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词汇 skeleton


Word family adjectiveskeletalskeletogenousadverbskeletallyverbskeletonizenounskeleton keyskeleton
Related topics: Biology, Medicine
ldoce_304_gskel·e·ton /ˈskelətən/ ●○○ noun  
1 skeleton.jpg bones 骨头 [countableC]
a) HBthe structure consisting of all the bones in a human or animal body 〔人体或动物的〕骨骼
 the human skeleton
b) Ma set of these bones or a model of them, fastened in their usual positions, used, for example, by medical students 〔医学研究用的〕骨骼标本,骨骼模型
5  See picture of skull 颅骨, breastbone 胸骨, pelvis 骨盆 ...4  See picture of 见图 skeleton
2 basic parts 基本部分 [singular]SUMMARIZE the most important parts of something, to which more detail can be added later 骨架,框架;梗概,纲要
 We agreed on a skeleton outline of the proposal.
3 thin person 很瘦的人 [countableC]THIN OBJECT OR MATERIAL an extremely thin person or animal 骨瘦如柴的人[动物]
 The disease had reduced Harry to a skeleton.
4 structure 结构 [countableC] the main structure that supports a building, bridge etc 〔建筑物、桥梁等的〕框架,骨架
 Minutes after the explosion, all that remained was the skeleton of the bridge.
5. a skeleton in the closet  (also a skeleton in the cupboard British English)SECRET an embarrassing or unpleasant secret about something that happened to you in the past 不可告人的丑事;隐情
6 skeleton staff/crew/service etc ENOUGHonly enough workers or services to keep an operation or organization running 最基本的人员/服务等
 The bus company is operating a skeleton service on Christmas Day.
Examples from the Corpus
7 sport 体育运动
a) [uncountableU] a sport in which you slide down a special ice track while lying on your front on a type of sledge 钢架雪车(运动)
n b) [countableC] the vehicle you slide on in this sport
bobsleigh, luge
Examples from the Corpus
Origin skeleton
(1500-1600) Modern Latin Greek, from skeletos dried up




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