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词汇 request


Word family nounrequesterrequest
Related topics: Television & radio, Music
re·quest1 /rɪˈkwest/ ●●● S3 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethinga polite or formal demand for something 要求,请求
request for
 They have made an urgent request for international aid.
request from
 requests from customers for more information
request that
 Anderson repeated his request that we postpone the meeting.
at somebody’s request (=because someone asked for it to be done) 应某人的要求
 The study was done at the request of the Chairman.
on request (=if you ask for it) 一经要求
 Further details will be sent on request.
by request
 There were no flowers at the funeral, by request.
see thesaurus at question
2. AMTAPMa piece of music that is played on the radio because someone has asked for it 点播的乐曲
make a request 要求;请求
I’d like to make a request.
submit/put in a request (=make a formal request) 提出〔正式〕请求
The request was first submitted a number of months ago.
nHe has put in a request for two weeks' holiday.
agree to a request (also grant somebody’s request formal) 同意请求
The judge granted his request.
nDiana was happy to agree to his request.
refuse/reject a request (also turn down somebody’s request) 拒绝请求
He rejected their request for a meeting.
nThis request was turned down because of the cost.
receive a request 收到请求
nThey had received two urgent requests for assistance.
consider a request 考虑请求
nAfter carefully considering this request, the council rejected it.
respond to a request 回应请求
nThank you to those who responded to our request for information last month.
ignore a request 无视请求
nThey ignored repeated requests to leave the property.
a formal request 正式请求
The government made a formal request for food aid.
a special request 特殊请求
Do you have any special requests?
an urgent request 紧急请求
The family made an urgent request on television for help in finding their daughter.
a reasonable request 合理的请求
nIt seemed like a reasonable request.
a strange/unusual request 奇怪的/不寻常的请求
nThis is rather an unusual request.
a written request 书面请求
nIf you wish to take you child on holiday during the school term, you must make a formal written request.
repeated requests 一再的请求
n The bank would not reveal its figures, despite repeated requests.
Examples from the Corpus
request2 ●●○ verb [transitiveT]  
formalASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something to ask for something in a polite or formal way 请求,要求
 To request more information, please call our toll-free number.
 You have to request permission if you want to take any photographs.
request that
 The prosecution has requested that all charges against Hodgkins be dropped.
request somebody to do something
 All club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.
request something from somebody
 The Police Committee requested a grant from the Government to cover the extra expense.
see thesaurus at ask
nGRAMMAR: Patterns with request
You request something:
I requested permission to leave early.
In everyday English, you request that someone does something:
They request that he finishes the work by Friday.
In more formal English, you request that someone do something, using the base form of the verb (=the infinitive without ‘to’):
She requested that she be allowed to leave.
You say that someone is requested to do something. This pattern is used especially on official notices and announcements:
Passengers are requested not to throw things out of the window.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
requestre·quest1 /rɪˈkwest/ noun [v]
to officially or formally ask for something
Enclosed, please find the information you requested.
request that
The state has requested that the companies provide data on lead levels in their products.
requestrequest2 noun [countableC]
an official or formal demand for something
request for
The fund group received 150,000 requests for its prospectus.
Bank officials meet today to consider a request for further credit from the troubled newspaper group.
A free sample copy will be provided on request.
Origin request1
(1300-1400) Old French requeste, from Vulgar Latin, from requaerere; → REQUIRE




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