or dishonest 不玷污双手〔指不做令人不快或不诚实的事〕
 Keep your money – I wouldn’t soil my hands with it.
Examples from the Corpus
soiled adjectiveadj
 soiled diapers
Examples from the Corpus
Origin soil1
(1200-1300) Anglo-French piece of ground, from Latin solium seat; influenced by Latin solum ground, soil
(1200-1300) Old French soiller, from soil pigsty, probably from Latin suile, from sus pig




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