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词汇 red


Word family verbreddenadjectivereddishreddyred-bloodedredbrickred-facedredhandedred-hotrednounreddishnessrednessred alertredbackredbellyredbreastredbudredcapred cardredcoatRed CrescentRed Crossredcurrantredfishred flagred giantredheadredlegred meatredneckredpollredrootredshankredshirtredskinredstartredstreakred taperedtopred-topredwaterredwingredwoodadverbredly
Related topics: Colours, Hair & beauty, Groupings
red1 /red/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp redder, superlativesupl reddest)  
1 colour 颜色CC having the colour of blood 红色的
 We painted the door bright red.
 a red balloon
blood-red, → cherry red at cherry(3), scarlet
2. hair 头发CCDCB hair that is red has an orange-brown colour 红褐色的
3 faceCCDC if you go red, your face becomes a bright pink colour, especially because you are embarrassed or angry 涨红的,通红的〔尤因尴尬或生气〕
go/turn red
 Every time you mention his name, she goes bright red.
4. wine 葡萄酒 red wine is a red or purple colour 红色的 white
5 like a red rag to a bull British EnglishBrE (also like waving a red flag in front of a bull American EnglishAmE)ANGRYUPSET very likely to make someone angry or upset 容易使人愤怒;容易使人苦恼
 Just mentioning his ex-wife’s name was like a red rag to a bull.
Examples from the Corpus
6. roll out the red carpet/give somebody the red carpet treatment BETTERto give special treatment to an important visitor 隆重欢迎/隆重接待某人
7 not one red cent American EnglishAmE informalMONEY used to emphasize that you mean no money at all 没有一分钱
 I wouldn’t give him one red cent for that car.
Examples from the Corpus
8. politics 政治 informalPPG communist or extremely left-wing political views – used to show disapproval 共产主义的;激进左翼的〔含贬义〕
redness noun [uncountableU]
paint the town red at paint2(5)
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Colours, Drink, Groupings
red2 ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 [countableC, uncountableU]CC the colour of blood 红色
 I like the way the artist uses red in this painting.
 the reds and yellows of the trees
 The corrections were marked in red (=in red ink).
2 [countableC, uncountableU]DFD red wine 红葡萄酒 white
 a nice bottle of red
3 be in the red informalBFOWE to owe more money than you have 负债;有赤字 OPP be in the black overdrawn
 This is the airline’s fourth straight year in the red.
Examples from the Corpus
4. [countableC] informalPPG someone who has communist or very left-wing political opinions – used especially in the past to show disapproval 赤色分子;共产主义者;激进左翼人士〔尤用于过去,含贬义〕
see red at see1(34)
Examples from the Corpus
Redn adjectiveadj  
n1 derogatory (especially in newspapers) supporting left-wing political ideas; Socialist or Communist
 ‘Red Ken wins seat in Parliament.’ (=newspaper report)
n2. of Communist countries; especially formerly the communist countries of Eastern Europe
n3. better Red than dead a phrase used during the Cold War by some people opposed to nuclear weapons, meaning that it would be better to be controlled by a Communist government than to be killed in a nuclear war
From Longman Business Dictionary
redred /red/ noun
be in the red to owe more money than you have, or to make a loss in a particular period of time
The company is some $6 million in the red.
compare in the black under black3
Origin red1
Old English read




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