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词汇 setback


Word family nounsetnesssettersettingsetbacksetlineset piecesetscrewset squareset-top boxverbset
set·back /ˈsetbæk/ ●○○ noun [countableC]  
PROBLEMa problem that delays or prevents progress, or makes things worse than they were 阻碍,挫折
setback for
 The December elections were a major setback for the party.
 The team’s hopes of playing in Europe suffered a setback last night.
see thesaurus at problem
set back at set1
suffer a setback
The team suffered a serious setback when the goalkeeper went off injured.
receive a setback
The islands’ economy had received a severe setback from the effects of hurricane Hugo.
a major setback
Losing our key player would be a major setback for the team.
a big/serious/severe setback
This is a serious setback to the company.
a minor setback (=not very bad)
It was only a minor setback.
a temporary setback (=lasting only a short time)
Try not to be discouraged by temporary setbacks.
an early/initial setback (=happening quite soon)
The policy has been successful, despite some early setbacks.
a political/military/economic setback
The defeat represented a major political setback for the conservatives.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
setbackset·back /ˈsetbæk/ noun [countableC]
something that delays the progress or development of a plan, activity etc or makes things worse than they were before
The companysuffered a setback when it lost a bid to become the partner in a new venture.
After a series of setbacks things are beginning to look up for Britain’s second-largest bank.




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