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词汇 scramble


Word family nounscrambleradjectivescramblingadverbscramblinglyverbscramble
Related topics: Communications, Computers, Military
scram·ble1 /ˈskræmbəl/ ●●○ verb  
1 climb 攀爬 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]CLIMB to climb up, down, or over something quickly and with difficulty, especially using your hands to help you 〔迅速而吃力地〕爬,攀登
scramble up/down/over etc
 They tried to scramble up the cliff.
 She scrambled down the tree as quickly as she could.
2 move quickly 快速移动 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to move somewhere in a hurried awkward way 匆忙移动
scramble to/out/from etc
 Alan scrambled out of the way.
 Micky scrambled to his feet (=stood up very quickly and awkwardly) and hurried into the kitchen.
3 do STH quickly 匆忙做某事 [transitiveT] to try to do something difficult very quickly 仓促完成〔困难的事〕
scramble to do something
 They were scrambling to give the impression that the situation was under control.
4 compete 竞争 [intransitiveI]COMPETE WITH/TRY TO BEAT to struggle or compete with other people to get or reach something 争夺,抢夺
scramble for
 Thousands of people will be scrambling for tickets.
5 information/message 信息/消息 [transitiveT]TCTD to use special equipment to mix messages, radio signals etc into a different form, so that they cannot be understood by other people without the correct equipment 倒换[扰乱]…的频率〔用特殊仪器改变信息、无线电信号等以使他人无法识别〕
 Our conversation will be electronically scrambled.
6 mix 打乱 [transitiveT] to mix words, ideas, sentences etc so that they are not in the right order and do not make sense 打乱
 The words in each sentence are scrambled.
7. scramble an egg DFCto cook an egg by mixing the white and yellow parts together and heating it in a pan 炒蛋
Examples from the Corpus
4  See picture of 见图 EGG 1
8 scramble somebody’s brains informalCONFUSED to make someone unable to think clearly or reasonably 使某人头脑糊涂,使某人思维混乱
 Maybe the alcohol has scrambled his brains.
Examples from the Corpus
9. aircraft 飞机 [intransitiveI]PM if a military plane scrambles, it goes up into the air very quickly in order to escape or to attack an enemy 〔军用飞机为逃跑或攻击敌人〕紧急起飞
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Other sports
scramble2 noun  
1 [singular]CLIMB a difficult climb in which you have to use your hands to help you 攀爬,爬行
 The village was a 20-minute scramble away.
2 [singular]COMPETE WITH/TRY TO BEAT a situation in which people compete with and push each other in order to get what they want 〔互相推撞的〕争夺,争抢
scramble for
 the usual scramble for the bathroom every morning
scramble to do something
 a scramble to carry the baggage into the house
3 [singular]HURRY a situation in which something has to be done very quickly, with a lot of rushing around 〔因赶任务出现的〕忙乱,忙作一团
 It was a mad scramble trying to get things ready in time.
4. [countableC]DSO British EnglishBrE a motorcycle race over rough ground 摩托车越野赛
Examples from the Corpus
Origin scramble1
(1500-1600) Perhaps from scrabble




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