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词汇 remove


Word family noun move movement removal remover mover removabilityremovalistremovednessadjective movable unmoved moving removableremovedverb move remove adverb movingly removably
noun removal remover adjective removable verb remove
re·move1 /rɪˈmuːv/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL verb [transitiveT]  
1 take away 移走TAKE something FROM SOMEWHERE to take something away from, out of, or off the place where it is 移走;搬走;去掉
 Remove the old wallpaper and fill any holes in the walls.
remove something from something
 Reference books may not be removed from the library.
2 get rid of 排除REMOVE to get rid of something so that it does not exist any longer 清除,除去
 a cleaner that will remove wine stains
 The college removed rules that prevented women from enrolling.
3 from a job 免职LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATION to force someone out of an important position or dismiss them from a job 免除的职务;开除
remove somebody from something
 Congress could remove the president from office.
4 clothes 衣服 formalTAKE OFF CLOTHES to take off a piece of clothing 摘掉;脱掉
 He removed his hat and gloves.
In everyday English, people usually say that someone takes clothing off rather than removes it: 在日常英语中,人们表示脱衣服,一般用 take off,而不用 remove
Is it OK if I take my coat off?
5 be far removed from something DIFFERENTto be very different from something 与某事物迥然不同
 The events in the newspaper article were far removed from reality.
Examples from the Corpus
6. cousin once/twice etc removed SSFFAMILYthe child, grandchild etc of your cousin, or your parent’s, grandparent’s etc cousin 隔一代/两代等的堂[]亲戚
THESAURUSMeaning 2: to get rid of something so that it does not exist any longer 清除,除去
remove to make something no longer exist, especially something that was causing problems 去除〔尤指引起麻烦的事物〕
Some stains are difficult to remove with ordinary washing powder.
All the obstacles to an agreement have now been removed.
get rid of somebody/something to remove someone or something that you do not want. Get rid of is much more common than remove in everyday English, but is usually only used in active sentences 摆脱某人/某物〔在日常英语中比 remove 常用得多,但一般仅用于主动句〕
They managed to get rid of all the weeds.
It was almost impossible to get rid of him.
eliminate to completely get rid of something that you do not want, especially because it is unnecessary or causing problems 根除〔不必要或引起麻烦的事物〕
If you book online, this eliminates the need for a ticket.
The new system will help to eliminate costly delays.
eradicate to completely get rid of a disease or a problem (彻底)消灭〔疾病或问题〕
The disease has been eradicated from most of Europe.
Street crime has almost been eradicated.
delete to remove something that has been written on a computer, or stored in a computer 删除〔写入或存入计算机的某物〕
Do you want to delete this file?
nPress 3 to delete the messages on your answerphone.
erase to remove recorded sounds or pictures from a tape, or writing from paper 抹去〔录音、画面〕;擦除〔文字〕
Shall I erase this video?
It’s better to cross out a mistake than to try to erase it.
cut to remove a part from a film, book, speech etc 删剪〔电影、书、讲话等的部分内容〕
The most violent scenes were cut.
Parts of his original speech were cut.
Examples from the Corpus
remove2 AWL noun [countableC, uncountableU] especially British EnglishBrE formal  
a distance or amount by which two things are separated 距离;差距;间距
at a remove
 The X-ray operator works at a safe remove in a separate room.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
removere·move /rɪˈmuːv/ verb [transitiveT]
1to take something away
We need to consider the trade implications before border controls are removed.
remove something from somebody/something
an injunction removing the vote from 80,000 shareholders
The committee is recommending that the drug be removed from the market altogether.
2HUMAN RESOURCESto force someone to leave an important job or position
The new directors intend to meet on Monday to remove the company’s chief executive.
The governor was removed from office following allegations of misconduct.
Origin remove
(1200-1300) Old French removoir, from Latin removere, from movere to move




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