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词汇 say


Word family adjectivesayablenounsayersayingsay-sosayonverbsay
say1 /seɪ/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp said /sed/, third person singular3rd says /sez/)  
1 express STH in words 用言语表达某事物 [intransitiveI only in negatives, transitiveT]SAY to express an idea, feeling, thought etc using words
 ‘I’m so tired, ’ she said.
 ‘Don’t cry, ’ he said softly.
 Don’t believe anything he says.
say (that)
 A spokesman said that the company had improved its safety standards.
 I always said I would buy a motorbike when I had enough money.
say how/why/who etc
 Did she say what happened?
 I would like to say how much we appreciate your hard work.
 ‘Why did she leave?’ ‘I don’t know – she didn’t say.’
say something to somebody
 What did you say to her?
n ‘This is strange, ’ he said to himself.
a terrible/silly/strange etc thing to say 这话说得多傻!
 What a silly thing to say!
say hello/goodbye/thank you etc (=say something to greet someone, thank someone etc) 说你好/再见/谢谢等
 She left without saying goodbye.
say you’re sorry (=apologize) 道歉
 I’ve said I’m sorry – what more do you want?
say yes/no (to something) (=agree or refuse) 同意/不同意(某事)
 Can I go, Mum? Oh, please say yes!
say nothing/anything/something (about something)
 He looked as if he was going to say something.
 I wished I had said nothing about Jordi.
have anything/nothing/something to say
 Does anyone else have anything to say?
 Although he didn’t say so, it was clear that he was in pain.
 What makes you say that (=why do you think that) 你怎么会那么说呢??
say to do something (=tell someone to do something) 说要做某事
 Nina said to meet her at 4.30.
 I’d like to say a few words (=make a short speech).
 ‘So what are your plans now?’ ‘I’d rather not say.’
You cannot ‘say someone something’ or ‘say someone to do something’ . Use tell . 不能说say someone somethingsay someone to do something,要用tell
She told me (NOT 不说 said me) something shocking.
You can say something about something but you cannot ‘say about something’ . Use talk . 可以说say something about something,但是不能说say about something,要用talk
He told me (NOT 不说 said me) to sit down.
He did not talk about (NOT 不说 say about) his feelings.
In written English, people often avoid using say when referring to opinions or ideas expressed by another writer. Instead, they prefer to use a more formal verb such as argue, assert, claim, or maintain. 在书面英语中,说到某位作者表达了什么意见或观点时,人们经常避免使用say,而是使用一个比较正式的动词,argue, assert, claimmaintain
2 give information 表达信息 [transitiveT]SAY/STATE to give information in the form of written words, numbers, or pictures – used about signs, clocks, letters, messages etc 〔用文字、数字、图画〕表达〔信息〕,说明
 The sign said ‘Back in 10 minutes.’
 The clock said twenty past three.
say (that)
 He received a letter saying that the appointment had been cancelled.
say to do something (=give information about what you should do) 指示说要做某事
 The label says to take one tablet before meals.
say who/what/how etc
 The card doesn’t even say who sent the flowers.
 It says here they have live music.
3 mean 表示 [transitiveT] used to talk about what someone means 表示,表达〔意思〕
 What do you think the writer is trying to say in this passage?
 So what you’re saying is, there’s none left.
be saying (that)
 Are you saying I’m fat?
 I’m not saying it’s a bad idea.
 All I’m saying is that it might be better to wait a while.
Say is usually used in the progressive in this meaning.
4 think that STH is true 认为某事是真实的 [transitiveT]
EXPRESSused to talk about something that people think is true 说〔人们认为是真实的事〕,据说
they say/people say/ it is said (that)
 They say that she has been all over the world.
 It is said that he was a spy during the war.
somebody is said to be something/do something
 He’s said to be the richest man in the world.
 Well, you know what they say – blood’s thicker than water.
 The rest, as they say, is history.
5 show/be a sign of STH 表明有/是某物的迹象 [transitiveT]
a) SHOW/BE A SIGN OFto show clearly that something is true about someone or something’s character 表明〔某人的性格或某物的特质〕是
 The kind of car you drive says what kind of person you are.
