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词汇 pound


Word family nounpoundagepoundalpounderpound cakepound signpoundpounding
Related topics: Measurement, Motor vehicles
pound1 /paʊnd/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  
1 weight 重量 [countableC] (written abbreviation lb)TM a unit for measuring weight, equal to 16 ounces or 0.454 kilograms 磅〔重量单位,相当于16盎司或0.454公斤〕
pound of
 a pound of apples
 Moira weighs about 130 pounds.
 The grapes cost $2 a pound.
2 money [countableC] (also pound sterling)
a) PEC £ the standard unit of money in Britain, which is divided into 100 pence 英镑〔英国标准货币单位,等于100便士〕
 They spent over a thousand pounds.
 a multi-million pound business
 a five pound note
b) the (British) poundPEC the value of British money compared with the value of the money of other countries 英镑与外币的比值
 The pound was up against the dollar.
c) PECthe standard unit of money in various other countries, such as Egypt and the Sudan 镑〔埃及、苏丹等国的标准货币单位〕
3. for dogs and cats 用于狗和猫 [countableC usually singular]TTCHBP a place where dogs and cats that have been found on the street are kept until their owners come to get them 〔走失的狗、猫的〕待领场
4. for cars 用于汽车 [countableC]TTCHBP a place where cars that have been illegally parked are kept until their owners pay money to get them back 〔违规停放车辆的〕临时扣押场
5. get/take/demand etc your pound of flesh SUFFERto get the full amount of work, money etc that someone owes you, even though it makes them suffer and you do not really need it. The phrase comes from Shylock, a character in the play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. He is a Jewish money-lender who lends money to Antonio. When Antonio is unable to pay the money back, Shylock says he has the right to cut a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body. 无情地要回所欠之物〔此短语源自莎士比亚的戏剧《威尼斯商人》中放高利贷的犹太商人夏洛克一角〕
Examples from the Corpus
6. telephone 电话 [uncountableU] American EnglishAmE the pound key #号键
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Weapons
pound2 ●○○ verb  
1 hit 击打 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]HIT to hit something very hard several times and make a lot of noise, damage it, break it into smaller pieces etc 连续重击,猛打
 He began pounding the keyboard of his computer.
pound against/on
 Thomas pounded on the door with his fist.
 Waves pounded against the pier.
pound something against/on something
 Green pounded his fist on the counter.
see thesaurus at hit
2 heart 心脏 [intransitiveI]HBH if your heart or blood is pounding, your heart is beating very hard and quickly 〔心脏〕剧烈地跳动
pound with
 Patrick rushed to the door, his heart pounding with excitement.
 She ran, her heart pounding in her chest.
3. head [intransitiveI] if your head is pounding, it feels painful, especially because you have a headache or you have been using a lot of effort 〔头〕剧痛
4 move 移动 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep, transitiveT]RUN to walk or run quickly with heavy loud steps 脚步声沉重地走[]
pound along/through/down etc
 I could hear him pounding up the stairs.
 a policeman pounding his beat
 Runners will be pounding the pavement this weekend during the London Marathon.
5 attack with bombs 用炸弹袭击 [transitiveT]PMWATTACK to attack a place continuously for a long time with bombs 连续轰炸,猛烈袭击
 Enemy forces have been pounding the city for over two months.
6pound something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v to play music loudly 大声演奏
 The Rolling Stones were pounding out one of their old numbers.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
poundpound /paʊnd/ noun [countableC]
1 written abbreviation £ the standard unit of currency in Britain, which is divided into 100 pence
a twenty-pound note
a shortfall of millions of pounds
2the (British) pound the value of the British currency compared with that of other countries
The pound climbed strongly against the dollar.
grey pound pink pound
3the unit of currency in a number of countries, including Cyprus and Egypt
4 written abbreviation lb a unit of weight equal to 16 OUNCEs or 0.454 KILOGRAMs
Apple prices averaged 24.9 cents a pound.
Origin pound1
1. Old English pund, from Latin pondo
2. (1400-1500) Perhaps from Old English pund-, found only in compound words
Old English punian




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