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词汇 sequester


Word family adjectivesequesteredsequestrablesequestralnounsequestrantsequestrationsequestratorsequestrumverbsequestratesequester
Related topics: Loans, Law
se·ques·ter /sɪˈkwestə $ -ər/ verb [transitiveT] formal  
1 SCTSEPARATEto keep a person or a group of people away from other people 使与他人隔离;使隔绝
 The jury were sequestered during the trial.
2. BFL British EnglishBrE to sequestrate 扣押〔债务人的财产〕
Sequester is usually passive.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
sequesterse·ques·ter1 /sɪˈkwestə-ər/ verb [transitiveT] formal
1to make a group of people, such as a JURY, stay away from other people
The jurors were sequestered under guard for the remainder of the trial.
2LAWanother word for SEQUESTRATE
sequestersequester2 noun [countableC] American EnglishAmE formal
an order by the US government stating that a government organization or department must reduce the money it spends
If the projected deficit is more than $74 billion, a sequester will be administered.
Education and labor are among the agencies scheduled forsequester cuts.
Origin sequester
(1300-1400) Old French sequestrer, from Late Latin sequestrare to give to someone to keep safe, from Latin sequester someone given something to keep safe




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