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词汇 pointless


Word family noun point pointer pointlessness pointednesspointingpoint manpoint of orderpoint of salepoint of viewpointsmanadjective pointed pointy pointless verb point adverb pointlessly pointedly
point·less /ˈpɔɪntləs/ ●○○ adjectiveadj  
POINTLESSworthless or not likely to have any useful result 无益的,无用的
 Life just seemed pointless to me.
 a pointless quarrel
it is pointless doing something
 It’s pointless telling her to clean her room – she’ll never do it.
it is pointless to do something
 I think it would be pointless to discuss this issue again.
pointlessly adverbadv
pointlessness noun [uncountableU]
pointless not likely to have a useful result
She knew it would be pointless to argue with him.
The meeting was a pointless exercise.
futile completely pointless because there is no chance at all of being successful
She shut the door in a futile attempt to keep the smell out.
Their efforts proved futile (=did not have any success).
useless not useful or effective in any way
I knew it was useless to try to explain to him what had happened.
The map we had been given was useless.
hopeless having no hope of being successful or effective
It was a hopeless task.
He was jumping up and down in a hopeless attempt to keep warm.
be a waste of time/money/effort to be not worth the time, money etc that you use because you do not achieve anything
The whole process was a complete waste of time.
The scheme was a waste of money.
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