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词汇 rush


Word family nounrusheerusherrush hourrushinessadjectiverushenrushlikerushyverbrush
Related topics: College, Football
rush1 /rʌʃ/ ●●● S2 W3 verb  
1 move quickly 快速移动 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]HURRY to move very quickly, especially because you need to be somewhere very soon 〔尤因赶路而〕急速行进,冲,奔 SYN hurry
 A small girl rushed past her.
 Mo rushed off down the corridor.
see thesaurus at hurry
2 rush to do something HURRYto do something very quickly and without delay 赶忙[赶紧]做某事
 I rushed to pack my suitcase before she came back.
 He rushed to help his comrade.
Examples from the Corpus
3 do STH too quickly 仓促做某事 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]HURRY to do or decide something too quickly, especially so that you do not have time to do it carefully or well 仓促行事;匆匆决定
 He does not intend to rush his decision.
rush into
 I’m not rushing into marriage again.
rush through
 She rushed through her script.
rush it/things
 When we first met, neither of us wanted to rush things.
4 take/send urgently 迅速带走/送出 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]HURRY to take or send someone or something somewhere very quickly, especially because of an unexpected problem 〔尤因意外事件而〕急送〔某人或某物去某处〕
rush somebody/something to something
 The Red Cross rushed medical supplies to the war zone.
 Dan was rushed to hospital with serious head injuries.
5 make SB hurry 催促某人 [transitiveT]HURRY to try to make someone do something more quickly than they want to 催促,使赶紧
 I’m sorry to rush you, but we need a decision by Friday.
rush somebody into (doing) something
 They felt they were being rushed into choosing a new leader.
6 liquid 液体 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] if water or another liquid rushes somewhere, it moves quickly 〔水或其他液体〕快速流动
 Water rushed through the gorge.
4  See picture of 见图 FLOWER 1
7 BLOOD 血液blood rushes to somebody’s face/cheeks used to say that someone’s face becomes red because they feel embarrassed 〔因尴尬〕某人的脸/面颊涨红
 I felt the blood rush to my face as I heard my name.
8 attack 攻击 [transitiveT]ATTACK to attack a person or place suddenly and in a group 〔一伙人〕突然袭击
 They rushed the guard and stole his keys.
9 American universities 美国大学 American EnglishAmE
a) [transitiveT]SEC to give parties for students, have meetings etc, in order to decide whether to let them join your fraternity or sorority (=type of club) 〔大学生联谊会通过舞会、聚会等〕招纳,吸引〔新会员〕
b) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SEC to go through the process of trying to be accepted into one of these clubs 争取加入〔大学生联谊会〕
10. American football 美式橄榄球 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DSF to carry the ball forward 带(球)跑动,跑动带(球)
11rush around (also rush about British English) phrasal verbphr v HURRYto try to do a lot of things in a short period of time 〔在短时间内〕赶做许多事;匆匆忙忙地做,奔忙
 Get things ready early so that you don’t have to rush around at the last minute.
12rush something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v BBTto make a new product, book etc available for sale very quickly 赶制〔新产品〕;赶印〔书〕
 The new edition was rushed out just before Christmas.
Examples from the Corpus
13rush something ↔ through phrasal verbphr v PGPto deal with official or government business more quickly than usual 匆匆地处理〔公务〕
rush something through something
 The legislation was rushed through parliament.
rush to move very quickly, especially because you need to be somewhere soon
He was rushing out of his office in order to go to a meeting.
There’s no need to rush - we have plenty of time.
hurry to do something or go somewhere more quickly than usual, especially because there is not much time
People hurried into stores to escape the rain.
You ll have to hurry or we 'll be late for breakfast
I hurried through the rest of my workout and showered as quickly as I could.
race to go somewhere as fast as you can
She raced downstairs to tell her mother.
He raced back to his car and called for help.
tear to run very quickly and without really looking where you are going, because you are in a hurry
I saw two boys tearing across the field towards the tree.
He tore down the stairs and out of the house.
They tore out of the building.
dash to run somewhere very fast, especially only a short distance
Bob dashed across the road to his friend’s house.
Her heart was pumping furiously as she dashed through the kitchen to the front door.
