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词汇 siege


Word family nounsiegersiegecraftsiegeworkssiege
Related topics: Military
siege /siːdʒ/ ●●○ noun [countableC, uncountableU]  
1 PMa situation in which an army or the police surround a place and try to gain control of it or force someone to come out of it 〔军队或警方对地方的〕围困,封锁,包围
 The siege lasted almost four months.
 a three-day police siege at a remote country cottage
siege of
 the siege of Leningrad
end/lift/raise a siege (=end a siege) 解除包围
2 lay siege to somebody/something 
a) if the army or police lay siege to a place, they start a siege against it 对某地实施包围
 In June 1176, King Richard laid siege to Limoges.
b) if you lay siege to someone, you do everything you can to try and get them to talk to you 〔为使某人和你说话而〕向某人展开攻势
 Then he set to work laying siege to her with letters.
Examples from the Corpus
3 be under siege 
a) PMto be surrounded by an army in a siege 被(军队)包围
b) BUSY PLACEto be being criticized, attacked, or threatened all the time 不断受到批评[攻击,威胁等],受到围攻
 The TV station has been under siege from irate viewers phoning in to complain.
Examples from the Corpus
4. siege mentality WORRIEDthe feeling among a group of people that they are surrounded by enemies and must do everything they can to protect themselves 受围心态〔一群人感觉被敌人围困因而必须想方设法自卫的心理〕
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin siege
(1100-1200) Old French sege seat, siege, from Vulgar Latin sedicum, from Latin sedere to sit




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