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词汇 short of sth

short of sth

short of sth
1   without reaching a place you are trying to get to, because you are still a particular distance from it 距某处还差三米/五英里等
 The plane touched down 200 metres short of the runway.
这架飞机在距跑道 200 米的地方着陆。
3 metres/5 miles etc short of something at short3(8)
2   two weeks, a month etc before something 距某时间不到两星期/一个月等
 He died two days short of his fifty-sixth birthday.
他在 56 岁生日前两天去世了。
two weeks/a month etc short of something at short3(9)
3   IFwithout actually doing something 除非(做)某事
 Short of locking her in her room, he couldn’t really stop her from seeing Jack.
Examples from the Corpus
short of (doing) something at short3(10)




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