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词汇 rail


Word family nounrailagerailingrailbedrailbusrailcarrailcardrailheadrailmanrailroadrailroaderrailwayrailwaymanrailerrailleryrailraillyadjectiveraillessadverbrailingly
Related topics: Trains & railways, Household, Buildings, Clothes & fashion
ldoce_281_irail1 /reɪl/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 [uncountableU]TTT the railway system 铁路系统 train
 the American rail system
 a high-speed rail network
 Passengers want a better rail service.
 the Channel Tunnel and its rail links with London
by rail
 We continued our journey by rail.
 I need to buy a rail ticket.
 cheap rail fares
5  See picture of curtain rail 窗帘杆, towel rail 毛巾杆, handrail 扶手 ...
2. [countableC]TTT one of the two long metal tracks fastened to the ground that trains move along 铁路路轨
3 [countableC]DHTBB a bar that is fastened along or around something, especially to stop you from going somewhere or from falling 栏杆;扶手
 Several passengers were leaning against the ship’s rail.
guardrail, handrail
4 [countableC]DHDC a bar that you use to hang things on 〔挂东西用的〕横杆
 a towel rail
 a curtain rail
5 go off the rails informalSSSC to start behaving in a strange or socially unacceptable way 举止怪异;行为越轨
 At 17 he suddenly went off the rails and started stealing.
17 岁那年,他突然走上歪路,开始偷窃。
Examples from the Corpus
6 back on the rails happening or functioning normally again 恢复常态;东山再起
 The coach was credited with putting the team back on the rails.
Examples from the Corpus
rail + NOUN
the rail network/system (=the system of railway lines in a country)
The government has spent £2 billion on improving the country's rail network.
a rail service
People want a safe, reliable rail service.
a rail ticket
a first-class rail ticket
a rail fare
Rail fares are to increase by up to 9.4%.
rail travel
They had introduced measures to make rail travel safer.
a rail passenger
Rail passengers will have to pay more for their tickets next year.
a rail crash
Police have named four more victims of the Selby rail crash.
a rail link (=that makes train travel between two places possible)
He proposed building a high-speed rail link between the two airports.
Examples from the Corpus
rail2 verb  
1 [transitiveT]SEPARATE to enclose or separate an area with rails 用栏杆把围起;把隔开 cordon off
rail something off/in
 The police railed off the area where the accident happened.
2 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] formalANGRY to complain angrily about something, especially something that you think is very unfair 怒斥;抱怨
rail against/at
 Consumers rail against the way companies fix prices.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
railrail /reɪl/ noun [uncountableU]TRANSPORTTRANSPORT
travel or transport by train
What percentage of goods are sent by rail?
rail travel
Origin rail1
(1200-1300) Old French reille bar, from Latin regula ruler, from regere to keep straight
(1400-1500) French railler to make fun of, from Late Latin ragere to make the sound of a horse




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