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词汇 side


Word family adjectivesidedsidelingsidelongsidewardsidewayssidelinedside-onsidestreamnounsidersidingsidearmsidebandsidebarsideboardsidebonessideburnssidecarside dishside effectsidekicksidelightsidelinesidelocksidemansidenotesidepathsideroadsidesaddlesideshootsideshowsideslipsidesmansidestepsidestepperside streetsidestrokesideswipesideswipersidetracksidewalksidewallside-wheelersidewindersideadverbsidewards
Related topics: Human
side1 /saɪd/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countableC]  
1 part of an area 区域的一部分PART one of the two areas that are on the left or the right of an imaginary line, or on the left or the right of a border, wall, river etc 边,面,侧
side of
 The south side of town is pretty run down.
on the ... side
 a scar on the right side of his face
 Fuel is cheaper on the French side of the border.
to one/the side
 She tilted her head to one side, pretending to consider the question.
 A man stood watching me from the other side of the road.
 His friends and family were all on the other side of the world.
 The restaurant was empty apart from another couple on the far side of the room (=the area that is furthest away from you).
the right-hand/left-hand side (=the right side or the left side) 右侧/左侧
 In Sri Lanka they drive on the left-hand side of the road.
2 NEXT TOnext to 紧靠 [usually singular] a position directly next to someone or something, on the right or the left 一侧,身边,旁边
on this/one side (of somebody/something)
 Stand on this side of me so Dad can get a photo.
at somebody’s side/at the side of something
 A little girl was skipping along at her side.
 There was a card tacked to the wall at the side of the photograph.
on either side (of something)
 Two large screens stood on either side of the stage (=one on the left and one on the right side of it).
to somebody’s side
 Maggie hurried to his side.
3 of a building/object/vehicle etc 建筑物/物体/车辆等SURFACE a surface of something that is not its front, back, top, or bottom 侧面
side of
 He led the way round to the side of the building.
 the side of her glass
 Someone ran into the side of my car.
high-sided/straight-sided etc
 high-sided vehicles
 a straight-sided dish
4 edge 边缘SIDE the part of an object or area that is furthest from the middle, at or near the edge 〔物体或区域的〕边,边缘
side of
 Jack sat down heavily on the side of the bed.
 She pulled into the side of the road and stopped the car.
fireside, lakeside, riverside, roadside, seaside1see thesaurus at edge
5 of a thin object 扁的物体SURFACE one of the two surfaces of a thin flat object 〔扁平物体两面中的〕一面
side of
 Write on only one side of the paper.
 I’ll paint the other side of the fence tomorrow.
 There’s a scratch on one side of the record.
6 part of your body 身体部位HBAHBHSIDE the part of your body from the top of your arm to the top of your leg 〔肩膀以下至大腿上部的〕身体的侧边;胁
 He had a scar running right the way down his side.
 Betty was lying on her side on the bed.
7 shape 形状SURFACE one of the flat surfaces or edges of a shape 面;边
 A cube has six sides.
three-sided/four-sided etc
 a seven-sided coin
8 mountain/valley/山谷SIDE one of the sloping areas of a hill, mountain etc 斜坡;坡面
side of
 Their house was on the side of the valley.
 sheep grazing on the steep hillside
steep-sided/sheer-sided etc
 a steep-sided valley
9 page British EnglishBrESES a page of writing on one side of a piece of paper 〔纸的〕一面
 How many sides have we got to write?
10 side by side 
a) next to each other 并排地,肩并肩地
 We walked along the beach, side by side.
b) if people work side by side, they work together to achieve something 并肩〔努力〕
side by side with
 Local citizens worked side by side with emergency crews to pull their neighbors out of the rubble.
c) if different things or groups exist side by side, they exist in the same place or at the same time, even though this may seem difficult or surprising 〔不同的东西或团体〕并存,共处
 a visit to see how modern agriculture and wildlife can exist side by side
Examples from the Corpus
11 from side to side SIDEfirst to one side, then to the other, several times or continuously 从一边到另一边
 ‘Did you catch him?’ Matthew shook his head from side to side.
swing/rock/sway from side to side
 The boat rocked violently from side to side.
