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词汇 road


Word family nounroadieroadsterroadworthinessroadbedroadblockroadcraftroadheaderroad hogroadholdingroadhouseroadmanroad managerroad maproad pricingroad rageroadrunnerroadshowroadsideroad signroadsmanroadsteadroad taxroad testroad warriorroadwayroadworkroadworksroadadjectiveroadlessroadworthy
Related topics: Roads
road /rəʊd $ roʊd/ ●●● S1 W1 noun   rode
1 [countableC, uncountableU]TTR a specially prepared hard surface for cars, buses, bicycles etc to travel on 路,道路,公路 street, motorway, freeway
along the road
 I was driving along the road when a kid suddenly stepped out in front of me.
up the road
 You’ll see the library a bit further up the road.
down the road
 I ran down the road to see what was happening.
 My sister lives just down the road.
in the road
 Protestors sat down in the road to stop the lorries.
in the middle of the road
 Someone was standing in the middle of the road.
across the road
 I ran across the road to meet him.
by road
 The college is easily accessible by road.
on the road
 There are far more cars on the road now than there used to be.
 There were lots of cars parked on the road.
n2. Road
3 on the road 
a) TTCtravelling in a car, especially for long distances 〔尤指长途〕乘车[开车]旅行中
 I’ve been on the road since 5:00 a.m. this morning.
b) APTRAVELif a group of actors or musicians are on the road, they are travelling from place to place giving performances 在巡回演出中
 They’re on the road for six months out of every year.
c) TTCif your car is on the road, you have paid for the repairs, tax etc necessary for you to drive it legally 〔汽车〕可以合法行驶〔指已付维修费用、税款等〕
 It would cost too much to put it back on the road.
Examples from the Corpus
4 the road to something if you are on the road to something, you will achieve it soon, or it will happen to you soon 向某事物迈进
 The doctor says she’s well on the road to recovery.
 It was this deal that set him on the road to his first million.
 the first step along the road to democracy
Examples from the Corpus
5 go down a/this road to choose a particular course of action 选择某种/这种做法
 Is there any scope for going down that road in the future?
 It depends which road you want to go down.
Examples from the Corpus
6 along/down the road in the future, especially at a later stage in a process 今后,以后
 You can always upgrade a bit further down the road if you want.
 Somewhere down the road, they’re going to clash.
Examples from the Corpus
7. one for the road spokenDFD a last alcoholic drink before you leave a party, pub etc 〔离开聚会、酒吧等前喝的〕最后一杯酒
Examples from the Corpus
8. road to Damascus a situation in which someone experiences a sudden and complete change in their opinions or beliefs. The phrase is based on the story in the New Testament of the Bible, in which St Paul saw a blinding light and heard God’s voice while he was travelling on the road to Damascus. He immediately became a Christian. 通往大马士革之路〔指某人突然彻底改变观点或信仰,源于《圣经·新约》中圣保罗在前往大马士革途中皈依基督教的故事〕
the end of the road at end1(16), → hit the road at hit1(13)
nUSAGE: Up/down the road
You often use the phrases up the road and down the road when saying that someone or something is not far away, on the same road:
She lives just up the road from us.
The post office is down the road on the right.
types of road
road a hard surface for cars, buses etc to drive on
They’re planning to build a new road.
My address is 42, Station Road.
street a road in a town, with houses or shops on each side
She lives on our street.
We walked along the streets of the old town.
Oxford Street is one of Europe’s busiest shopping areas.
He was stopped by the police, driving the wrong way down a one-way street.
Turn left on Main Street (=the street in the middle of a town, where most of the shops are – used in American English).
