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词汇 raid


Word family nounraiderraid
Related topics: Military, Police, Crime
raid1 /reɪd/ ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 PMa short attack on a place by soldiers, planes, or ships, intended to cause damage but not take control 突袭,袭击
 a bombing raid
 an air raid warning siren
raid on/against
 The colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base.
launch/carry out/stage a raid
 The army launched several cross-border raids last night.
air raid
2 SCPa surprise visit made to a place by the police to search for something illegal 〔警察的〕突击搜查
 a police raid
 an FBI raid
raid on
 Four people were arrested during a raid on a house in London.
 a dawn raid (=one made very early in the morning)
3 SCCan attack by criminals on a building where they believe they can steal money or drugs 抢劫;打劫
 a bank raid
raid on
 an armed raid on a shop in Glasgow
4. technicalBFS an attempt by a company to buy enough shares in another company to take control of it 突袭收购〔指为控制某公司而大量购入其股票〕
make a raid
Pirates often made daring raids on the port.
carry out a raid (=make a raid)
They were encouraged by the French king to carry out raids upon English ships.
launch a raid (=start a raid)
Rebel forces launched cross-border raids.
take part in a raid
They took part in various raids, including the bombing of Cologne in 1942.
an air raid (=when bombs are dropped from planes)
His parents were killed in an air raid.
a bombing raid
Bombing raids had destroyed most of the country's oil refineries.
a commando raid (=a raid by specially trained soldiers)
There had been two unsuccessful British commando raids.
a guerrilla raid (=a raid by a small unofficial military group)
From their base in the rainforest they staged guerilla raids on Nicaragua.
a night raid (=an attack that takes place at night)
The night raids were almost non-stop.
a cross-border raid (=across a border between two countries)
Cross-border raids into Kenya last year caused a serious diplomatic conflict.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Police, Military
raid2 ●●○ verb [transitiveT]  
1 SCPif police raid a place, they make a surprise visit to search for something illegal 〔警察〕突然搜查
 Police found weapons when they raided his home.
2 PMATTACKto make a sudden military attack on a place 〔军队〕突然袭击,偷袭
 air bases on the mainland from which the island could be raided
raiding party (=a group taking part in an attack) 突击小分队
3 STEALto go into a place and steal things 抢劫,劫掠
 The gang raided three homes in the area.
4 to go to a place that has supplies of food or drink and take some because you are hungry 洗劫,扫荡〔某处的食物〕
 Peter went into the kitchen to raid the fridge.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
raidraid /reɪd/ noun [countableC]FINANCE
an occasion when someone suddenly buys a lot of shares in a company, usually as part of an attempt to take control of it
raid on
In a successful raid on Emhart Corp., the Fisher-Getty partnership earned a $50 million investment profit.
bear raid dawn raid
Origin raid1
(1400-1500) Scottish English Old English rad ride, raid; → ROAD




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