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词汇 quality


Word family adjectivequalitativequalitiedadverbqualitativelynounquality assurancequality controlquality timequality
qual·i·ty1 /ˈkwɒləti $ ˈkwɑː-/ ●●● S1 W1 noun (plural qualities)  
1 [countableC, uncountableU]GOOD/EXCELLENTBAD how good or bad something is 质,质量,品质
 Much of the land was of poor quality.
 Use only high quality ingredients.
quality of
 The quality of the water is reasonably good.
2 [countableC usually plural]CHARACTER/PERSONALITY something that people may have as part of their character, for example courage or intelligence 素质;品德,品性 characteristic
 He shows strong leadership qualities.
 the personal qualities necessary to be a successful salesman
quality of
 the qualities of honesty and independence
3 [countableC]CHARACTER OF something something that is typical of one thing and makes it different from other things, for example size, colour etc 特征,特点,特性
 the drug’s addictive quality
quality of
 the physical and chemical qualities of the rock
4 [uncountableU]CHARACTER OF something a high standard 优质
 his pride in the quality of his craftsmanship
 wines of quality
5 quality of life CHARACTER OF somethinghow good or bad your life is, shown for example by whether or not you are happy, healthy, able to do what you want etc 生活质量
 drugs that improve the quality of life for very ill patients
Examples from the Corpus
good/high 好的/高的
I was impressed that the quality of their work was so high.
poor/low 差的/低的
The magazine is printed on low quality paper.
excellent/outstanding 极好的/出色的
The T-shirts are only $10 and the quality is excellent.
superior formal (=good or better quality) 优质的
These speakers offer superior quality sound.
top quality 最优质的
Our chef uses only top quality ingredients.
water/air quality 水质/空气质量
Scientists took samples to test the water quality.
sound quality 音质
nI apologise for the poor sound quality of this recording.
picture quality (also image quality) 画质
nDoes this type of TV set have a better picture quality?
improve/enhance the quality 提高质量
The measures will improve the quality of the water in the river.
affect the quality 影响质量
Lack of sleep started to affect the quality of his work.
test/check/monitor the quality 检验/检查/监督质量
The equipment is used to monitor the city’s air quality.
maintain the quality 保持质量
nStaffing problems made it difficult to maintain the quality of the service.
the quality goes up/down 质量提高/下降
nI think the quality has gone down over the years.
the quality suffers (=it is badly affected by something) 质量受损
nThe picture quality suffers if the signal isn’t digital.
quality + NOUN
quality standards 质量标准
Greater investment is needed to meet the European Union’s strict quality standards.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘living quality’ or ‘life quality’. Say quality of life.
不要说living qualitylife quality’. 而要说 quality of life.
Examples from the Corpus
quality2 adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
1 GOOD/EXCELLENT[no comparative] very good – used especially by people who are trying to sell something 优质的,非常好的〔尤用作推销语〕
 quality childcare at prices people can afford
 quality double glazing
2. quality newspapers/press etc British EnglishBrETCN newspapers etc intended for educated readers 高质量的[内容严肃的]报纸/报刊等
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
qualityqual·i·ty1 /ˈkwɒlətiˈkwɑː-/ noun (plural qualities)
1[countableC] something such as courage, intelligence, or loyalty that people may have as part of their character
You need special personal qualities to work as a nurse.
2[countableC] something such as size, colour, feel, or weight that makes one thing look different from other things
The analysis looks at the physical and chemical qualities of the sample.
3[uncountableU] used to talk about how good or bad something is
the high quality of the service
She was shocked by thelow quality of the healthcare available.
4[uncountableU]FINANCE used to talk about how likely an investment is to be profitable
The bond issues carried triple-A ratings and appealed to individuals looking for high-quality securities.
credit quality
5[uncountableU] a high standard
Remember it’s quality we’re looking for, so don’t rush the job.
The company has a worldwide reputation for the quality of its products.
6flight to qualityMARKETING when people stop buying low-quality products, investments etc and start buying high-quality products etc
The company saw a flight to quality among whisky drinkers and worked to improve the image of its whisky brands.
qualityquality2 adjectiveadj [only before a noun]
1a word meaning very good, used especially in advertising products
We provide quality rented accommodation for professional people.
quality childcare at prices people can afford
2quality newspapers/press/journalism British EnglishBrE newspapers etc aimed at educated readers
Origin quality1
(1200-1300) Old French qualité, from Latin qualitas, from qualis of what kind




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