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词汇 slide


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slide1 /slaɪd/ ●●● S3 W3 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp slid /slɪd/)  
1 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SLIDE to move smoothly over a surface while continuing to touch it, or to make something move in this way (使)滑行,(使)滑动
slide along/across/down etc
 Francesca slid across the ice.
slide something across/along etc
 He opened the oven door and slid the pan of cookies in.
 He slid open the door of the glass cabinet.
4  See picture of 见图 SLIP 15 see picture at 见图 slip1
2 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]PUT to move somewhere quietly and smoothly, or to move something in this way (使)悄悄移到;(使)悄悄移动
slide into/out of etc
 Daniel slid out of the room when no one was looking.
 She slid into the driver’s seat.
slide something into/out of etc something
 He slid the gun into his pocket.
3 [intransitiveI]LESS if prices, amounts, rates etc slide, they become lower 〔价格等〕下滑,下跌 SYN drop OPP rise
 Stocks slid a further 3% on the major markets today.
今天主板市场上的股票价格继续下滑了 3%
see thesaurus at decrease
4 [intransitiveI] to gradually become worse, or to begin to have a problem 逐渐败坏;开始出现问题
 Students’ test scores started to slide in the mid-1990s.
slide into
 Murphy gradually slid into a pattern of drug abuse.
5 let something slide WORSE
a) to let a situation get gradually worse 任某事恶化,放任不管某事
 Management has let safety standards slide at the factory.
b) spoken to ignore a mistake, problem, remark etc, without becoming angry or trying to punish it 〔对错误、问题、言论等〕不加改进,不加制止,不加理睬
 Well, I guess we can let it slide this time.
Examples from the Corpus
slide to move smoothly over a surface while continuing to touch it
The glass slid off the tray and crashed to the floor.
The kids were having fun sliding around on the polished floor.
slip to slide a short distance accidentally, and fall or lose your balance slightly
Be careful you don’t slip on the ice.
She slipped and broke her ankle.
skid to slide sideways or forwards in a way that is difficult to control – used especially about a moving vehicle
He slammed on the brakes and the car skidded to a halt.
Go slowly in wet or icy weather, because it’s easy to skid.
glide to move smoothly and quietly across water or a smooth surface, especially in a graceful way
A swan was gliding across the lake.
The ship glided into port.
slither to slide in an awkward way, for example on a rough or muddy surface. Also used to describe the movement of a snake as it goes from side to side along the ground
Tom slithered down the bank into the water.
The snake slithered away and disappeared under a rock.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Toys, Photography, Technology, Music, Earth sciences, Hair & beauty
slide2 ●●○ S3 noun [countableC]  
1. slide.jpg for children 儿童用的DHT a large structure with steps leading to the top of a long sloping surface that children can slide down 滑梯
2 decrease 下降 [usually singular]LESS a decrease in prices, amounts etc 〔价格、数量等的〕下降,跌落,减少 OPP rise
slide in
 the current slide in house prices
on the slide
 The company’s shares were on the slide again yesterday, down 7p at 339p.
3 slides.jpg picture 图片TCP a small piece of film in a frame that you shine a light through to show a picture on a screen or wall 幻灯片
 a slide show
4 getting worse 变糟 [usually singular] a situation in which something gradually gets worse, or someone develops a problem 〔情况〕变糟,恶化;〔人〕出现问题
slide in
 School administrators were unable to explain the slide in student performance.
slide into
 a slide into economic chaos
5. science 科学ST a small piece of thin glass used for holding something that you want to look at under a microscope 〔显微镜用的〕载(物)玻(璃)片5 see picture at 见图 microscope
6. music/machine 音乐/机器APM a sliding part of a machine or musical instrument, such as the U-shaped tube of a trombone 滑动部件〔如长号的U形伸缩管〕
7 movement 移动 [usually singular]SLIDE a sliding movement across a surface 滑动,滑行
 The car went into a slide.
8 earth/snow/HE a sudden fall of earth, stones, snow etc down a slope 崩落;崩塌
 a rock slide
9. for hair 用于头发 British EnglishBrEDCB a small metal or plastic object that holds your hair in place 小发夹
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
slideslide /slaɪd/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp slid /slɪd/) [intransitiveI]
to gradually become lower or less
Some dealers continued to buy silver as the price slid.
The new model didn’t stop their share of the U.S. car market from sliding.
slide into something
Origin slide1
Old English slidan




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