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词汇 pull


Word family nounpullerpullbackpulloververbpull
Related topics: Illness & disability, Crime, Sport
pull1 /pʊl/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 move STH towards you 把某物拉过来 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]PULL to use your hands to make something or someone move towards you or in the direction that your hands are moving 拉;扯;拖 OPP push
 Mom! Davey’s pulling my hair!
妈妈! 戴维拽我的头发!
pull somebody/something into/away from/over etc something
 He pulled her down into her seat.
pull something open/shut
 She pulled open the door and hurried inside.
2 remove 去掉 [transitiveT]PULL to use force to take something from the place where it is fixed or held
 She has to have two teeth pulled.
pull something out/off/away etc
 Vicky had pulled the arm off her doll.
3 make STH follow you 让某物跟着你 [transitiveT]PULL to be attached to something or hold something and make it move behind you in the direction you are going 拖动,牵引
 a tractor pulling a trailer
4 take STH out 取出某物 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to take something out of a bag, pocket etc with your hand 〔用手〕拿出,掏出
 He pulled out his wallet and said ‘let me pay’.
 Ben pulled a pen from his pocket.
pull a gun/knife (on somebody) (=take one out, ready to use it) 拔出枪/刀(对准某人)
5 clothing 服装 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]PULL to put on or take off a piece of clothing, usually quickly 〔常指迅速地〕穿上,脱下
pull on/off/up/down etc
 He pulled off his damp shirt.
6 move your body 移动身体
a) [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]BACK/BACKWARDS to move your body or part of your body away from someone or something 挣脱,移开,抽出
pull something away/free
 She tried to pull her hand free, but it was held fast.
pull something out of/from something
 She struggled fiercely, trying to pull her arm out of his grasp.
pull away/back
 She pulled away from him.
b) pull yourself up/to your feet etcPULL to hold onto something and use your strength to move your body towards it 〔抓住某物〕用力移动〔身体〕
 Benny pulled himself up from the floor with difficulty.
7 muscle 肌肉 [transitiveT]MI to injure one of your muscles by stretching it too much during physical activity 拉伤〔肌肉〕 SYN strain
 Paul pulled a muscle trying to lift the freezer.
see thesaurus at hurt
8 pull strings to secretly use your influence with important people in order to get what you want or to help someone else 〔为了自己的利益或帮助别人而〕托关系,走后门
 Francis pulled strings to get him out of trouble.
Examples from the Corpus
9 pull the/somebody’s strings to control something or someone, especially when you are not the person who is supposed to be controlling them 幕后操纵;暗中控制
 It was widely believed that Montagu was secretly pulling the strings behind the prime minister.
Examples from the Corpus
10 trick/crime 诡计/罪行 [transitiveT] informalSCC to succeed in doing something illegal or dishonest or in playing a trick on someone 犯下〔罪行〕;使出〔诡计〕
 The gang have pulled another bank robbery.
 He was trying to pull a fast one (=deceive you) when he told you he’d paid.
pull a stunt/trick/joke
 Don’t you ever pull a stunt like that again!
11 pull somebody’s leg JOKEto tell someone something that is not true, as a joke 开某人的玩笑,耍弄某人,诓骗某人
 I haven’t won, have I? You’re pulling my leg.
Examples from the Corpus
12 pull the other one (it’s got bells on) British EnglishBrE spokenJOKE used to tell someone that you think they are joking or not telling the truth 别逗了
 Your dad’s a racing driver? Pull the other one!
13 switch 开关 [transitiveT]PULL to move a control such as a switch, lever, or trigger towards you to make a piece of equipment work 拉〔开关〕;扣〔扳机〕
 She raised the gun, and pulled the trigger.
14 pull the curtains/blinds DHto open or close curtains or blinds 拉开[拉上]窗帘/百叶帘
 It was already getting dark so he pulled the curtains.
Examples from the Corpus
15 crowd/votes etc 人群/选票等 [transitiveT]GET if an event, performer etc pulls crowds or a politician pulls a lot of votes, a lot of people come to see them or vote for them 吸引〔大量选票或人〕,招徕〔支持〕
 Muhammad Ali can still pull the crowds.
16 attract/influence 吸引/影响 [transitiveT] to attract or influence someone or their thoughts or feelings 吸引,影响〔他人的思想或感情〕
 The city’s reputation for a clean environment has pulled new residents from other states.
