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词汇 press


Word family noun press pressure pressing presserpressfulpressionpress agentpress boxpress conferencepress cuttingpressfatpress gallerypressmanpressmarkpress officepress releasepressroompress-uppressworkadjective pressed pressing pressurized pressured verb press pressure pressurize press-gangadverbpressingly
Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing, Household, Leisure
press1 /pres/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  
1 news 新闻
a) the pressTCN people who write reports for newspapers, radio, or television 新闻界
 the freedom of the press
 The press has been very nasty about him.
nGRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?
The press is usually followed by a singular verb:
The press does not always report the whole story.
In British English, you can also use a plural verb:
The press do not always report the whole story.
b) TCNreports in newspapers and on radio and television 新闻报道;舆论
 To judge from the press, the concert was a great success.
 press reports
 The band has received good press coverage (=the reports written about something in newspapers).
local/national etc press
 The story was widely covered in the national press.
tabloid/popular etc press 小报/通俗报纸等
2 get/be given a bad press CRITICIZEto be criticized in the newspapers or on radio or television 受到新闻界[舆论界]的批评
 The government's policy on mental health care is getting an increasingly bad press.
3 get/have a good press PRAISEto be praised in the newspapers or on radio or television 受到新闻界[舆论界]的好评
 Our recycling policy is getting a good press.
Examples from the Corpus
4 printing 印刷 [countableC]
a) BBCTCNa business that prints and sometimes also sells books 出版社;印刷厂
 the Clarendon Press
b) (also printing press)TCN a machine that prints books, newspapers, or magazines 印刷机
5 machine 机器 [countableC]DHDL a piece of equipment used to put weight on something in order to make it flat or to force liquid out of it 压平机;压榨机
 a trouser press
 a flower press
6 push [countableC, usually singular] especially British EnglishBrEPUSH a light steady push against something small 按,揿
 Give the button another press.
7 go to press TCNif a newspaper, magazine, or book goes to press, it begins to be printed 付印,开印
 All information was correct at the time we went to press.
Examples from the Corpus
8. crowd 人群 [singular + of] especially British EnglishBrECROWD a crowd of people pushing against each other 拥挤的人群
the national press
There was very little about the incident in the national press.
the local press
Evening classes are advertised in the local press.
the British/American etc press
The British press have blamed other countries for North Sea pollution.
the foreign press
African countries want the foreign press to report African affairs.
the quality press (=newspapers intended for educated people)
The book received excellent reviews in the quality press.
the tabloid/popular press (=popular newspapers that have a lot of news about famous people etc, rather than serious news)
He regularly appeared in the tabloid press alongside well-known actresses.
the gutter press British EnglishBrE (=newspapers that print shocking stories about people’s private lives)
The gutter press enjoyed printing the sensational story.
a free press (=reporters whose reports are not restricted by the government)
I am glad that we have a free press in this country.
talk/speak to the press
He is reluctant to talk to the press.
tell the press something
‘It was a really tough decision, ’ she told the press.
leak something to the press (=give them secret information in an unofficial way)
The confidential report was leaked to the press.
press + NOUN
press reports
According to press reports, he was suffering from exhaustion.
press coverage (=articles in newspapers)
The event received a lot of press coverage.
a press photographer
A group of press photographers was waiting for her outside.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Clothes & fashion, Recording
press2 ●●● S1 W2 verb  
1 against STH 靠着某物 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]PUSH to push something firmly against a surface 按,压 SYN push
 Manville kept his back pressed flat against the wall.
 She pressed the gas pedal and the car leapt forwards.
 He pressed a card into her hand before leaving.
2 button 按钮 [transitiveT]PRESS to push a button, switch etc to make a machine start, a bell ring etc 按,揿 SYN push
 Lily pressed the switch and plunged the room into darkness.
 Press control, alt, delete to log on to the computer.
control alt delete键登录电脑。
3 clothes 衣服 [transitiveT]DC to make clothes smooth using a hot iron 熨平〔衣服〕 SYN iron
 I’ll need to press my suit.
4 crowd 人群 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]PUSH to move in a particular direction by pushing 拥挤着移动,挤着走
 The car rocked as the crowd pressed hard against it.
5 persuade 劝说 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]PERSUADE to try hard to persuade someone to do something, especially by asking them many times 极力劝说,敦促,催促
 I felt that if I had pressed him he would have lent me the money.
press somebody to do something
 The police pressed her to remember all the details.
press somebody for something
 The manufacturers are pressing the government for action.
press for
 We must continue to press for full equality.
 I was pressing my claim for custody of the child.
6 heavy weight 重量 [transitiveT]FLAT to put pressure or a weight on something to make it flat, crush it etc 压平[压扁]
 pressed flowers
 At this stage the grapes have to be pressed.