 The fact that she never apologized says a lot about (=shows very clearly) what kind of person she is.
 It said a lot for the manager (=it showed that he is good) that the team remained confident despite losing.
 These results don’t say much for the quality of teaching (=they show that it is not very good).
b) to show what someone is really feeling or thinking, especially without using words 〔尤指不用话语〕显示,表明〔真实的感受或想法〕
 The look on her face said ‘I love you.’
something says everything/says it all
 His expression said it all.
6 speak the words of STH 说出词语 [transitiveT]PRAY to speak the words that are written in a play, poem, or prayer 念,朗诵
 Can you say that line again, this time with more feeling?
 I’ll say a prayer for you.
7 pronounce 发音, [transitiveT]SAY to pronounce a word or sound 发音,读
n How do you say your last name?
8 suggest/suppose STH 认为/假定某事 [transitiveT]SUGGEST used when suggesting or supposing that something might happen or be true 认为;假定,比方说
... say ...
 If we put out, say, twenty chairs, would that be enough?
let’s say (that)/just say (that)
 Let’s say your plan fails, then what?
 Just say you won the lottery – what would you do?
Say is usually used in the imperative or with let’s in this meaning.
9 say to yourself THINK something/HAVE A THOUGHTto try to persuade yourself that something is true or not true 自忖,对自己说
 I kept saying to myself that this wasn’t really happening.
Examples from the Corpus
10 I must say  (also I have to say)EMPHASIZE used to emphasize what you are saying 我得说〔表示强调〕
 The cake does look good, I must say.
 I have to say I was impressed.
Examples from the Corpus
11 I can’t say (that) EXPRESSused to say that you do not think or feel something 我可不认为(
 I can’t say I envy her being married to him!
12 I would say used for giving your opinion even though other people may not agree 我倒是要说〔尽管别人可能不同意〕
 I’d say he was jealous.
Examples from the Corpus
13 I couldn’t say used when you do not know the answer to something 我说不准
 I couldn’t say who will win.
14 if I may say so  (also if I might say so) formal used to be polite when saying something that may embarrass or offend the person you are talking to 恕我直言
 That’s just the point, Mr Glover, if I may say so.
Examples from the Corpus
15 having said that EXPRESSused to say that something is true in spite of what you have just said 尽管如此,话虽如此
 The diet can make you slim without exercise. Having said that, however, exercise is important too.
Examples from the Corpus
16 wouldn’t you say? used to ask someone whether they agree with the statement you have just made 你说是不是?
 It seems very unlikely, wouldn’t you say?
17 what do you say? ASK A QUESTIONused to ask someone if they agree with a suggestion 你觉得怎样?你看行吗?〔用以询问某人是否同意所提的建议〕
 We could go into partnership – what do you say?
 What do you say we all go to a movie?
 What would you say to a meal out?
Examples from the Corpus
18 say no more UNDERSTANDused to say that you understand what someone means, although they have not said it directly 别说了,不用再说了〔用以表示明白了某人的意思〕
 ‘I saw him leaving her house at 6.30 this morning.’ ‘Say no more!’
Examples from the Corpus
19 you can say that again! AGREEused to say that you completely agree with someone 你说得真对!〔表示完全同意某人的意见〕
 ‘It’s cold in here.’ ‘You can say that again!’
20 you said it! 
a) AGREEused when someone says something that you agree with, although you would not have actually said it yourself because it is not polite 这可是你说的!〔表示同意某人的话,只是碍于礼貌自己不便说出〕
 ‘I was always stubborn as a kid.’ ‘You said it!’
我小时候总是很固执。” “这可是你自己说的!
b) especially American EnglishAmEAGREE used to say that you agree with someone 没错,说得对
 ‘Let’s go home.’ ‘You said it! I’m tired.’
Examples from the Corpus
21 who says? DISAGREEused to say that you do not agree with a statement, opinion etc 谁说的?〔表示不同意别人的说法、意见等〕
 Who says museum work doesn’t pay?
