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词汇 safety


Word family noun safe safety safenesssafeguardsafe havensafe housesafekeepingsafe sexsafety beltsafety catchsafety curtainsafety glasssafety lampsafety matchsafety netsafety officersafety pinsafety razorsafety valveadjective safeunsafe adverb safely
Related topics: American football
ldoce_289_dsafe·ty /ˈseɪfti/ ●●● S2 W2 noun (plural safeties)  
1 not in danger 没有危险 [uncountableU]SAFE when someone or something is safe from danger or harm 安全
safety of
 measures to improve the health and safety of employees
in safety
 We were able to watch the lions in complete safety.
for safety
 For safety, always climb with a partner.
 You shouldn’t travel alone, for safety’s sake.
 For your own safety, please do not smoke inside the plane.
5  See picture of safety pin安全别针, safety harness安全带, safety goggles 护目镜4  See picture of 见图 safety
2 harmful/not harmful 有害的/无害的 [uncountableU]SAFE how safe something is to use, do etc 安全性
safety of
 Campaigners have challenged the safety of genetically modified foods.
safety standards/regulations/precautions etc (=things that are done in order to make sure that something is safe) 安全标准/条例/预防措施等
 The device meets safety standards.
 Lower speed limits are part of a new road safety campaign.
3 somebody’s safety SAFEhow safe someone is in a particular situation 某人的安全(问题)
 The boy had been missing for five days and there were fears for his safety.
Examples from the Corpus
4 safe place 安全的地方 [uncountableU]SAFE a place where you are safe from danger 安全的地方,没有危险的地方
safety of
 Thirty thousand people fled to the safety of the capital.
get/lead/drag etc somebody to safety
 Firefighters led the children to safety.
 They reached safety seconds before the bomb went off.
5. there is safety in numbers SAFEused to say that it is safer to be in a group than alone 人多保险,人多势众
6. sport 体育运动 [countableC]DSA a way of getting two points in American football by making the other team put the ball down in its own goal 安全得分〔美式橄榄球中迫使对方在自己球门区内将球放下而得两分〕
7. gun [countableC] American EnglishAmE a lock on a gun that stops anyone from shooting it by accident 保险机,保险栓〔枪上的一种锁定装置,用来防止意外走火〕 SYN British English safety catch
8. safety harness/helmet/glasses etc equipment etc that keeps you safe when you are doing something dangerous 安全吊带//眼镜等
Examples from the Corpus
nCOLLOCATIONSMeanings 1,2 & 3
adjectivesADJECTIVES/NOUN + safety
public safety
The police must put public safety first.
personal safety
She didn’t seem to care about her own personal safety.
road safety (=for people driving and walking on roads)
Extra lighting would improve road safety in this area.
food safety (=how safe food is to eat)
New food safety laws say that sandwiches for sale in shops must be kept refrigerated.
safety + NOUN
safety standards (=official rules designed to make something safe)
He claims safety standards on ferries are still not high enough.
safety regulations (=rules designed to make something safe)
She was sold an electric fire that broke all the safety regulations.
safety equipment
Your employer should provide the necessary safety equipment.
a safety measure (=something that is done to make something safe)
New safety measures have been introduced after two horses died in last year’s race.
a safety hazard (=something which may be dangerous)
The firing range is poorly designed and poses a significant safety hazard.
a safety record (=figures showing how safe or unsafe something has been in the past)
The aircraft has a good safety record.
health and safety (=things that are done to prevent people becoming ill or having accidents during an activity)
The Agency’s function is to promote health and safety at work.
improve safety
New plans have been announced to improve safety on the railways.
ensure/guarantee somebody’s safety
There were few laws or regulations to ensure the safety of workers.
fear for somebody’s safety (=be afraid that they will not be safe)
They fear for the safety of relatives they have left behind.
for your own safety
He had been kept in custody for his own safety.
for safety reasons (also for safety’s sake) (=in order to make something safe)
For safety reasons visitors won’t be able to go down the tunnels.
as a safety precaution (=in order to prevent accidents from happening, when this is possible but not very likely)
A fence was put around the lake as a safety precaution.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
safetysafe·ty /ˈseɪfti/ noun [uncountableU]
1the state of being safe from danger or harm
The company seemed totally unconcerned about the safety of its workers.
2the state of not being dangerous or likely to cause harm or injury
Some businesses are failing to meet basic food safety standards.
Experts say that after the introduction of safety measures, the plant is among the safest.
3safety equipment is designed to prevent injury or damage
Workers using power tools must wear the proper safety equipment.
The new model has improved crash resistance and other safety features.
Origin safety
(1300-1400) Old French sauveté, from sauf; → SAFE1




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