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词汇 punch


Word family nounpuncherpunchboardpunchlinepunch-uppunchbowladjectivepunchypunch-drunkverbpunch
punch1 /pʌntʃ/ ●●● S3 verb [transitiveT]  
1 hit 击打HIT to hit someone or something hard with your fist (=closed hand) 用拳猛击〔某人或某物〕
 He punched me and knocked my teeth out.
punch somebody on/in something
 He punched Jack in the face.
see thesaurus at hit
2 make holes 打孔HOLE to make a hole in something, using a metal tool or other sharp object 〔用金属工具或其他尖物〕在〔某物〕上打孔
 The guard punched my ticket and I got on.
 These bullets can punch a hole through 20 mm steel plate.
3 push buttons 按键PRESS to push a button or key on a machine 按〔按钮或键〕
 Just punch the button to select a track.
4. punch holes in somebody’s argument/idea/plans etc to criticize someone’s views, idea, plans etc by showing why they are wrong 批评某人的论点/观点/计划等并指出其毛病
5 punch the air to make a movement like a punch towards the sky, to show that you are very pleased 挥舞拳头〔以示喜悦〕
 He punched the air in triumph.
Examples from the Corpus
6. punch somebody’s lights out informalHIT to hit someone hard in the face 猛击某人的脸
7. punch the clock American EnglishAmE informalBEC to record the time that you start or finish work by putting a card into a special machine 打卡上下班
Examples from the Corpus
8. cattle American EnglishAmE old-fashionedTA to move cattle from one place to another 赶〔牛〕
9. punch above your weight informal if businesses, organizations, teams etc punch above their weight, they are successful in an activity or task which usually needs more money, power, skill etc than they seem to have – used especially in newspapers 完成超出自己能力的事〔尤用于报纸中〕
10punch in phrasal verbphr v 
a) American EnglishAmEBEC to record the time that you arrive at work, by putting a card into a special machine 〔在特制机器中〕打卡记录上班时间,上班打卡 SYN British English clock in
b) punch something ↔ inTD to put information into a computer by pressing buttons or keys 〔按下按钮或键〕往计算机里输入信息
11punch out phrasal verbphr v American EnglishAmE 
a) BECto record the time that you leave work, by putting a card into a special machine 〔在特制机器中〕打卡记录下班时间,下班打卡 SYN British English clock out
b) punch somebody outHIT to hit someone so hard that they become unconscious 将某人击昏
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Drink, Tools
punch2 ●●○ noun  
1 [countableC]HIT a quick strong hit made with your fist (=closed hand) 用拳打
punch in/on
 a punch in the kidneys
 I managed to land a punch on his chin.
 The two men started throwing punches (=trying to hit each other).
2 [singular, uncountableU]EFFECTIVE a strong effective way of expressing things that makes people interested 〔语言文字的〕力量,感染力
 Thirty years after it was written, Orton’s ‘Entertaining Mr Sloane’ still packs a punch.
3 [countableC, uncountableU]DFD a drink made from fruit juice, sugar, water, and usually some alcohol 宾治,潘趣酒〔用果汁、糖和水制成,一般含酒精〕
 a glass of hot punch
4. hole_punch.jpg [countableC]TZ a metal tool for cutting holes or for pushing something into a small hole 打孔器;冲压器5 see picture at 见图 stationery
5 a one-two punch two bad events that happen close together 双重打击
 A meteorite collided with Earth at the same time, delivering a one-two punch to the magnetic field.
Examples from the Corpus
6 not pull any/your punches to express disapproval or criticism clearly, without trying to hide anything 〔批评时〕毫不留情
 The inquiry report doesn’t pull any punches in apportioning blame.
7 beat somebody/something to the punch informal to do or get something before anyone else does 先发制人,抢先做某事[得到某物]
 Hitachi has beaten its competitors to the punch with its new palmtop.
Examples from the Corpus
8 as pleased as punch HAPPY old-fashioned very happy 【过时】非常快乐,十分开心
 He’s as pleased as punch about the baby.
Examples from the Corpus
pack a (hard) punch at pack1(8)
throw a punch (=try to hit someone)
Rob was so angry that he turned round and threw a punch at the man.
land a punch (=manage to hit someone)
Then I began to land some good punches.
give somebody a punch
He gave me a punch on the nose.
deliver a punch formal (=hit someone)
Who actually delivered the punch that killed the man?
take a punch (=be hit, or deal well with being hit)
I took a lot of punches but I gave a lot too.
a hard/powerful punch
My stomach took a couple of hard punches.
a good punch
Tyson landed one good punch but it wasn’t enough.
a knockout punch (=a blow that knocks someone down so that they cannot get up again)
In the fourth round, Lewis produced a knockout punch that ended the fight.
Examples from the Corpus
n1. Mr Punch the main character in a punch and judy show
2 as pleased as Punch old-fash very happy 【过时】非常快乐,十分开心
 He’s as pleased as Punch about the baby.
Punch2n trademark  
n1.a British weekly magazine which was started in 1841 and continued to be published until 2002. It is known especially for its humorous articles and cartoons.
From Longman Business Dictionary
punchpunch (also hole punch) noun [countableC]OFFICE
a metal tool used for making holes in paper or steel
Pass me the punch.
punchpunch1 /pʌntʃ/ verb [transitiveT]
to make a hole in something, for example a card that shows what time you arrived at work or left work
Any employee forgetting to punch his card must report it to his supervisor as soon as possible for payment authorization.
punch in
punch out
Origin punch1
(1300-1400) Old French poinçonner to make a hole in, from poinçon tool for making holes
1. (1500-1600) → PUNCH1
2. (1600-1700) Perhaps from Hindi pãc five; because there are five things that go into it.
3. (1500-1600) Probably from puncheon; → POUNCE
4. (1800-1900) Punch character in children's puppet shows, from Punchinello, probably from Italian dialect polecenella little chicken




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