Examples from the Corpus
22 who can say?  (also who’s to say?)NOT KNOW used to say that nobody can know something 谁能说得准?〔表示没有人知道问题的答案〕
 Who can say what will happen between now and then?
 Many women believe that skin cream makes their skin look younger, and who’s to say that they’re wrong?
Examples from the Corpus
23. you don’t say! SURPRISEDused to show you are surprised by what someone has told you – also often used when you are not at all surprised by what someone has told you 不会吧!不至于吧!〔表示对某人所说的事表示惊讶,亦常用来表示一点也不觉得惊讶〕
Examples from the Corpus
24. say when ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingused to ask someone to tell you when to stop pouring them a drink or serving them food because they have got enough 够了请说一声〔用于给某人倒饮料或添食物时〕
Examples from the Corpus
25. say cheese used to tell people to smile when you are taking their photograph 〔给别人拍照时说的〕笑一笑
Examples from the Corpus
26 (just) say the word TELLused to tell someone that they have only to ask and you will do what they want 只要你说一声〔表示愿意做某人要求的事〕
 Anywhere you want to go, just say the word.
Examples from the Corpus
27 I’ll say this/that (much) for somebody EXPRESSused when you want to mention something good about someone, especially when you have been criticizing them 我也要为某人说句公道话〔尤用在批评过某人之后〕
 I will say this for Tom – at least he’s consistent.
 You’ve got determination – I’ll say that for you.
Examples from the Corpus
28 say what you like especially British EnglishBrEEXPRESS used when giving an opinion that you are sure is correct, even if the person you are talking to might disagree with you 即使你不同意,不管你怎么认为〔强调自己的看法没错〕
 Say what you like about him, he’s a very good writer.
Examples from the Corpus
29. anything/whatever you say AGREEused to tell someone that you agree to do what they want, accept their opinion etc, especially because you do not want an argument 随便你,由你吧〔尤指说话人因不想引起争执而接受某人观点〕
Examples from the Corpus
30 can’t say fairer than that British EnglishBrEBEST used to say that you have made the best offer that you can 再公道不过了〔表示已提供了最好的条件〕
 If I win, I’ll buy you a drink. Can’t say fairer than that.
31 I wouldn’t say no (to something) WANTused to say that you would like something 我想要(某物)
 I wouldn’t say no to a coffee.
Examples from the Corpus
32 I’ll say! used to say yes to a question, in a strong way 是呀!对啊!
 ‘Was there a big argument?’ ‘I’ll say!’
33 let’s just say used when you do not want to give a lot of details about something 这么说吧,大致说来〔不想说具体细节时用〕
 Let’s just say she wasn’t very pleased about it.
Examples from the Corpus
34 shall I/we say used when you are not quite sure how to describe someone or something 怎么说呢
 He is, shall we say, slightly unusual.
Examples from the Corpus
35. what have you got to say for yourself? ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingused to ask someone for an explanation when they have done something wrong 你还有什么可说的?〔用于要求做错事的人作出解释〕
36. say what? informal especially American EnglishAmE used when you did not hear what someone said or when you cannot believe that something is true 你说什么?〔用于没听清别人的话或不敢相信某事属实时〕
Examples from the Corpus
37 I say British EnglishBrE old-fashioned
a) ATTENTIONused to get someone’s attention 喂,嘿,我说呀〔用于引起别人的注意〕
 I say, don’t I know you?
b) LITTLE/NOT VERYused before giving your reaction to something 啊,哟〔对某事作出具体回应前使用的开头语〕
 ‘My husband’s broken his leg.’ ‘I say! I’m sorry to hear that.’
Examples from the Corpus
38 say something to somebody’s face informalTELL to criticize someone or say something unpleasant directly to them instead of saying it to someone else 当着某人的面直说[直接批评]
 I knew they wanted me to leave, even though they wouldn’t say it to my face.
