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词汇 believe


Word family noun belief disbelief believer adjective believableunbelievable disbelieving believingverb believedisbelieve adverb unbelievably believingly
Related topics: Religion
be·lieve /bəˈliːv/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 BE SURE something IS TRUE[transitiveT]BELIEVE to be sure that something is true or that someone is telling the truth 相信
 You shouldn’t believe everything you read.
 I believed him, even though his story sounded unlikely.
believe (that)
 I don’t believe he’s only 25.
 I don’t believe a word of it (=I think it is completely untrue).
2 HAVE AN OPINION[transitiveT]BELIEVE to think that something is true or possible, although you are not completely sure 认为;料想,猜想
believe (that)
 Detectives believe that the victim knew his killer.
it is believed (that)
 It is believed that the house was built in 1735.
believe so (=think that something is true) 认为是的
 ‘Have they arrived yet?’ ‘Yes, I believe so.’
be believed to be something
 At 115, Mrs Jackson is believed to be the oldest person in the country.
 The four men are widely believed (=believed by a lot of people) to have been killed by their captors.
 Did you honestly believe that I’d be stupid enough to do that?
 I firmly believe that the business will be a success.
see thesaurus at think
3 it’s difficult/hard to believe (that) used when you are surprised that something is true 很难相信〔用于表示惊异〕
 Sometimes, it’s hard to believe we’ve been married for 50 years.
Examples from the Corpus
4 can’t/don’t believe something SURPRISEDused when you are very surprised or shocked by something 不能/不敢相信某事〔用于表示惊异或震惊〕
 I can’t believe he’s expecting us to work on Sunday!
 I couldn’t believe it when he told me what had happened.
can hardly/scarcely believe something
 I could scarcely believe my luck.
Examples from the Corpus
5 believe it or not BELIEVEused when you are saying something that is true but surprising 信不信由你
 He enjoys school, believe it or not.
Examples from the Corpus
6 would you believe it!  (also I don’t believe it!)SURPRISED used when you are surprised or angry about something 你会相信吗? 我不能相信!〔表示惊讶或生气〕
 And then he just walked out. Would you believe it!
然后他就走出去了。 你能相信吗!
Examples from the Corpus
7 believe (you) me TRUEused to emphasize that something is definitely true 相信我〔用于强调某事绝对是真的〕
 There’ll be trouble when they find out about this, believe you me!
Examples from the Corpus
8. you’d better believe it! used to emphasize that something is true 你最好相信!〔用于强调某事是真的〕
Examples from the Corpus
9. don’t you believe it! used to emphasize that something is definitely not true 千万不要相信!〔用于强调某事绝对不是真的〕
10. can’t believe your eyes/ears SURPRISEDused to say that someone is very surprised by something they see or hear 不敢相信自己的眼睛/耳朵
Examples from the Corpus
11. if you believe that, you’ll believe anythingyou’ll believe anything if you believe that BELIEVEused to say that something is definitely not true, and that anyone who believes it must be stupid 你要是连这都相信,还有什么不信的;谁相信谁就是傻瓜
12. seeing is believing  (also I’ll believe it when I see it)BELIEVE used to say that you will only believe that something happens or exists when you actually see it 眼见为实
Examples from the Corpus
13 RELIGION[intransitiveI]RRRELIGION to have a religious faith 有宗教信仰,信教
 She says those who believe will go to heaven.
14believe in somebody/something phrasal verbphr v 
a) BELIEVEto be sure that someone or something exists 相信存在
 Do you believe in God?
b) APPROVEto think that something is effective or right 相信有用;相信正确
 I don’t believe in these diets.
believe in doing something
 The school believes in letting children learn at their own pace.
c) BELIEVEto trust someone and be confident that they will be successful 信任,信赖,相信〔某人会成功〕
 The people want a president they can believe in.
 Believe in yourself, or you’ll never succeed.
Examples from the Corpus
make believe at make1(19)
Patterns with believe
You believe that something is true:
We believe that all men are equal.
You believe that something should happen:
We believe all men should be treated equally.
You believe that someone can do something:
I still believe that we can win.
You believe that something might or could happen:
Do you believe that things might change?
In more formal English, you can say it is believed that:
It was believed that the King’s touch could cure diseases.
In all the above patterns with that, ‘that’ can be omitted:
We believe all men are equal.
You can use the phrases I believe so or I don’t believe so, usually to give a short answer:
‘Are they married?’ ‘I believe so.’
‘Were there any problems?’ ‘I don’t believe so.’
Don’t say: I believe it.
Using the progressive
Believe is not used in the progressive. You say:
I believe you.
Don’t say: I am believing you.
to believe something 相信某事物
believe to be sure that something is true or that someone is telling the truth 相信
I believed her when she said that she loved me.
Don’t believe anything he tells you.
accept to believe that something is true, especially because someone has persuaded you to believe it 〔尤指经说服而〕接受,相信
His wife accepted his explanation for why he was late.
nLeah had slowly come to accept her brother’s version of events.
take somebody’s word for it especially spoken to believe what someone says is true, even though you have no proof or experience of it 〔在没有证据或经验的情况下〕相信某人的话
I don’t know anything about him, so I’ll just have to take your word for it.
nYou don’t have to take my word for it – go and see for yourself.
n‘Cakes are very easy to make.’ ‘I’ll take your word for it.’
give somebody the benefit of the doubt to believe what someone says, even though you think it might not be true 姑且先相信某人
Unless you have proof, you should give him the benefit of the doubt.
to believe something that is untrue 相信不真实的事情
be taken in (also fall for something informal) to be tricked into believing something that is not true 受骗,上当
A lot of people were taken in by these claims.
I can’t believe she fell for that old excuse!
swallow informal to believe a story or explanation that is not true, especially when this makes you seem silly (尤指愚蠢的)轻信,误信
His aunt had swallowed his story unquestioningly.
nPolice refused to swallow his story, and put him in a cell.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin believe
Old English belefan, from lyfan, lefan to allow, believe




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