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词汇 poison


Word family adjectivepoisonablepoisonousnounpoisonerpoisonousnesspoison gaspoison pillpoisonadverbpoisonously
Related topics: Daily life
poi·son1 /ˈpɔɪzən/ ●●○ noun  
1 [countableC, uncountableU]DHARM/BE BAD FOR a substance that can cause death or serious illness if you eat it, drink it etc 毒素;毒物;毒药
 Belladonna and red arsenic are deadly poisons.
 a box of rat poison (=poison to kill rats)
 He swallowed some type of poison.
2 HARM/BE BAD FOR[countableC] something such as an emotion or idea that makes you behave badly or become very unhappy 使人不愉快的情绪,有害的思想
 Hatred is a poison that will destroy your life.
3. what’s your poison? old-fashioned spokenDRINK a humorous way of asking which alcoholic drink someone would like 你想喝什么穿肠毒物?〔指酒,幽默用法〕
one man’s meat is another man’s poison at meat(4)
take/swallow poison
He committed suicide by taking poison.
give somebody poison
She admitted two charges of giving poison to her daughter.
administer poison formal (=give it to someone)
He could not have administered the poison that had put Mark in a coma.
put poison in something
She put poison in his wine.
lace something with poison (=put poison in something)
He laced the emperor's tea with poison.
put poison down (=put it somewhere to kill an animal)
One way of getting rid of rats or mice is to put poison down.
a deadly poison
The berries contain a deadly poison.
a slow-acting/quick-acting poison
Cyanide is a very strong, quick-acting poison.
a virulent poison (=one that makes someone very ill or kills them)
Scorpions produce a virulent poison.
a dose of poison (=an amount of poison)
He had taken a massive dose of poison.
a trace of poison (=a small amount of poison that is still present somewhere)
Traces of the poison were found in the family car.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Environment & waste
poison2 ●○○ verb [transitiveT]  
1 HARM/BE BAD FORKILLto give someone poison, especially by adding it to their food or drink, in order to harm or kill them 毒害;毒杀
 She was accused in 1974 of poisoning her second husband, Charles.
1974 年她被控毒死了她的第二任丈夫查尔斯。
 He killed several people by poisoning their tea.
poison somebody with something
 Helms attempted to poison his whole family with strychnine.
2 if a substance poisons someone, it makes them sick or kills them 〔物质〕毒害,毒死
 Thousands of children were poisoned by radiation.
3 SGPDIRTYto make land, rivers, air etc dirty and dangerous, especially by the use of harmful chemicals 尤指有害化学物〕污染〔土地、河流、空气等〕
 Pesticides are poisoning our rivers.
4 HARM/BE BAD FORto have very harmful and unpleasant effects on someone’s mind, emotions, or a situation 毒害〔思想、情绪等〕,对有不良的影响,危害
 Her childhood had been poisoned by an abusive stepfather.
 The law will only serve to poison relations between the US and Mexico.
 Television violence is poisoning the minds of young people.
see thesaurus at spoil
5. poisoned chalice an important job that someone is given, which is likely to cause them a lot of trouble 金杯毒酒〔喻指可能给接受者带来很多麻烦的重要工作〕
poisoner noun [countableC]
Examples from the Corpus
Origin poison1
(1200-1300) Old French drink, poisonous drink, poison, from Latin potio; → POTION




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