Examples from the Corpus
39 that’s not saying much STRANGEused to say that it is not surprising that someone or something is better than another person or thing because the other person or thing is so bad 没什么奇怪的,没什么不寻常的〔表示另一人或物太糟糕〕
 This version is better than the original, but that’s not saying much.
Examples from the Corpus
40 to say the least EXPRESSused to say that you could have described something, criticized someone etc a lot more severely than you have 至少可以说,说得客气点
 Jane could have been more considerate, to say the least.
Examples from the Corpus
41 that is to say EXPLAINused before giving more details or being more exact about something 那就是说,换句话说,更具体地说
 They, that’s to say Matt and John, were arguing about what to do.
Examples from the Corpus
42 that is not to say TRUEused to make sure the person you are talking to does not think something that is not true 那并不是说,那并不表示
 I’m quite happy in my job but that’s not to say I’m going to do it for the rest of my life.
Examples from the Corpus
43 not to say especially British EnglishBrEEXPRESS used when adding a stronger description of something 更不用说,甚至可以说
 The information is inadequate, not to say misleading.
Examples from the Corpus
44 a lot/something/not much etc to be said for (doing) something SHOW/BE A SIGN OFused to say that there are a lot of or not many advantages to something (做)某事有许多/有些/没有多少好处等
 There’s a lot to be said for taking a few days off now and then.
 It was a town with very little to be said for it.
45 to say nothing of something MENTIONused to mention another thing involved in what you have just been talking about 更不用说;何况
 It wasn’t much for three years’ work, to say nothing of the money it had cost.
Examples from the Corpus
46 have something to say about something ANGRYto be angry about something 为某事不高兴,对某事生气
 Her father would have something to say about it.
Examples from the Corpus
47. have a lot to say for yourself TALK TO somebodyto talk a lot 有许多话要说,有一肚子话要说
48. not have much to say for yourself to not talk very much 没多少话要说
49 what somebody says goes CONTROLused to emphasize who is in control in a situation 某人说了算;照某人说的办〔用于强调〕
 My wife wants to go to Italy this year, and what she says goes!
Examples from the Corpus
50. say your piece to give your opinion about something, especially something you do not like 〔尤指对不喜欢的事〕说出心里话,说出意见
Examples from the Corpus
wouldn’t say boo to a goose at boo2(3), → easier said than done at easy2(4), → enough said at enough2(6), → it goes without saying at go without, → needless to say at needless(1), → no sooner said than done at soon(9), → not say/breathe a word at word1(10), → well said at well1(13), → when all’s said and done at all1(17)
things that you say
say hello/goodbye
I came to say goodbye.
say thank you
I just wanted to say thank you for being there.
say sorry/say that you’re sorry
It was probably too late to say sorry.
say yes/no
Some parents are unable to say no to their children.
say something/anything/nothing
I was about to say something to him when he looked up and smiled.
say some words
She stopped abruptly, suddenly afraid to say the words aloud.
say so
If you don’t know the answer, don’t be afraid to say so.
a terrible/stupid/odd etc thing to say
I know it’s a terrible thing to say, but I wish he’d just go away.
have something/anything/nothing to say
He usually has something to say about just about everything.
to say something
say to tell someone something, using words
‘I really ought to go, ’ she said.
Lauren said she’d probably be late.
state to say something, especially in a definite or formal way – used in official contexts 陈述,说明〔用于正式文体〕
The witness stated that he had never seen the woman before.
Please state your name and address.
announce to publicly tell people about something 宣布,公布
The chairman announced his resignation.
The results will be announced tomorrow.
nWe will announce the winners next Sunday.
nThey were announcing the train times over the loudspeaker system.
declare to say something very firmly 声称,宣称
‘My personal life is none of your business, ’ she declared.
mention to talk about someone or something, especially without giving many details 提及〔尤指不给出细节〕
Did Tom mention anything about what happened at school?
Your name was mentioned!
express to let someone know your feelings by putting them into words 〔用言语〕表达〔情感〕
Young children often find it difficult to express their emotions.
comment to say what your opinion is about someone or something 评论,发表意见
The prime minister was asked to comment on the crisis.
note/remark formal to say that you have noticed that something is true – used especially in formal writing 指出,谈到〔尤用于正式的书面文体〕
We have already noted that most old people live alone.