7 hold SB/STH close 抱紧某人/某物 [transitiveT]HOLD to hold someone or something close to you 使紧贴;紧抱
press somebody/something to you
 He reached out and pressed her to him.
8 press somebody’s hand/arm HOLDto hold someone’s hand or arm tightly for a short time, to show friendship, sympathy etc 紧握某人的手/手臂〔表示友好、同情等〕
 Sometimes he was too ill to speak, and just pressed my hand.
9. press charges SCLACCUSEto say officially that someone has done something illegal and must go to court 控告,提出诉讼
Examples from the Corpus
10 be pressed for time/cash etc to not have enough time, money etc 时间紧迫/现金紧缺等
 a government department that is pressed for both time and money
11 give 给予 [transitiveT] to offer something to someone and try to make them take it 极力把〔某物〕给〔某人〕
press something on somebody
 I pressed money on him, but he refused to take it.
12. exercise 运动 [transitiveT] to push a weight up from your chest using only your arms, without moving your legs or feet 推举
13 press somebody/something into service USE somethingto persuade someone to help you, or to use something to help you do something because of an unexpected problem or need 〔因意外问题或需求而〕将就使用[暂用]某人/某物
 The army was pressed into service to fight the fires.
Examples from the Corpus
14 press the flesh HELLOto shake hands with a lot of people – used humorously 与许多人握手〔幽默用法〕
 The president reached into the crowd to press the flesh.
Examples from the Corpus
15 press something home 
a) PUSHto push something into its place 把某物推入[压入,按入,塞入]适当的位置
 Jane slammed the door and pressed the bolt home.
b) EMPHASIZEto repeat or emphasize something, so that people remember it 重复[强调]某事物〔以使人们记住它〕
 He decided it was time to press his point home.
Examples from the Corpus
16. press home your advantage ADVANTAGEto try to succeed completely, using an advantage that you have gained 用足自己的优势;尽量利用时机
Examples from the Corpus
17. record 唱片 [transitiveT]TCR to make a copy of a record, CD etc 压制〔唱片等〕
18press on  (also press ahead phrasal verbphr v)CONTINUE/NOT STOP to continue doing something, especially working, in a determined way 坚定地继续〔尤指工作〕
 We’ll talk about your suggestion later – now let’s just press on.
 Shall we press ahead with the minutes of the last meeting?
Examples from the Corpus
be hard pressed to do something at hard2(5)
press to push something down or against a surface with your fingers or foot
The doctor gently pressed her stomach.
To move forward, press the accelerator.
I pressed ‘delete’ and started again.
squeeze to press something inwards from both sides
It’s one of those balls that make a funny noise when you squeeze it.
Squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the sauce.
squash to press something against a surface accidentally and damage it by making it flat
Don’t squash the tomatoes.
He sat on my hat and squashed it.
crush to press something very hard so that it breaks into very small pieces, or is very badly damaged
Crush two cloves of garlic.
The front of the car was completely crushed in the crash.
mash to press cooked vegetables or fruit until they are soft and smooth
Mash the potatoes while they are warm.
Babies love mashed bananas.
grind to press something solid until it becomes a powder, using a machine or tool
the machine that grinds the corn
freshly ground coffee
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
presspress1 /pres/ verb
1[intransitiveI, transitiveT] to try hard to persuade someone to do something
Investor Harold Simmons is pressing to have the company’s annual meeting delayed.
press somebody to do something
Finance Ministry officials are pressing the brokerage houses to eliminate the problem.
The extension will give the union more time to press Chrysler to keep the plant open.
2[transitiveT] if someone presses a claim, demand etc, they continue trying to get it accepted
China is pressing its claim to the scattered territories, some of which have oil-drilling potential.
We will continue to press our case vigorously in the courts.
3press charges press an action American EnglishAmELAW to say officially that someone has done something illegal and must go to court
A Citicorp official said the bank would not be pressing charges.
The government is pressing a civil action to get the money from investors.
press ahead
press ( somebody) for something
presspress2 noun
1the press the people writing for the newspapers, radio, or television
The judgement reflected badly on the press, including his own newspaper.
a meeting with the financial press
2[singular, uncountableU] reports in the newspapers and on radio and television
a savage attack on the banking sector inthe local press reports.
Criticism from the investigation committee could lead to some unpleasant press coverage (=reports in the newspapers, on television etc).
The FBI has been getting a bad press lately (=there have been a lot of reports criticizing it in the newspapers etc).
3[countableC] a business that prints and sometimes sells books
a small independent press
the University of Chicago Press
Origin press2
(1300-1400) Old French presser, from Latin pressare, from premere to press; → PRINT2





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