17 sexually attract 具有性吸引力 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] British EnglishBrE spokenSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to attract someone in order to have sex with them or spend the evening with them 勾引
 He knew he could pull any girl he wanted.
18 stop event 取消活动 [transitiveT] to stop a planned event from taking place 取消〔预定的活动〕
 They pulled the concert.
19. pull somebody’s licence informalSCL to take away someone’s licence to do something, especially to drive a car, because they have done something wrong 吊销某人的(驾驶)执照
20 stop a vehicle 让车辆停下 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to drive a vehicle somewhere and stop, or to make a vehicle gradually slow down and stop 〔把车〕开到某处停下;〔把车〕停在某处
pull something into/towards/down etc something
 She pulled the car into a side street.
 The bus pulled to a halt.
21. car 汽车 [intransitiveI]TTC if a car pulls to the left or right as you are driving, it moves in that direction because of a problem with its machinery 〔汽车由于机械故障不向正前方行驶而〕侧斜
22 something is like pulling teeth used to say that it is very difficult or unpleasant to persuade someone to do something 〔劝某人〕做某事就像拔牙一样困难
 Getting him to do his homework is like pulling teeth.
Examples from the Corpus
23 beer 啤酒 [transitiveT] British EnglishBrEDF to get beer out of a barrel by pulling a handle 拉酒桶把手放出〔啤酒〕
 The barman laughed and began to pull a couple of pints.
24. pull a punch HITto deliberately hit someone with less force than you could do, so that it hurts less 故意不使出全力打某人〔以避免伤害〕 not pull any punches at punch2(6)
25. cricket/golf/baseball 板球/高尔夫球/棒球 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DS to hit the ball in cricket, golf, or baseball so that it does not go straight but moves to one side 击(球)向左[]
26. row a boat 划船 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]TTWTTW to make a boat move by using oars 划(船)
pull/make a face at face1(2), → pull your finger out at finger1(12), → pull rank (on somebody) at rank1(5), → pull the rug (out) from under somebody’s feet at rug(3), → pull the plug (on something) at plug1(5), → pull your socks up at sock1(3), → pull your weight at weight1(12), → pull the wool over somebody’s eyes at wool(4)
pull to make something or someone move in the direction that your hands are moving 拉;拽
He pulled her towards him and kissed her.
Sam was pulling on his socks.
tug to pull something suddenly with a short quick movement, often to get someone’s attention 〔突然而迅速地〕拉,
‘Look, ’ he said, tugging at his brother’s sleeve.
I tugged at the drawer but it wouldn’t open.
drag to pull something along the ground, especially because it is heavy ,拉〔重物〕
If we can’t lift the piano, we’ll have to drag it.
haul to pull something big and heavy using a lot of effort, especially upwards and using a rope 〔尤用绳子往上〕拖,
They hauled their boats further up the beach.
fishermen hauling in their nets
heave to pull or lift something very heavy, especially with one movement 〔尤指一下子〕拖,拉,举起〔重物〕
He heaved the sack of sand onto his shoulder.
draw formal to pull something or someone gently in a particular direction 〔轻柔地〕拉,
Lisa reached for his hand but he drew it away.
pull to be attached to a vehicle or piece of machinery and make it move behind you in the direction you are going 拖动,牵引〔车辆或机器〕
Ten dogs were pulling a sledge over the ice.
a tractor pulling a plough
tow to pull a vehicle behind – used about a vehicle, a boat, or a horse pulling something using a rope or chain 〔车辆、船、马等〕拖,牵引
The car in front of us was towing a caravan.
Horses were used to tow the boats along the canals.
draw to pull a vehicle such as a carriage – used especially about horses doing this 〔尤指用马〕拖,拉车辆〕
a carriage drawn by four horses
a horse-drawn cart
27pull ahead phrasal verbphr v TTif one vehicle pulls ahead of another, it gets in front of it by moving faster 〔车辆〕加快速度赶到〔的〕前面;加速超越〔车〕
 Schumacher pulled ahead of Montoya as the two drivers approached the first corner of the race.
