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词汇 root


Word family nounrootagerootednessrooterrootlessnessrootletrootsinessroot beerroot canalroot croprootholdrootkitrootstockroot vegetablerootingrootadjectiverootedrootlessrootlikerootsrootsyrootyrootboundadverbrootedlyverbrootle
Related topics: Plants, Grammar, Numbers, Biology, Maths
root1 /ruːt/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countableC]   route
1 plant 植物HBP the part of a plant or tree that grows under the ground and gets water from the soil
 tree roots
 These plants produce a number of thin roots.
root crop, root vegetable4  See picture of 见图 TREE5 see picture at 见图 tree
2 cause of a problem 问题的起因CAUSE the main cause of a problem 〔问题的〕根源,起因
be/lie at the root of something (=be the cause of something) 是某事物的根本原因
 Allergies are at the root of a lot of health problems.
 The love of money is the root of all evil.
 A competent mechanic should be able to get to the root of the problem (=find out the cause of a problem).
 the root causes of crime
3 origin/main part 起源/主要部分COME FROM/ORIGINATE the origin or main part of something such as a custom, law, activity etc, from which other things have developed 起源;基础;根本
root in
 a legal system with roots in English common law
 Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US.
be/lie at the root of something 是某事物的根本原因
 the liberal economic policies which lie at the root of American power
4 FAMILY CONNECTION 家族联系somebody’s roots COME FROM/ORIGINATEyour relation to a place because you were born there, or your family used to live there 某人的根〔指与出生地、家乡的联系〕
 immigrants keeping in touch with their cultural roots
 Alex Haley’s story about his search for his roots became a bestseller.
5 put down roots LIVE SOMEWHEREif you put down roots somewhere, you start to feel that a place is your home and to have relationships with the people there 扎下根
 Because of her husband’s job, they’d moved too often to put down roots anywhere.
Examples from the Corpus
6 tooth/hair etc 牙齿/头发等HBH the part of a tooth, hair etc that connects it to the rest of your body 〔牙齿、头发等的〕根部
 She’d pulled some of Kelly’s hair out by the roots.
7 take root 
a) START something/MAKE something STARTif an idea, method, activity etc takes root, people begin to accept or believe it, or it begins to have an effect 〔观点、方法、活动等〕扎根;深入人心;开始见效
 Economists believe that economic recovery will begin to take root next year.
b) HBPif a plant takes root, it starts to grow where you have planted it 〔植物〕生根
Examples from the Corpus
8. have a (good) root round British EnglishBrE informalLOOK FOR to search for something by moving other things around 翻找
9. language 语言 technicalSLG the basic part of a word which shows its main meaning, to which other parts can be added. For example, the word ‘coldness’ is formed from the root ‘cold’ and the suffix ‘ness’. 词根 stem
10 mathematics 数学 technicalHMN a number that, when multiplied by itself a certain number of times, equals the number that you have
 2 is the fourth root of 16.
11 root and branch GET RID OFif you destroy or change something root and branch, you get rid of it or change it completely and permanently because it is bad 彻底地,永久地〔消除或改变不良事物〕
 a root and branch reform of the electoral system
Examples from the Corpus
cube root, square root, grass roots
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Plants
root2 verb  
1 plant 植物
a) [intransitiveI]HBP to grow roots 生根
 New shrubs will root easily in summer.
b) [transitiveT] if a plant is rooted somewhere, it is held in the ground firmly by its roots 使〔植物〕牢牢扎根
 a bush firmly rooted in the hard ground
root itself
 Clumps of thyme had rooted themselves between the rocks.
Root is either passive or reflexive in this meaning.
2 be rooted in something COME FROM/ORIGINATEto have developed from something and be strongly influenced by it 起源于某事物
 The country’s economic troubles are rooted in a string of global crises.
 This feeling of rejection is often deeply rooted in childhood.
Examples from the Corpus
3 search 寻找 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]LOOK FOR to search for something by moving things around 翻找 SYN rummage
root through/in/amongst something (for something)
 Leila rooted through her handbag for a pen.
4 pigs [intransitiveI usually + adverbadv/prepositionprep] if a pig roots somewhere, it looks for food under the ground 拱土觅食
root for
 pigs rooting for truffles
5 rooted to the spot/floor/ground etc NOT MOVINGso shocked, surprised, or frightened that you cannot move 〔震惊、惊讶或害怕得〕呆住不动
 She stood rooted to the spot, staring at him.
Examples from the Corpus
6root for somebody phrasal verbphr v informal 
a) SUPPORT A TEAM OR PLAYERto want someone to succeed in a competition, test, or difficult situation 给〔参赛者、应试者或处境困难的人〕支持;鼓励;声援
 You can do it – I’m rooting for you.
b) especially American EnglishAmESUPPORT A TEAM OR PLAYER to support a sports team or player by shouting and cheering 为〔参赛队或运动员〕欢呼[喝彩,加油]
 the Los Angeles fans rooting for the Lakers
7root something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v 
a) STOP something THAT IS HAPPENINGto find out where a particular kind of problem exists and get rid of it 根除,杜绝〔问题〕
 Action is being taken to root out corruption in the police force.
b) FINDto find something by searching for it 搜寻
 I’ll try and root out something for you to wear.
Examples from the Corpus
8.root something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v DLGto dig or pull a plant up with its roots 将〔植物〕连根挖起[拔起]
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin root1
(1100-1200) Old Norse rot
1. (1200-1300) → ROOT1
2. Old English wrotan. root for (1800-1900) Perhaps from rout (of cattle) to make a loud sound ((14-19 centuries)), from Old Norse rauta




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