I dashed outside to try to rescue the unfortunate creature.
hustle American EnglishAmE informal to hurry when you are doing something or going somewhere
You better hustle or you’re going to miss the school bus.
hasten literary to hurry somewhere, especially because you need to do something
Suddenly frightened, she hastened back to where her friends were standing.
She took a deep breath and then hastened after him.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Plants, College
rush2 ●●○ noun  
1 fast movement 快速移动 [singular]HURRY a sudden fast movement of things or people 冲,奔
rush of air/wind/water
 She felt a cold rush of air as she wound down her window.
in a rush
 Her words came out in a rush.
 At five past twelve there was a mad rush to the dinner hall.
2 hurry 赶紧 [singular, uncountableU]HURRY a situation in which you need to hurry 匆忙,赶紧
 I knew there would be a last-minute rush to meet the deadline.
 Don’t worry, there’s no rush. We don’t have to be at the station until 10.
do something in a rush (=do something quickly because you need to hurry) 赶紧做某事
 I had to do my homework in a rush because I was late.
be in a rush
 I’m sorry, I can’t talk now – I’m in a rush.
3 BUSY PERIOD 繁忙时期the rush BUSY PLACEthe time in the day, month, year etc when a place or group of people is particularly busy 特别忙碌的时期 peak
 The café is quiet until the lunchtime rush begins.
 the Christmas rush
rush hour
Examples from the Corpus
4 people wanting STH 人们需要某物 [singular]HURRY a situation in which a lot of people suddenly try to do or get something 〔很多人〕争做,急需,抢购
rush on
 There’s always a rush on swimsuits in the hot weather.
rush to do something
 the rush to put computers in all schools
gold rush
5 feeling 感觉 [singular]
a) informalEXCITED a sudden strong, usually pleasant feeling that you get from taking a drug or from doing something exciting 〔服用毒品或做了兴奋的事后产生的〕快感,亢奋 high
 The feeling of power gave me such a rush.
 an adrenalin rush
b) rush of anger/excitement/gratitude etcSTRONG FEELING OR BELIEF a sudden very strong feeling of anger etc 一阵怒火/激动/感激等
 I felt a rush of excitement when she arrived.
 A rush of jealousy swept through her.
6. plant 植物 [countableC usually plural]HBP a type of tall grass that grows in water, often used for making baskets 灯芯草〔常用来编筐〕5 see picture at 见图 flower1
7. FILM 电影rushes [plural]AMF the first prints of a film before it has been edited 毛片,未经剪辑的影片 SYN American English dailies
8 american students 美国学生 [uncountableU] American EnglishAmESEC the time when students in American universities who want to join a fraternity or sorority (=type of club) go to a lot of parties in order to try to be accepted 〔美国大学生联谊会的〕纳新活动时间
 rush week
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
rushrush1 /rʌʃ/ verb
1[intransitiveI] to move or go somewhere very quickly and in large amounts
rush into
Foreign capital is rushing into Asia at an incredible rate.
2[intransitiveI, transitiveT] to do something too quickly, especially so that you do not have time to do it carefully or well
There’s plenty of time — we don’t need to rush.
The company chose not to rush development of the new engine.
3rush to do something to do something eagerly and without delay
Investors are rushing to buy bonds.
4[transitiveT] to take or send something somewhere very quickly, especially because of an unexpected problem
We had to rush the backup disk to the office.
Volkswagen rushed in its bid early.
5[transitiveT] to try to make someone do something more quickly than they want to
I’m sorry to rush you, but we need a decision by Friday.
rush somebody into doing something
Don’t let them rush you into signing the contract.
rush into something
rush something → out
rush something → through
rushrush2 noun
1[singular, uncountableU] a situation in which you need to hurry
We don’t see any rush or urgency to buy right now.
They are in no rush to make a deal.
2[singular] when a lot of people suddenly try to do or get something
rush for
We’re going to see a big rush for Western goods.
rush on
a rush on swimsuits in the hot weather
rush to do something
The rush to buy shares did not last long.
3[singular] the time in the day, month, year etc when a place or group of people are particularly busy
The cafe is quiet until the lunchtime rush.
the Christmas rush
see also gold-rush
Origin rush1
(1300-1400) Old French ruser to drive back, deceive, from Latin recusare; RECUSE
1. (1300-1400) → RUSH1
2. Old English risc




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