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词汇 put out

put out

put out
phrasal verbphr v 
a) fire/cigarette etc/香烟等 put something ↔ outSTOP something THAT IS HAPPENING to make a fire etc stop burning 扑灭火;熄灭香烟 SYN extinguish
 The rescue services are still trying to put out the fires.
b) light put something ↔ outSWITCH ON OR OFF to make a light stop working by pressing or turning a button or switch 关灯 SYN switch off
c) make available 准备好 put something ↔ out to put things where people can find and use them 预备好〔以便使用〕
 The girls helped her to put out the cups and plates.
d) feel/be put outOFFEND to feel upset or offended 感到不高兴[恼火]
 We were a little put out at not being invited to the wedding.
e) make extra work 添麻烦 put somebody outPROBLEM to make extra work or cause problems for someone 给某人添麻烦
 Mary can’t come to dinner tonight. She hopes it won’t put you out.
f) put yourself outHELP to make an effort to do something that will help someone 努力做某事以帮助某人
 They had put themselves out to entertain her during her visit.
g) take outside 拿出去 put something ↔ outPUT to take something outside your house and leave it there 把某物拿到房子外
 Remember to put the cat out before you go to bed.
put the rubbish/garbage etc out (=put unwanted things outside your house to be taken away) 把垃圾等清理出去
put the washing out (=put clothes outside to dry) 把洗好的衣服晾出去
h) put your tongue outRUDE/IMPOLITE to push your tongue out of your mouth, especially as a rude sign to someone 伸出舌头〔尤作为不礼貌的表示〕
i) put your hand/foot/arm outSTICK OUT to move your hand etc forward and away from your body 伸出手//胳膊
 He put out his hand toward her.
j) make unconscious 使失去知觉 put somebody outMH to make someone unconscious before a medical operation 〔手术前〕麻醉某人
k) put your back outMI to injure your back 背部受伤
l) produce STH 制作某物 put something ↔ outTC to broadcast or produce something for people to read or listen to 播出;制作〔电视或广播节目〕;出版〔书刊等〕
 They put out a half-hour programme on young refugees.
m) put out feelersFIND OUT to try to discover information or opinions by listening to people or watching what is happening 通过倾听[观察]发现信息[了解观点]
 He had already put out feelers with local employers but they hadn’t been interested.
n) shipTTW if a ship puts out, it starts to sail 〔船〕出航
o) have sex 发生性关系 American EnglishAmE informalSEX/HAVE SEX WITH if a woman puts out, she has sex with a man 〔女人〕与男人发生性关系
p) baseball 棒球 put somebody outDSB to prevent a baseball player from running around the bases, for example by catching the ball that they have hit 把击球员杀出局
Examples from the Corpus
put out at put(PHRASAL VERB)




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