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词汇 set up

set up

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Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Computers
ˈset-up, setup /ˈsetʌp/ ●○○ noun  
1 SITUATION[countableC usually singular] the way that something is organized or arranged 〔事物的〕安排,布局
 the traditional classroom set-up
2 [countableC usually singular] informalTRICK/DECEIVE a dishonest plan that is intended to trick someone 圈套,骗局,诡计
 How do I know this isn’t a set-up?
3 [uncountableU] the act of organizing something, such as a business or a computer system 组织;装配;调试
 The IT department will assist you with installation and setup.
4 SYSTEM[countableC] several pieces of equipment that work together in a system 装配,装置
 ‘Do you use the school darkroom?’ ‘No, I’ve got my own setup at home.’
set up at set1
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
set something up phrasal verbphr v [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
1COMMERCEto start a company, organization, committee etc
The bank is hopeful of setting up a branch office in Shanghai soon.
Better promotion of the the area is intended to make it more attractive to firms setting up.
2set up shop/in business informalCOMMERCE to begin operating a business
There are many tax advantages that encourage foreign banks to set up shop here.
He would prefer to set up in business as an independent financial adviser.
3to make all the arrangements so that something can happen, such as a meeting, event, or a system for doing something
Several companies set up 24-hour telephone hotlines to deal with enquiries.
He recently set up a stress-management class that was attended by about 60 workers.
see also set-up
set-upˈset-up (also setup) noun [countableC]
1the way something is organized or arranged
The trust will be managed by a board of directors, although that setup requires regulatory approval.
2COMPUTINGall the parts that work together in a system, especially a computer system
Multimedia setups can mix video clips, recorded speech, music, and computer graphics.




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