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词汇 poke


Word family nounpokerpokefuladverbpokerishlyadjectivepokeypokingpokypokedverbpoke
ldoce_264_cpoke1 /pəʊk $ poʊk/ ●●○ verb  
1 with a finger/stick etc 用手指/棒等 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]PUSH to quickly push your finger or some other pointed object into something or someone 戳,捅,刺
poke somebody/something with something
 Andy poked the fish with his finger to see if it was still alive.
poke somebody in the eye/arm/ribs etc
 Be careful with that umbrella or you’ll poke someone in the eye.
poke at
 He was poking at the dust with a stick, making little patterns.
see thesaurus at push
2 through a space/hole 通过空隙/ [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to move or push something through a space or opening 插;伸出;探出
poke something in/into/through something
 He poked a hand into one of his pockets.
 One of the nurses poked her head around the door.
3 be seen 被看见 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] if something is poking through or out of something else, you can see part of it but not all of it 中露出[伸出,探出]
poke out
 Ella looked at the tiny face poking out of the blanket.
poke through
 Weeds had started poking through the cracks in the patio.
4 poke a hole to make a hole or hollow area in something by pushing something pointed into or through it 〔在某物上〕戳[]一个洞
poke a hole into/in/through
 Poke a hole in the dough, and then form it into a rounded shape.
5 poke holes in something to find mistakes or problems in a plan or in what someone has said 在某事物中挑毛病[找漏洞]
 Defense attorneys tried to poke holes in Rodger’s story.
6 poke fun at somebody MAKE FUN OFto make fun of someone in an unkind way 嘲弄某人,取笑某人
 Some of the kids were poking fun at Judy because of the way she was dressed.
Examples from the Corpus
7 poke your nose into something informal to take an interest or get involved in someone else’s private affairs, in a way that annoys them 过问某事,插手某事〔指令人恼火地干预别人的私事〕
 I’m sick of your mother poking her nose into our marriage.
Examples from the Corpus
8. poke the fire BURNto move coal or wood in a fire with a stick to make it burn better 〔用棍棒〕拨[]
9. on the Internet 在因特网上 [transitiveT] to show someone on a social networking site that you want to communicate with them 〔在社交网站上表示想与某人交谈〕
10. sex [transitiveT] spoken not politeSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to have sex with a woman 与〔女人〕性交
11poke along phrasal verbphr v American EnglishAmE informal to move very slowly 缓慢移动
 He kept the car in the slow lane, poking along at about 40 miles an hour.
12poke around (also poke about British English) phrasal verbphr v informal 
a) LOOK FORto look for something, especially by moving a lot of things around 到处寻找,乱翻
 James began poking about in the cupboard, looking for the sugar.
b) FIND OUTto try to find out information about other people’s private lives, business etc, in a way that annoys them 打听,刺探〔别人的私事〕
 Stop poking around in my business!
c) poke around (something) to spend time in shops, markets etc looking at nothing in particular 闲逛 SYN browse
 I spent Sunday afternoon poking around an old bookshop.
Examples from the Corpus
13.poke into something phrasal verbphr v informal ldoce_264.png to try to find out information about other people’s private lives, business etc, in a way that annoys them 探听,打探〔别人的私事〕
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
poke2 noun [countableC]  
1 give somebody/something a poke PUSHto quickly push your fingers, a stick etc into something or someone 戳某人/某物一下
 Vanessa gave me a playful poke in the ribs.
Examples from the Corpus
5  See picture of POKE
2 American EnglishAmE informal a criticism of someone or something 批评
 Bennett took a poke at the president’s refusal to sign the bill.
3. the act of showing someone on a social networking site that you want to communicate with them 〔在社交网站上表示想与某人交谈〕
Examples from the Corpus




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