Someone once remarked that the problem with computers is that they only give you answers.
add to say something more, after what has already been said 补充说
He added that he thought it could be done fairly cheaply.
point out to mention something that seems particularly important or relevant 指出
Dr Graham points out that most children show some signs of abnormal behaviour.
It’s worth pointing out that few people actually die of this disease.
air to talk about your opinions, worries, or the things you disagree about 发表〔意见〕: air your views/grievances/differences
The programme will give listeners the chance to air their views about immigration.
Workers were able to air their grievances.
nvoice to talk publicly about your feelings or about whether you approve or disapprove of something formal: voice concern/support/doubt/fears etc
The president has already voiced his support for the proposal.
She voiced concern for the safety of the hostages.
different ways of saying something 说的不同方式
whisper to say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your full voice 低语,低声说
‘Don’t wake the baby, ’ Jenny whispered.
mumble to say something quietly without pronouncing the words clearly 咕哝,含糊地说
He mumbled his thanks.
mutter to say something quietly, especially when you are annoyed but do not want someone to hear you complaining 嘀咕,悄声说〔尤指不高兴,但又不想让人听到你在抱怨〕
‘This is ridiculous, ’ he muttered under his breath.
nShe muttered something about having to go home early.
murmur to say something in a soft slow gentle voice 轻声地说,柔声地说
She stroked his hair and murmured, ‘Don’t worry. You’ll be all right.’
growl to say something in a low angry voice 低声吼道
‘As I was saying, ’ Lewis growled, ‘it needs to be finished today.’
snarl to say something in a nasty angry way 怒吼
‘Get out of my way!’ he snarled.
exclaim to say something suddenly and loudly 呼喊,惊叫
‘How beautiful!’ she exclaimed.
blurt out to suddenly say something without thinking, especially something embarrassing or secret 脱口说出〔令人难堪或秘密的事〕
It was partly nervousness that had made him blurt out the question.
stammer/stutter to speak with a lot of pauses and repeated sounds, because you have a speech problem, or because you are nervous or excited 〔因为口吃紧张或激动〕结结巴巴地说
‘I’ll, I’ll only be a m-moment, ’ he stammered.
nGRAMMAR: Comparison
You say something to someone:
The principal said a few words to us.
Don’t say: say someone something
You use say with speech marks (‘...’) when quoting the exact words that someone used:
‘I’m sorry I’m late, ’ she said.
Joe said: ‘I’ll be back soon.’
You use say (that) when reporting what someone said:
She said that she was sorry she was late.
Joe said he would be back soon.
After said, the verb in the other clause is usually also in the past tense.
You tell someone something:
Diane told me the news.
He told us a long story.
Don’t say: tell something to someone
You tell someone about something that has happened:
She told me about the accident.
Don’t say: He told about the accident.
You use tell someone (that) when reporting what someone said:
I told them that I was sorry.
The teacher told me I could go home.
After told, the verb in the other clause is usually also in the past tense. Don’t say: He told that he was sorry.
Examples from the Corpus
say2 ●●○ noun [singular, uncountableU]  
1 RIGHT/HAVE THE RIGHT TOthe right to take part in deciding something 决定权;发言权
have some/no/little say in something
 The workers had no say in how the factory was run.
 The chairman has the final say (=has the right to make the final decision about something).
2 have your say POWERto have the opportunity to give your opinion about something 有发表意见的机会
 You’ll get a chance to have your say.
have your say in/on
 Parents can have their say in the decision-making process.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
say3 interjection American EnglishAmE informal  
ATTENTIONused to express surprise, or to get someone’s attention so that you can tell them something 哎,我说〔用于表示惊讶或引起别人注意〕
 Say, haven’t I seen you before somewhere?
Examples from the Corpus
Origin say1
Old English secgan

→THESAURUS1 →SPOKEN PHRASES1say2 nounsay3 interjection




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