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词汇 shoulder


Word family adjectiveshoulderedshoulder-highnounshoulderingshoulder bagshoulder bladeshoulder padshoulder strapshoulder
Related topics: Human, Clothes, Food, Roads
shoul·der1 /ˈʃəʊldə $ ˈʃoʊldər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 body part 身体的一部分HBH [countableC] one of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck where the arm is connected 肩膀
 She tapped the driver on the shoulder.
 He put his arm around her shoulders.
 His shoulders were broad and powerful.
2 clothes 衣服DCC [countableC] the part of a piece of clothing that covers your shoulders 衣服的肩部,衣肩
 a jacket with padded shoulders
3 meat 肉类DF [countableC, uncountableU] the upper part of the front leg of an animal that is used for meat 〔动物的〕前腿连肩肉
shoulder of
 a shoulder of pork
4. be looking over your shoulder to feel worried that something unpleasant is going to happen to you 惴惴不安,忐忑不安
Examples from the Corpus
a) a shoulder to cry onKIND someone who gives you sympathy 给予安慰的人,倾诉的对象
 Ben is always there when I need a shoulder to cry on.
b) cry on somebody’s shoulder to get sympathy from someone when you tell them your problems 向某人倾诉〔以得到安慰〕
6 shoulder to shoulder TOGETHER
a) having the same aims and wanting to achieve the same thing 齐心协力地 SYN side by side
shoulder to shoulder with
 We are working shoulder to shoulder with local residents.
b) physically close together 肩并肩地 SYN side by side
 Blacks and whites stood shoulder to shoulder in the stands to applaud.
Examples from the Corpus
7 on somebody’s shoulders RESPONSIBLEif blame or a difficult job falls on someone’s shoulders, they have to take responsibility for it 〔责任〕由某人承担;〔任务〕落在某人肩上
 The blame rests squarely on Jim’s shoulders.
Examples from the Corpus
8. put your shoulder to the wheel WORK HARDto start to work with great effort and determination 甩开膀子干;开始奋力工作
9. road-side 路边 [countableC] American EnglishAmETTR an area of ground beside a road, where drivers can stop their cars if they are having trouble 〔公路旁的〕路肩,紧急停车道 hard shoulder, soft shoulder
10. curved shape 弧线形SG [countableC] a rounded part just below the top of something 肩状部分
give somebody the cold shoulder at cold1(7), → have a chip on your shoulder at chip1(5), → be/stand head and shoulders above the rest at head1(29), → rub shoulders with at rub1(5), → straight from the shoulder at straight1(10)
shrug your shoulders (=raise them to show that you do not know or care about something) 耸肩膀〔表示不知道或无所谓〕
Susan just shrugged her shoulders and said nothing.
hunch your shoulders (=raise your shoulders and bend them forwards slightly) 耸起肩膀
He hunched his shoulders against the rain.
look/glance over your shoulder (=look behind you) 回头看
He glanced over his shoulder and grinned at me.
somebody’s shoulders shake (=because they are crying or laughing) 〔因为哭或笑〕某人肩膀颤抖
nHis shoulders were shaking and tears of laughter were running down his face.
somebody’s shoulders slump/droop/sag (=move downwards because they are sad or tired) 〔因为伤心或疲倦〕某人肩膀垂下
n‘You 're right, ’ he sighed, his shoulders drooping.
somebody’s shoulders heave (=move up and down because they are crying or breathing deeply) 〔因为哭泣或深呼吸〕某人肩头起伏
nShe turned her back again, her shoulders heaving, her eyes blind with tears.
nstraighten/square your shoulders (=stand with your shoulders straight, in a determined way)
She squared her shoulders and knocked on the door.
broad/wide 宽阔的
He was of medium height, with broad shoulders.
strong/powerful 结实/强壮的
He had powerful shoulders and a thick neck.
Dean shrugged his massive shoulders.
narrow/slim /纤细的
nHer dark hair spilled over her narrow shoulders.
nthin/bony shoulders
She put her arm around the girl’s thin shoulders.
Examples from the Corpus
shoulder2 verb  
1 shoulder the responsibility/duty/cost/burden etc RESPONSIBLEto accept a difficult or unpleasant responsibility, duty etc 承担责任/过失/费用/负担等
 The residents are being asked to shoulder the costs of the repairs.
Examples from the Corpus
2 [transitiveT]LIFT to lift something onto your shoulder to carry it 挑,扛,掮
 They shouldered the boat and took it down to the river.
3 shoulder your way through/into etc PUSHto move through a large crowd of people by pushing with your shoulder 用肩膀挤着穿过/进入等
 He ran after her, shouldering his way through the crowd.
Examples from the Corpus
4. shoulder arms PMan order given to soldiers telling them to hold their weapon against their shoulder 〔命令士兵〕枪上肩
shoulder a responsibility
The coach shoulders the responsibility for winning and losing.
shoulder a burden
Many women do paid work and also shoulder the burden of childcare.
shoulder the blame
Parents are being made to shoulder the blame.
shoulder the cost
The government has decided to shoulder the extra cost itself.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin shoulder1
Old English sculdor




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