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词汇 pot


Word family nounpotfulpotalepotboilerpotboilingpotboypotgunpotholepotholerpotholingpothookpothousepot luckpotmanpot plantpot roastpotsherdpotshoppot shotpotstonepotting shedpotpotheadadjectivepottablepotted
Related topics: Utensils, Gardening, Pottery & ceramics, Drug culture
ldoce_269_dpot1 /pɒt $ pɑːt/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 cooking_pot.jpg cooking 烹饪 [countableC]DFU a container used for cooking which is round, deep, and usually made of metal 〔通常为金属制成的圆而深的〕锅
 pots and pans
pot of
 There was a big pot of soup on the stove.
5  See picture of pot , teapot 茶壶, coffee pot 咖啡壶 ...4  See picture of 见图 pot4  See picture of 见图 PAN 1
2 for a plant 用于植物 [countableC]DLG a container for a plant, usually made of plastic or baked clay 花盆
 herbs growing in pots
3 tea/coffee/咖啡 [countableC]DFU a container with a handle and a small tube for pouring, used to make tea or coffee
 Is there any tea left in the pot?
pot of
 I’ll make a pot of coffee.
coffee pot, teapot
4 for food, paint etc 用于食物、油漆等 [countableC] British EnglishBrEDFU a round container for storing foods such as jam that are slightly liquid, or for substances such as glue or paint 罐;瓶
pot of
 a pot of blue paint
jam/paint/yoghurt etc pot 果酱瓶/油漆罐/酸奶瓶等
4  See picture of 见图 CONTAINER
5 bowl/dish etc/碟等 [countableC]TIP a dish, bowl, plate, or another container that is made by shaping clay and then baking it 陶碟;陶碗;陶盆;陶制容器 pottery
 an earthenware pot
6 go to pot informalFAIL if something such as a place or an organization goes to pot, it becomes much worse or fails because no one is taking care of it 衰落;荒芜;垮掉
 The government has let the whole country go to pot.
Examples from the Corpus
7 pots of money British EnglishBrE informalRICH a lot of money 大笔的金钱
 They’ve got pots of money in the bank.
 He’s hoping to make pots of money from the deal.
Examples from the Corpus
8 MONEYthe pot 
a) money that is available to do something, especially money that people have collected 凑集的资金
in the pot
 So far we’ve got £150 in the pot.
b) all the money that people have risked in a card game, and which can be won 〔纸牌游戏的〕全部赌注,赌注总额
in the pot
 There was $1000 in the pot.
Examples from the Corpus
9 drug 毒品 [uncountableU] old-fashioned informalMDD marijuana 大麻
 Michael was smoking pot with some friends.
10. (a case of) the pot calling the kettle black informalCRITICIZE used humorously to say that you should not criticize someone for something, because you have done the same thing or have the same fault 锅笑壶黑,五十步笑百步
Examples from the Corpus
11. stomach 肚子 [countableC] a potbelly 大肚子
12. hit a ball 击球 [countableC] British EnglishBrE the act of hitting a ball into one of the pockets (=holes at the edge of the table) in games such as billiards, pool, and snooker 〔台球等的〕击球入袋
13. toilet 马桶 [countableC] informal a toilet 抽水马桶
chamber pot, chimney pot, flowerpot, lobsterpot, melting pot
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Gardening, Other games
pot2 verb (potted, potting) [transitiveT]  
1 DLG (also pot up British EnglishBrE) to put a plant into a pot filled with soil 把〔植物〕栽入盆中
 Pot the seedlings after 2–3 weeks.
2. DGS British EnglishBrE to hit a ball into one of the pockets (=holes at the edge of the table) in games such as billiards, pool, and snooker 〔台球等中〕击〔球〕入袋 SYN pocket
Examples from the Corpus
Origin pot1
Old English pott




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