These days the same shops are on every high street (=the street in the middle of a town, where most of the shops are – used in British English).
avenue a road in a town, often with trees on each side
the busy avenue in front of the cathedral
He lived on Park Avenue.
boulevard a wide road in a city or town – used especially in street names in the US, France etc. In the UK, streets are usually called avenue rather than boulevard
the world-famous Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles.
lane a narrow road in the country
a winding country lane
cul-de-sac a short street which is closed at one end
The house is situated in a quiet cul-de-sac in North Oxford.
track especially British EnglishBrE, dirt road American EnglishAmE a narrow road in the country, usually without a hard surface
The farm was down a bumpy track.
ring road British EnglishBrE a road that goes around a town
The airport is on the ring road.
bypass British EnglishBrE a road that goes past a town, allowing traffic to avoid the centre
The bypass would take heavy traffic out of the old city centre.
dual carriageway British EnglishBrE, divided highway American EnglishAmE a road with a barrier or strip of land in the middle that has lines of traffic travelling in each direction
I waited until we were on the dual carriageway before I overtook him.
freeway/expressway American EnglishAmE a very wide road in a city or between cities, on which cars can travel very fast without stopping
Take the Hollywood Freeway (101) south, exit at Vine Street and drive east on Franklin Avenue.
Over on the side of the expressway, he saw an enormous sedan, up against a stone wall.
motorway British EnglishBrE, highway American EnglishAmE a very wide road for travelling fast over long distances
The speed limit on the motorway is 70 miles an hour.
the Pacific Coast Highway
interstate American EnglishAmE a road for fast traffic that goes between states
The accident happened on Interstate 84, about 10 miles east of Hartford.
toll road a road that you pay to use
The government is planning to introduce toll roads, in an effort to cut traffic congestion.
turnpike American EnglishAmE a large road for fast traffic that you pay to use
He dropped her off at an entrance to the New Jersey Turnpike.
busy (=with a lot of traffic) 交通繁忙的
The children have to cross a busy road to get to school.
quiet (=with little traffic) 安静的
At that time of night, the roads were quiet.
clear (=with no traffic or nothing blocking it) 通畅的
Before you overtake, make sure the road is clear.
a main road (=an important road that is used a lot) 大路
nThe main road was blocked for twenty-five minutes.
a minor road 小路
nFrance has a huge network of minor roads.
a side road/a back road (=a small road that is not used much) 支路
nHe drove into a quiet side road and stopped the car.
a country road 乡间公路
nHe was driving along a quiet country road when a tyre suddenly burst.
a mountain road 山路
nA lot of concentration is needed on the narrow mountain roads.
the coast road 海滨公路
nHe continued along the coast road.
the open road (=a road without much traffic or anything to stop you getting somewhere) 畅通的道路
nThis car is at its best on the open road.
na road is open (=it is not closed or blocked)
We try to keep the mountain road open for most of the year.
na road is closed
The mountain road was closed by snow.
na road is blocked
The main road was blocked for an hour while police cleared the accident.
cross a road 过马路
She was standing on the pavement waiting to cross the road.
run out into a road 跑到马路上
He had to swerve when a child ran out into the road.
a road leads/goes/runs somewhere 路通往某处
We turned into the road leading to the village.
a road winds (=it turns and curves, rather than going in a straight line) 道路蜿蜒
nA long road wound through the park.
a road forks (=it starts going ahead in two different directions) 道路分岔
nAt Salen, the road forks right and left.
a road narrows/widens 道路变窄/变宽
nAfter a couple of miles, the road narrows.
road + NOUN
a road accident 道路事故
Her husband was killed in a road accident.
road safety 道路安全
We share parents’ concern for road safety.
road sense (=knowledge of how to behave safely near traffic) 道路安全意识
nYoung children don’t have any road sense.
na road junction (=place where two or more roads meet)
It was a busy road junction.
na road network (=system of roads that cross or are connected to each other)
the road network in northern France
the side of the road 马路边
We stopped and had something to eat by the side of the road.
nShe was standing on the other side of the road talking to my mum.
the road ahead (=in front of you) 前方道路
The road ahead was completely flooded.
a fork in the road (=a place where a road goes in two different directions) 岔道口
nWe had to ask for directions each time we got to a fork in the road.
Examples from the Corpus
(written abbreviation Rd.)TTRNAME OF A THING used in addresses after the names of roads and streets 路〔用在地址中的街道名称之后〕
 65 Maple Road
 He lives on Dudley Road.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin road
Old English rad ride, journey




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