Examples from the Corpus
12 subject/situation 主题/形势PART one part or feature of something, especially when compared with another part 〔某事物的〕一个方面〔尤指与其他方面相比时〕
technical/financial/social etc side
 She takes care of the financial side of the business.
serious/funny/negative/positive etc side
 Can’t you see the funny side of all this?
 Environmental pollution gives great cause for concern, but, on the positive side, people are beginning to try and find solutions.
 Look on the bright side (=see the good side of a situation) – at least you learned something from the experience.
 It’s a children’s book about fairies and magic, but it does have a dark side.
13 argument/war 争吵/战争SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLAN one of the people, groups, or countries opposing each other in a quarrel, war etc 〔吵架、战争等中的〕一方,一派
 He fought on the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War.
 a peace deal that is acceptable to both sides
 During the war, he changed sides several times.
be on somebody’s side (=support them) 支持某人
 Well, at least someone’s on my side.
whose side are you on? spoken (=used when someone is arguing against you when they should be supporting you) 你究竟站在哪一边?〔用于当应该支持你的人却发表了反对你的意见时〕
 He always likes to be on the winning side.
14 opinion 观点 one person’s opinion or attitude in an argument or disagreement 〔争论或分歧中的〕观点,态度,意见 SYN point of view
 Try and see my side of things for a change!
 Well, I can see both sides. They both have a point.
somebody’s side of the story (=one person’s opinion of what happened in a situation, especially someone who has been accused of doing something wrong) 某人对事情的说法
 We haven’t heard Mike’s side of the story yet.
15. take sides to choose to support one person or group in an argument, and oppose the other one 选择支持一方,表明立场
Examples from the Corpus
16 sport 体育运动 British EnglishBrE a sports team 运动队,球队
 They’re a good side, but I think we’re a better one.
17 part of SB’s character 某人性格的一部分 [usually singular]CHARACTER/PERSONALITY one part of someone’s character, especially when compared with another part 〔某人性格的〕一面
side of
 It was a side of Shari that I hadn’t seen before.
 There was a side to him that worried her, that seemed cold and cruel.
somebody’s softer/feminine/emotional etc side
 These days men are not all afraid to show their softer side.
18 of a family 家庭的FAMILY a part of a family 血统,家系,父[]
 My father’s side of the family are short, but my mother’s side are tall.
19 somebody’s side of a deal/bargain what someone agrees to do as part of an agreement 某人在协议中的承诺
 The Russians kept their side of the bargain, and pulled out of East Germany.
20 on the side 
a) AND/ALSOused to say that someone does work in addition to their regular job 作为副业,作为兼职
 Most consultants do private work on the side.
b) SECRETsecretly, and dishonestly or illegally 暗地里;非法地
 His wife discovered that he had a woman on the side.
a bit on the side at bit3
c) DFfood that is served on the side is ordered with the main dish in a restaurant, but is not usually part of that dish 作为配菜
 I’d like eggs with toast on the side.
Examples from the Corpus
21 food 食物 American EnglishAmE a small amount of food that you order in a restaurant in addition to your main meal 〔主菜以外的〕配菜
side of
 a hamburger with a side of fries
22 on/from all sides  (also on/from every side)AROUND/ROUND
a) in or from every direction 四处/从四面八方
 Planes were attacking us from all sides.
 The town is surrounded on all sides by vineyards.
b) by or from a lot of people with different opinions 被来自各方面的人
 Clinton was praised on all sides for his warm manner and diplomatic approach.
Examples from the Corpus
23 put/leave/set something to one side to save something to be dealt with or used later 把某事物置一边〔以待日后解决或使用〕
 Let’s leave that question to one side for now.
 Put a little money to one side each week.
Examples from the Corpus
24 be at somebody’s side/stay by somebody’s side/not leave somebody’s side to be with someone, and take care of them or support them 在某人身边/不离某人左右〔照顾或支持他们〕
 He faced the reporters with his wife at his side.
 She nursed him through his illness, never leaving his side.
25 take/draw somebody to one side TAKE/BRINGto take someone away from other people for a short time for a private talk 把某人拉到一旁〔私下交谈〕
 Before they left, Colette took me to one side and warned me about Bernard.
Examples from the Corpus
26 have something on your side/something is on your side ADVANTAGEused to say that you have an advantage that increases your chances of success 有某方面的优势/某事对某人有利
have time/luck/God/right etc on your side
 Barnes didn’t have much experience, but he had youth and enthusiasm on his side.
