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词汇 protect


Word family noun protection protector protectionism protectionist protectiveness protectorate protectantprotectorshipprotectoryprotectressprotective custodyadjective protectedunprotected protective protectionist protectingprotectoralprotectorialprotectorlessverb protect adverb protectively protectingly
Related topics: Economics
pro·tect /prəˈtekt/ ●●● S2 W2 verb  
1 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]PROTECT to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness 保护;防护 protection, protective
 Are we doing enough to protect the environment?
protect somebody/something from something
 The cover protects the machine from dust.
protect somebody/something against something
 Physical exercise can protect you against heart disease.
protect against something
 Waxing your car will help protect against rust.
2 [transitiveT] if an insurance company protects your home, car, life etc, it agrees to pay you money if things are stolen or damaged or you are hurt or killed 〔保险公司〕为提供保险 SYN cover
 Unemployment insurance means that you are partially protected if you lose your job.
Protect is usually passive in this meaning.
3. PE[transitiveT] to help the industry and trade of your own country by taxing or restricting foreign goods 〔通过征收关税或限制进口商品〕保护〔国内工商业〕
protect to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness 保护
Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.
The government wants to protect the environment.
Eating healthily helps to protect against many diseases.
give/offer/provide protection to protect someone from something harmful 提供保护
Wearing a hat offers some protection from the sun.
The drug can give protection against cancer.
nThe law provides no protection.
guard to protect a person, place, or object by staying near them and watching them 保卫,守卫
Police officers guarded the entrance to the building.
He is guarded by armed men.
save to protect someone or something when they are in danger of being harmed or destroyed 拯救,营救
Local people are fighting to save the theatre from demolition.
Emergency aid could save millions of people who are threatened with starvation.
preserve to keep something, especially buildings or the environment, from being harmed, destroyed, or changed too much 保存,保护〔尤指建筑或环境〕
The organization works to preserve forests.
There is little money for preserving historic buildings.
safeguard to protect something important, such as people’s rights, interests, jobs, health etc 保护,保障
The deal will safeguard 200 jobs at the factory.
Laws should do more to safeguard the rights of victims.
shield to put something in front of something else to protect it. Also used to talk about protecting people from unpleasant situations 遮蔽;防护
He lifted his hand to shield his eyes from the light.
They thought the public should be shielded from the truth.
shelter to provide a place where someone or something is protected from the weather or from danger 遮蔽,庇护
The village is sheltered by a belt of trees.
His family had sheltered Jews during the war.
harbour British EnglishBrE, harbor American EnglishAmE to help and protect someone who has done something illegal, and prevent the police from finding them 窝藏,包庇〔罪犯〕
He is accused of harbouring suspected terrorists.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
protectpro·tect /prəˈtekt/ verb [transitiveT]
1to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, bad influences etc
laws protecting the rights of disabled people
P&G wants to protect its $180 million investment by obtaining a 10-year extension of three patents.
protect somebody/something from something
The cover protects the machine from dust.
protect (somebody/something) against
The wage index system protects workers against inflation.
2ECONOMICSto try to help an industry in your own country by taxing foreign goods that are competing with it, so limiting the number that can be imported
For decades, the Mexican government protected its domestic growers by regulating corn imports.
3INSURANCEto provide insurance against damage to your home, car, etc
Having unemployment insurance means that you are partially protected if you lose your job.
protected adjectiveadj [only before a noun]
Global banking has changed from being aprotected industry to a deregulated one.
Tight import quotas in five protected markets will be gradually reduced.
Origin protect
(1400-1500) Latin past participle of protegere, from tegere to cover




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