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词汇 rein


Word family adjectivereinlessnounreinsmanrein
Related topics: Horses
rein1 /reɪn/ noun   rain, reign
1. DSH[countableC usually plural] a long narrow band of leather that is fastened around a horse’s head in order to control it 缰绳 bridle
2 give (full/free) rein to something EXPRESSto allow an emotion or feeling to be expressed freely 放任〔情感〕,对〔思想〕不加约束
 He gave free rein to his imagination.
Examples from the Corpus
3. give somebody (a) free rein INDEPENDENT PERSONto give someone complete freedom to do a job in whatever way they choose 〔工作上〕给予某人绝对自由
Examples from the Corpus
4 keep a tight rein on somebody/something CONTROLto control something strictly 对某人/某事物严加控制
 The finance director keeps a tight rein on spending.
5 take/hand over the reins CONTROLto take or give someone control over an organization or country 接过/交出权力
 Owens will officially take over the reins in a few weeks.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
rein2 verb  
1rein something ↔ in (also rein something ↔ back British English) phrasal verbphr v 
a) CONTROLto start to control a situation more strictly 开始对严加控制
 The government is reining in public expenditure.
b) DSHto make a horse go more slowly by pulling on the reins 用缰绳勒马〔使慢行〕
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
reinrein1 /reɪn/ noun
1keep a tight rein on something to control something strictly
The finance director keeps a tight rein on spending.
2take/hand over the reins to take or give someone control over an organization or country
I only took over the financial reins three weeks before the end of the financial year.
reinrein2 verb
rein something → in
Origin rein1
(1200-1300) Old French rene, from Latin retinere; → RETAIN




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