Examples from the Corpus
28pull apart phrasal verbphr v 
a) pull something ↔ apart to separate something into pieces 把某物分成片[]
 Pull the meat apart with two forks.
b) SAD/UNHAPPY pull somebody ↔ apart to make the relationships between people in a group bad or difficult 使某些人关系紧张,使某些人不和睦
 His drinking pulled the family apart.
c) pull something ↔ apart to carefully examine or criticize something 仔细检查某事物;细致地批评某事物
 The selection committee pulled each proposal apart.
d) SEPARATE pull somebody/something ↔ apart to separate people or animals when they are fighting 拉开[分开]打架的人/争斗的动物
 The fight ended only when the referee pulled the two players apart.
e) if something pulls apart, it breaks into pieces when you pull on it 撕裂,撕碎
Examples from the Corpus
29pull at/on something phrasal verbphr v 
a) PULLto take hold of something and pull it several times 抓住并不断拉扯
 Mary was pulling nervously at her hair.
b) SMOKEto take smoke from a pipe or cigarette into your lungs 吸,抽〔烟斗或烟〕
 He pulled hard on the cigarette.
c) DFDto take a long drink from a bottle or glass 从〔瓶子或玻璃杯〕中大口地喝
Examples from the Corpus
30pull away phrasal verbphr v 
a) TTLEAVE A PLACEto start to drive away from a place where you had stopped 开始驶离,开走
 He waved as he pulled away.
b) TTDSto move ahead of a competitor by going faster or being more successful 超越〔对手〕
 Nkoku is pulling away from the other runners.
Examples from the Corpus
31pull back phrasal verbphr v 
a) to decide not to do or become involved in something 退出;退却
 In the end, he pulled back from financing the film.
b) to get out of a bad situation or dangerous place, or to make someone else do this (使)撤退,(使)撤离
 Many banks are pulling back from international markets.
pull somebody ↔ back
 They are preparing to pull back their forces.
c) pull something ↔ back British EnglishBrE if a team that is losing pulls back a goal or some points, it succeeds in scoring a goal or some points 〔比赛中〕扳回〔进球、得分等〕
 Our play improved and we pulled back two goals.
Examples from the Corpus
32pull down phrasal verbphr v 
a) pull something ↔ downTBCDESTROY to destroy something or make it stop existing 拆毁某物,拆掉某物
 My old school was pulled down.
b) pull down something to earn a particular amount of money 赚到〔一笔钱〕
 Real estate stocks pulled down total returns of 35.7 percent.
c) pull somebody downWORSE to make someone less successful, happy, or healthy 使某人受挫,使某人虚弱
 Her problems have really pulled her down.
d) pull down a menuTD to make a computer program show you a list of the things it can do 拉下计算机程序菜单
Examples from the Corpus
33pull for somebody/something phrasal verbphr v informal to encourage a person or team to succeed 打气
 The crowd were pulling for me to do well.
Examples from the Corpus
34pull in phrasal verbphr v 
a) TTCif a driver pulls in, they move to the side of the road and stop 〔汽车驾驶员〕驶向路边停下
 She pulled in to let the ambulance pass.
b) TTTif a train pulls in, it arrives at a station 〔火车〕到站,进站 OPP pull out
c) pull somebody/something ↔ inGET to attract business, money, people etc 吸引某人/某物
 a publicity stunt to pull in the crowds
d) pull in something informalBEWEARN if you pull in a lot of money, you earn it 挣,赚〔很多钱〕
e) pull somebody ↔ inSCP if a police officer pulls someone in, they take them to a police station because they think that person may have done something wrong 〔警察〕把〔嫌疑犯〕带回警察局,逮捕
Examples from the Corpus
35pull off phrasal verbphr v 
a) SUCCEED IN DOING something pull something ↔ off informal to succeed in doing something difficult 成功完成〔困难的事〕
 The goalkeeper pulled off six terrific saves.
b) TTC pull off (something) to drive a car off a road in order to stop, or to turn into a smaller road 驶离(道路)〔停下或进入小路〕
 We pulled off the road to get some food.
Examples from the Corpus
36.pull on something phrasal verbphr v to pull at something 拉扯某物
37pull out phrasal verbphr v 
i. TTCto drive onto a road from another road or from where you have stopped 〔从另一条路或停靠的地方〕开上路
 Don’t pull out! There’s something coming.
ii. TTCto drive over to a different part of the road in order to get past a vehicle in front of you 借道超车
 I pulled out to overtake a bus.
b) TTTif a train pulls out, it leaves a station 〔火车〕驶出车站,离站 OPP pull in
c) to stop doing or being involved in something, or to make someone do this (让)脱离;(使)退出
 McDermott pulled out with an injury at the last minute.
