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词汇 sentence


Word family nounsentencersententiousnesssentenceadjectivesententialsententiousadverbsententiallysententiously
Related topics: Grammar, Law
sen·tence1 /ˈsentəns/ ●●● S1 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 SLGWORD, PHRASE, OR SENTENCEa group of words that usually contains a subject and a verb, and expresses a complete idea. Sentences written in English begin with a capital letter and usually end with a full stop or a question mark 句子,句
 His voice dropped at the end of the sentence.
in a sentence
 It’s difficult to sum it up in one sentence.
short/simple/full/complex etc sentence
 In a few short sentences, Quinn explained what he had done.
2 SCTPUNISHa punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty of a crime 判决,判刑
 She received an eight-year prison sentence.
 He has just begun a life sentence for murder.
see thesaurus at punishment
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty of a crime 判决,判刑
get/receive a sentence (also be given a sentence) 获刑,被判刑
She was given a three-year prison sentence.
face a sentence (=be likely to receive a sentence) 面临判刑
He faces a long prison sentence if he is caught.
serve a sentence (=spend time in prison) 服刑
Her husband is serving a two-year sentence for credit-card fraud.
a crime carries a sentence (=that is the punishment for that crime) 某项罪要判刑
Rape should carry an automatic life sentence.
impose/hand down a sentence (=officially give someone a sentence) 判刑
The judge imposed a three-year sentence.
pass sentence formal (=officially say what someone’s punishment will be) 作出判决
nIt is now my duty to pass sentence.
a stiff/long sentence (=a long time in prison) 严厉的/长期的刑罚
Police officers are demanding stiffer sentences for offenders.
a light/short sentence (=a short time in prison) 轻的/短期的刑罚
We’re hoping that he gets off with a light sentence.
a prison/jail sentence (also a custodial sentence British EnglishBrE formal) 监禁判决
If found guilty, he faces a long jail sentence.
a non-custodial sentence British EnglishBrE formal (=a punishment in which a person does not go to prison) 非监禁判决
nThe judge said the offence was too serious for a non-custodial sentence.
a five-year/eight-year etc sentence (=five/eight etc years in prison) 五年/八年等刑期
nHe was serving an eight-year sentence for burglary.
the maximum sentence (=the most that can be given for a particular crime) 最长刑期
nThe maximum sentence for this offence is five years.
a life sentence (=prison for the rest of your life, or a very long time) 无期徒刑,终身监禁
nIn 1978 he was given a life sentence for attacking a 72-year-old woman.
a death sentence (=a punishment of death) 死刑
nDeath sentences were handed down to eight of the accused.
a suspended sentence (=one which someone will serve only if they commit another crime) 缓刑
nHer attacker got a two-year suspended sentence.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Law
sentence2 ●●○ verb [transitiveT]  
SCTPUNISHif a judge sentences someone who is guilty of a crime, they give them a punishment 〔法官〕判决,宣判,判刑
sentence somebody to something
 Sanchez was sentenced to three years in prison.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin sentence1
(1200-1300) Old French Latin sententia feeling, opinion, sentence, from sentire; → SENTIENT




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