Examples from the Corpus
27 get on the wrong side of somebody HAPPYto annoy someone or make them angry, especially someone who can cause serious problems for you 使某人生气,惹毛某人,得罪某人
 Be careful not to get on the wrong side of her.
Examples from the Corpus
28 keep on the right side of somebody to be careful not to annoy someone, because you want them to help you and not cause problems for you 对某人赔小心,小心不惹某人生气
 We tried to keep on the right side of the housekeeper, so that she would let us bring beer in.
Examples from the Corpus
29. on the right/wrong side of 30/40 etc informalYOUNGOLD/NOT NEW younger or older than 30,40 etc 不到/已过 30 /40 岁等
30 on the small/high/heavy etc side spokenLITTLE/NOT VERY a little too small, too high, too heavy etc 稍稍偏小/偏高/偏重等
 The trousers are a bit on the small side.
Examples from the Corpus
31 this side of Christmas/midnight etc before a particular time – used to say that something will not happen before then 圣诞节/半夜等之前〔用于表示某事在这之前不会发生〕
 I doubt we’ll see him this side of Christmas.
32 the best/biggest etc ... this side of something used humorously to say that something is very good, big etc 中最好/最大等的〔幽默用法〕
 the best Chinese food this side of Peking
33. on the wrong/right side of the law informalHONESTILLEGAL breaking or not breaking the law 犯法/不犯法
Examples from the Corpus
34. be on the side of the angels to be doing what is morally right 合乎道德
35. let the side down British EnglishBrEDISAPPOINTED to behave badly or do something that embarrasses or disappoints your family, friends etc 使自己人难堪,辱没自己一方
Examples from the Corpus
36. criticize/nag/hassle somebody up one side and down the other American EnglishAmE spokenCRITICIZE to criticize someone, complain to them in an annoying way etc without worrying about how they feel 不依不饶地批评/纠缠/烦扰某人
37. MEATa side of beef/bacon etc DFone half of an animal’s body, used as food 一扇牛肉/烟熏猪肉等
Examples from the Corpus
38 tv station 电视台 [usually singular] British EnglishBrE spokenTCB a television station 电视台 SYN channel
 What’s on the other side?
double-sided, one-sided, → to be on the safe side at safe1(8), → err on the side of caution at err(1), → flip side, → split your sides at split1(10), → the other side of the coin at coin1(3), → two sides of the same coin at coin1(4)
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: one of the two areas that are on the left or the right of an imaginary line, or on the left or the right of a border, wall, river etc
one side
A path leads down one side of the garden to a paved area.
the other/opposite side
On the other side of the river are some low hills.
either side (=both sides)
There were tall hedges on either side of the lawn.
the far side (=the other side, quite a long way away)
Nicolo was standing on the far side of the room.
the left/right side
He received a deep cut on the right side of his face.
the left-hand/right-hand side
On the left-hand side list the skills and qualifications required for the job.
the east/west etc side
The shop was on the west side of Culver Street.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 12: one part or feature of something, especially when compared with another part
the business/financial side
Geller handles the business side of things.
the technical side
Gregory works on the technical side, liaising with the sound and lighting people.
the social side
The social side of the group is very important.
the funny/serious side
Luckily, when I explained the situation, he saw the funny side of it.
the positive/negative side
On the positive side, the authors have assembled a wealth of useful material.
the bright side (=the good things about a situation)
It was her nature to look on the bright side.
the dark side (=bad things relating to something)
The book is an examination of the dark side of genius.
somebody’s creative/caring/feminine etc side
The art program is meant to bring out children’s creative side.
Examples from the Corpus
side2 ●●● S3 adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
1 SIDEin or on the side of something 旁边的,侧面的;在边上的
 Hannah slipped out through a side exit.
2 SIDEfrom the side of something 从一侧的,从侧面来的
 Can you get a side view?
Examples from the Corpus
side3 verb [intransitiveI]  
SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANto support or argue against a person or group in a quarrel, fight etc 支持,站在一边
side with/against
 Frank sided with David against their mother.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin side1
Old English

n COLLOCATIONS1n COLLOCATIONS2side2 adjectiveadjside3 verb




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