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词汇 redeem


Word family nounredeemabilityredeemablenessredeemeradjectiveredeemableredeemingredeemlessadverbredeemablyverbredeem
Related topics: Business, Christianity, Loans
re·deem /rɪˈdiːm/ ●○○ verb [transitiveT] formal  
1 improve STH 改善某事物IMPROVE to make something less bad 补救,补偿 SYN make up for
 Olivier’s performance redeemed an otherwise second-rate play.
redeeming quality/feature etc (=the one good thing about an unpleasant person or thing) 唯一可取之处
 The hotel had a single redeeming feature – it was cheap.
2 redeem yourself formal IMPROVEto do something that will improve what other people think of you, after you have behaved badly or failed 挽回影响,挽回声誉
 He spent the rest of the game trying to redeem himself after a first-minute mistake.
Examples from the Corpus
3 get money for STH 以某物兑换钱BMONEY to exchange a piece of paper representing an amount of money for that amount of money or for goods equal in cost to that amount of money 兑换;兑现
 You can redeem the coupon at any store.
4. religion 宗教RRC to free someone from the power of evil, especially in the Christian religion 〔尤指基督教里〕为赎罪;救赎 Redeemer
5 redeem a promise/pledge formalPROMISE to do what you promised to do 履行诺言/承诺
 The government found itself unable to redeem its election pledges.
6 get STH back 拿回某物BFL to buy back something which you left with someone you borrowed money from 赎回
redeem something from something
 He finally redeemed his watch from the pawnbroker.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
redeemre·deem /rɪˈdiːm/ verb [transitiveT]FINANCE
1to pay off a loan or debt
He intends to redeem the mortgage at the earliest opportunity.
When do you expect to redeem this debt?
2to exchange shares, bonds etc for cash
A company will not normally be allowed to redeem its shares during the offer period if its board believes that a takeover offer is imminent.
3to get back something that you pawned (=left with someone when you borrowed money from them), by returning the money borrowed
redeemable adjectiveadj
Most of these bonds are redeemable at par, i.e. £100 is payable for each £100 nominal value of stock.
Origin redeem
(1400-1500) French rédimer, from Latin redimere, from emere to take, buy




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