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词汇 professional


Word family noun profession professional professionalism adjective professionalunprofessional adverb professionally unprofessionally
Related topics: Occupations
pro·fes·sion·al1 /prəˈfeʃənəl/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL adjectiveadj  
1 job 工作 [only before noun]BOJOB/WORK
a) relating to a job that needs special education and training 职业的,专业的
 What professional qualifications does he have?
 It is essential to get good professional advice.
 You may need to seek professional help.
b) relating to your job or work and not to your private life 工作上的〔相对于私人生活而言〕
 professional contacts
2 well trained 受过良好训练的EFFICIENT showing that someone has been well trained and is good at their work 专业的,内行的
 This business plan looks very professional.
 a more professional approach to work
3 paid 有报酬的BO doing a job, sport, or activity for money, rather than just for fun 职业性的;专业的;非业余的 amateur
 a professional tennis player
 a professional army
turn/go professional (=start to do something as a job) 开始以做某事为职业
4 team/event 球队/比赛项目BO done by or relating to people who are paid to do a sport or activity 由职业人员参加的;职业性的 amateur
 a professional hockey team
 The golf tournament is a professional event.
5 professional person/man/woman etc BOJOB/WORKsomeone who works in a profession, or who has an important position in a company or business 专业人员;专家
 We’d prefer to rent the house to a professional couple.
Examples from the Corpus
6. professional liar/complainer etc TOO/TOO MUCHsomeone who lies or complains too much – used humorously 撒谎/抱怨等的专家〔幽默用法〕
Examples from the Corpus
professionalization /prəˌfeʃənəlaɪˈzeɪʃən $ -lə-/ noun [uncountableU]
 the increasing professionalization of childcare services
professionalize /prəˈfeʃənəlaɪz/ verb [transitiveT]
professional advice
Everyone considering buying a house should seek professional advice.
professional help
It is very important for parents to get professional help if this problem arises.
professional qualifications
Many of the courses lead directly to professional qualifications.
professional training
All the charity’s workers are volunteers, without professional training.
professional standards
The Law Society’s function is to maintain the highest professional standards.
a professional body/association (=organization that people from a particular profession can belong to)
Is your architect a member of a professional body?
a professional career
After retiring from sport, he began his professional career as a journalist.
somebody’s professional life
At this point she took the biggest risk of her professional life.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Occupations
professional2 ●●○ W3 AWL noun [countableC]  
1 BOsomeone who earns money by doing a job, sport, or activity that many other people do just for fun 〔相对于业余爱好者的〕职业人士,职业选手 amateur
 Hurd signed as a professional in 1998.
 top snooker professionals
2 BOJOB/WORKsomeone who works in a job that needs special education and training, such as a doctor, lawyer, or architect 专业人士,专家〔如医生、律师、建筑师等〕
 health professionals (=doctors, nurses etc)
3 EXPERIENCEDsomeone who has a lot of experience and does something very skilfully 老手,内行
 You sing like a real professional.
4. tennis/golf/swimming etc professional DSBOsomeone who is very good at a sport and is employed by a private club to teach its members 〔私人俱乐部的〕网球/高尔夫球/游泳等教练
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
professionalpro·fes·sion·al1 /prəˈfeʃənəl/ adjectiveadj [only before a noun]
1connected with a job requiring advanced education and special training
professional qualifications
professional trade associations
providers of business andprofessional services
2(continuing) professional development abbreviation CPDHUMAN RESOURCES training offered to people working in professions as part of their job
the Law Society’s continuing professional development scheme
3approving very well trained and showing high standards of work
The women made an excellent showing — they were every bit as professional as their male colleagues.
If you build your business and run it in a professional way, you’ll be around to pick up the rewards.
4doing an activity, sport etc to earn money, rather than for pleasure
a professional footballer
The weather could put a third of the nation’s professional beekeepers out of business.
professionalprofessional2 noun [countableC]
1JOBsomeone who does a job requiring advanced education and special training
A number of market professionals are recommending cyclical stocks.
Business Risks employs 225 professionals, many of them former law-enforcement officers.
2someone who is very experienced, has a lot of knowledge, and does things very skilfully
The successful applicant will be a decisive professional, capable of making hard decisions.
3JOBsomeone who earns money doing a job, sport etc that other people do for pleasure
Nike say the shoe is designed for professionals and advanced amateurs (=people who do a sport for pleasure).




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