 They are trying to pull out of the agreement.
pull somebody out of something
 He threatened to pull his son out of the team.
d) to get out of a bad situation or dangerous place, or to make someone or something do this (使)摆脱〔不好的局面〕,(使)撤离〔危险的地方〕
 Jim saw that the firm was going to be ruined, so he pulled out.
pull somebody/something ↔ out
 Most of the troops have been pulled out.
 when the country was still pulling out of a recession
pull out all the stops at stop2(7)
Examples from the Corpus
38pull over phrasal verbphr v TTCto drive to the side of the road and stop your car, or to make someone else do this 使〔车辆〕停靠在路边
 The policeman signalled to him to pull over.
pull somebody/something ↔ over
 He pulled the car over.
 A cop pulled him over and gave him a speeding ticket.
Examples from the Corpus
39pull (somebody) through phrasal verbphr v 
a) SURVIVEto stay alive after you have been very ill or badly injured, or to help someone do this 〔从重病或重伤中〕恢复健康;帮助〔某人〕康复
 His injuries are severe but he’s expected to pull through.
bring (somebody) through at bring
b) SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto succeed in doing something very difficult, or to help someone to do this (帮助)克服困难,渡过难关
 He relied on his experience to pull him through.
Examples from the Corpus
40pull together phrasal verbphr v 
a) TRY TO DO OR GET somethingif a group of people pull together, they all work hard to achieve something 〔一群人〕同心协力,通力合作
 If we all pull together, we’ll finish on time.
b) pull yourself togetherCONTROL to force yourself to stop behaving in a nervous, frightened, or uncontrolled way 控制自己的情绪,让自己冷静
 With an effort Mary pulled herself together.
c) pull something togetherIMPROVE to improve something by organizing it more effectively 整顿某事物,把某事物重新组织好
 We need an experienced manager to pull the department together.
Examples from the Corpus
41pull up phrasal verbphr v 
a) TTCto stop the vehicle that you are driving 〔使车〕停下
 He pulled up in front of the gates.
b) pull up a chair/stool etcSIT to get a chair etc and sit down next to someone who is already sitting 拿把椅子/凳子等〔坐在某人旁边〕
c) pull somebody up especially British EnglishBrETELL somebody OFF to stop someone who is doing something wrong and tell them you do not approve 责备[斥责]某人
pull somebody up on
 I felt I had to pull her up on her lateness.
pull somebody up short at short3(7)
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Physics, Cricket, Golf
pull2 ●○○ noun  
1 act of moving STH 移动某物的动作 [countableC] an act of using force to move something towards you or in the same direction that you are moving 拉;拔;拖 OPP push
 He gave her a sharp pull forward.
2 force [countableC usually singular]HP a strong physical force that makes things move in a particular direction 拉力,引力
 the gravitational pull of the Moon
3 attraction 吸引力 [countableC usually singular]WANT the ability to attract someone or have a powerful effect on them 〔对某人的〕吸引力,影响力
pull of
 After about a year I gave in to the pull of fatherhood.
4 influence 影响 [singular, uncountableU] informalADVANTAGE special influence or power over other people 〔对他人的特殊〕影响力
 His family’s name gives him a lot of pull in this town.
5 climb 攀登 [singular] British EnglishBrECLIMB a difficult climb up a steep road 费力的攀登
 It was a long pull up the hill.
6 muscle 肌肉 [countableC usually singular] an injury to one of your muscles, caused by stretching it too much during exercise 拉伤
 a groin pull
7 smoke/drink/饮料 [countableC]SMOKE an act of taking the smoke from a cigarette, pipe etc into your lungs or of taking a long drink of something 深吸;大口喝
pull on/at
 She took a long pull on her cigarette.
8 handle 把手 [countableC]DH a rope or handle that you use to pull something 〔用以拉动某物的〕拉绳,把手
 He popped the ring pull on another can of lager.
9. cricket/golf/baseball 板球/高尔夫球/棒球 [countableC]DSCDSG a way of hitting the ball in cricket, golf, or baseball so that it does not go straight, but moves to one side 向左侧[右侧]的一击
10. on the pull British EnglishBrE informal trying to find someone who will take part in sexual activity with you 寻觅性交对象
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
pullpull /pʊl/ verb
pull in
pull something → off
pull out
pull together
Origin pull1
Old English pullian





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